List of enterprises and organizations that received licenses for activities in the field of information security as of April 1998.

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List of enterprises and organizations that received licenses for activities in the field of information security as of April 1998.

List of enterprises and organizations that received licenses for activities in the field of information security as of April 1998.


of enterprises and organizations that received licenses for activities in the field of information security

As of April 1998.

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List of information security activities for which a license has been issued

1. Certification (1.1) and certification tests (1.2):
a) technical means of information protection;
b) protected technical means of information processing (TSIP);
c) technical means of monitoring the effectiveness of information protection measures;
d) software means of information protection from unauthorized access;
d) protected software means of information processing from unauthorized access;
e) software means of monitoring the security of information from unauthorized access.
g) software means for security requirements.


2. Monitoring the security of restricted information (2.1), certification of means and systems (2.2) for compliance with information security requirements:
a) automated systems of various levels and purposes;
b) communication systems, receiving, processing and transmitting data;
c) display and reproduction systems;
d) technical means (systems) that do not process restricted information, but are located in the premises where it is processed;
d) premises with means (systems) subject to protection;
e) premises intended for confidential negotiations.

3. Development (3.1), production (3.2), sale (3.3), installation (3.4), assembly (3.5), adjustment (3.6), testing (3.7), repair (3.8) and maintenance (3.9):
a) technical means of information protection;
b) protected TSOI;
c) technical means of monitoring the effectiveness of information protection measures;
d) software for information protection from unauthorized access;
d) protected software for processing information from unauthorized access;
e) software for monitoring the security of information from unauthorized access;
g) software for security requirements.


4. Conducting special studies on the PEMIN TSOI.

5. Designing objects in a protected version:
a) automated systems of various levels and purposes;
b) communication systems, reception, processing and transmission of data;
c) display and reproduction systems;
d) premises with means (systems) subject to protection;
e) premises intended for confidential negotiations.

6. Training and retraining of personnel in the field of information security for the types of activities listed in this list.

*) The following license forms have been canceled:
LG 0011, 000516; LG 0009, 000428; LG 0010, 000473; LG 0007, 000312; LG 0010, 000469;
LG 0014, 000683; LG 0014, 000691; LG 0012, 000567; LG 0012, 000589; LG 0012, 000585;
LG 0013, 000609; LG 0012, 000577; LG 0007, 000322; LG 0012, 000557; LG 0007, 000339;
LG 0019, 000914; LG 0013, 000642; LG 0011, 000503; LG 0012, 000555; LG 0012, 000573;
LG 0007, 000307; LG 0012, 000559; LG 0012, 000552; LG 0012, 000599; LG 0010, 000465;
LG 0019, 000902; LG 0012, 000594; LG 0019, 000920;

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