Journal TZ — Methodology for assessing the qualifications of security personnel.
Author: Alexander MALTSEV, Technical Director of Intel Tectum, PhD in Engineering
The tasks of assessing the qualification level of security personnel (divisions), including specialists in engineering and technical security means (ITSM), arise when forming plans for training and retraining employees, conducting employee certification, and preparing organizational and staffing activities in an organization.
Most often, subjective approaches to determining personnel qualifications are used. It seems appropriate to formalize this process to form objective assessments of the level of employee qualifications.
To assess the level of personnel qualifications, it is proposed to use two groups of indicators:
— indicators for assessing the level of professional knowledge;
— indicators for assessing skills (practical activity).
When assessing professional knowledge, the readiness of employees to perform assigned tasks is assessed.
When assessing practical activities, the results of a specific employee's work for a certain period are formalized.
The assessment of a team (department) is made up of individual assessments of employees and is the final indicator.
The assessment is carried out using individual tests. To conduct the assessment, it is necessary to prepare a database of individual tests (test questions) with their division into sections based on the question's compliance with the category (job title or type of activity) of the person being assessed. The number of test questions in an individual test is determined when forming the database of individual tests. It is advisable to include at least three questions from one section in an individual test to increase the objectivity of the assessment received.
The employee being assessed is asked to answer questions contained in a printed questionnaire issued to him (or a questionnaire displayed on a computer screen). The employee being assessed answers the questions by selecting the appropriate answer.
For the employee being assessed, the questions on the questionnaire are generated randomly, but in accordance with the sections of questions acceptable to him.
It is advisable to include questions on knowledge of the following in the individual test:
guidelines and normative documents governing professional activities;
service weapons and the specifics of their use;
basic medical training (first aid);
the procedure for action in typical conflict situations;
technical characteristics or conditions for the use of engineering and technical security equipment, anti-terrorist protection equipment, communications equipment, special equipment.
The result of the individual test is assessed on a four-point system, in which the scores ( ) can take the following values:
«5», if 90% or more correct answers;
«4», if 80% or more, but less than 90% correct answers;
«3», if 70% or more, but less than 80% correct answers;
«2» if less than 70% of answers are correct.
The professional knowledge assessment of a team (division) is given using individual assessments of employees according to the rule:
1. The arithmetic mean is found:
, where N is the number of employees being assessed.
2. The team assessment takes the values:
= «5» if 4.7 and all assessments have the values »5″ or «4»;
= «4» if 3.7 <5 and "2" for all i;
= «3» if 2.7 <3.7;
= «2», if <2.7. The employee's practical performance is assessed by his/her immediate supervisor. To conduct the assessment, the supervisor must fill out the form «Assessment of the employee's practical performance». An example of the form is given in Table 1. Assessment of the employee's practical performance
Table 1.
A rating is given for each indicator:
quality of work( ) – assessment of whether the work is performed without errors (or with minor errors that are corrected independently), carefully and thoroughly;
volume of work ( ) – assessment of whether the work is performed in the planned volume;
discipline ( ) – assessment of whether the employee is busy with work during working hours, rare absences for a valid reason, agreed upon in advance;
loyalty to the organization ( ) – assessment of the employee's attitude to the organization. The rating scales for all indicators are four-point. Assessments are given according to the following rules.
Quality of work:
= «5», if the employee consistently has a very high level of accuracy and precision, no additional checking is required, you can fully rely on his work, the employee can do the work with little or no help from the manager;
= «4», if the employee is neat and precise in performing his duties, mistakes are very rare, follows instructions well, needs little help from the manager;
= «3», if there are no serious complaints about the employee, but the employee has little initiative, does not strive to improve his skills;
= «2», if the employee is careless, there are mistakes, his work has to be checked.
Volume of work:
= «5», if the employee is energetic, constantly does more than is expected of him with enviable ease;
= «4», if the employee works quickly, completes the planned amount of work in the planned time;
= «3», if the employee works fairly consistently, most often copes with the assigned volumes of work within the planned time frame;
= «2», if the employee works slowly, often does not complete tasks within the set deadlines, wastes a lot of time.
= «5», if the employee is extremely reliable, always at work and on time;
= «4», if the employee is reliable, is rarely absent; if absent, then for a good reason, always informs the manager and colleagues in advance of his absence;
= «3», if the employee rarely has an unjustified absence from work, which does not have serious negative consequences for work, notifies about his absence in advance;
= «2», if the employee is unreliable, not always punctual, sometimes forgets to notify about his absence in a timely manner, there are absenteeisms.
Loyalty to the organization:
= «5» if the employee knows the organization very well and is devoted to it, even if things are not going well, speaks positively and enthusiastically about the company, never allows himself to speak badly about the organization, management, colleagues both at work and outside it, is sincerely proud of his organization;
= «4» if the employee has a positive perception of the organization and himself in the organization, does not allow himself to be unconstructive critics or grumble, is happy to work for the company;
= «3» if the employee is happy to work for the company, avoids publicly expressing dissatisfaction with the organization, colleagues, boss;
= «2» if the employee does not feel part of the organization, does not restrain negative emotions towards the organization, criticizes the company and colleagues both at work and outside of it.
The final assessment ( ) of the employee's practical activity is found according to the rule:
1. The arithmetic mean is found:
2. The assessment of the employee's practical activity takes on the values:
= «5» if 4.7 and all assessments have the values »5, excellent» or «4, good»;
= «4», if 3.7 <5 and there are no grades "2, unsatisfactory";
= «3», if 2.7 <3.7;
= «2», if <2.7.
The assessment of the practical work of the team is given according to the rule:
1. The arithmetic mean is found:
, where N is the number of employees being assessed.
2. The assessment of the team takes the values:
= «5», if 4.7 and all assessments have the values »5 or «4»;
= «4», if 3.7 <4.7 and "2" for all i;
= «3», if 2.7 <3.7;
= «2», if <2.7.
The assessment of the personnel qualification level (K) has four values:
high level (4);
sufficient level (3);
average level (2);
low level (1)
The assessment value is determined using a convolution matrix (Table 2). When using convolution matrices, the value at the intersection of the row corresponding to the assessment value of the first indicator and the column corresponding to the assessment value of the first indicator is taken as the assessment value.
Convolution matrix of personnel qualification level assessment
Table 2.
This methodology is sufficiently formalized and can be used to create an automated system for assessing the qualification level of personnel in security departments (services).
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