Issues of radio frequency support for public personal radio paging systems, taking into account the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents.
Questions of radio frequency support for public personal radio paging systems taking into account the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents
General-use personal radio paging systems (GRP) are one of the most rapidly developing types of communication in the Russian Federation. The number of GRP networks and subscribers served by these networks is constantly growing. Thus, by the end of 1997, the Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia had issued more than 230 (by the end of 1996 — 190) permits for the use of radio frequencies for GRP networks. The total number of subscribers to GRP networks is approximately 280 thousand (in 1996 — 230 thousand). GRP networks operate in more than 60 regions of Russia. The reason for their competitiveness is the high efficiency and affordable price of the services provided.
The most important stage in the improvement of PRV-OP in the Russian Federation was the adoption in 1997 of a new version of the “Concept for the Development of Public Personal Radio Call Networks in Russia at the Federal and Regional Levels”, approved by decisions of the State Commission for Economic Cooperation of Russia No. 185 of 30.04.97 and the State Commission for Radio Frequencies of Russia No. 2/2 of 01.12.97.
It should be noted that this is not about “changing course” or canceling the requirements of “Concept-94”, but about refining and improving a number of its provisions, mainly related to increasing the efficiency of using the radio frequency spectrum and organizational and technical support for the creation and development of new PRV-OP networks in the Russian Federation.
General principles of allocating frequency resources for PRV-OP networks and the main problems of frequency provision
The plans for the distribution of radio frequency bands adopted by the State Commission on Radio Frequencies of Russia do not provide for special bands or radio frequency ratings for the PRV-OV networks. The Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia carries out frequency assignments, as a rule, in the 160 MHz and 450 MHz ranges. In accordance with the Concept for the Development of PRV-OP Networks, other radio frequency ranges (800 MHz, 900 MHz) can be used for this purpose, including for response channels in two-way paging radio communication systems. For example, the two-way PRV-OP systems developed by Motorola with the ReFLEX25, ReFLEX50, InFLEXion protocols can operate in the 900 MHz range. High data transfer speed — up to 25.6 kbps (for comparison: in existing PRV-OP systems of the POCSAG standard it is 1200, 2400 bps) — allows implementing new functions for paging systems (for example, transmission of voice messages — InFLEXion) and significantly increasing the subscriber capacity of networks.
For the most part, the PRV-OP networks in the Russian Federation use the radio frequency band 146-174 MHz. It is in this radio frequency band that regional PRV-OP networks of the POCSAG standard operate and it is planned to build the first federal PRV-OP networks of the FLEX (F-network) and ERMES (E-network) standards.
Glavgossvyaznadzor of Russia assigns specific radio frequency ratings for PRV-OP networks based on the existing database and subject to ensuring EMC with other radio electronic means of the existing communication networks in the range of 146-174 MHz, determined by the decision of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies of Russia No. 18/3 of 01. 03. 94. Each radio frequency rating for the PRV-OP system being created is agreed upon in the established manner with the radio frequency bodies of the Ministry of Defense of Russia and other interested ministries and departments.
It should be noted that radio frequencies in the 146-174 MHz band are allocated directly by the Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia, and for frequency assignments in the range above 174 MHz (regardless of whether the main emission, control channel or response radio channel are meant), a decision by the State Commission on Radio Frequencies of Russia is also required. The allocated number of radio frequencies is determined based on 8-10 thousand subscribers per nominal value.
Analysis of data on radio frequency assignments for PRV-OP networks indicates uneven distribution of operators and radio frequencies across Russian regions: the largest number of operators are in Moscow — 27 and St. Petersburg — 21, while the number of allocated radio frequencies (in the 160 and 450 MHz ranges) is 49 and 23, respectively. Since 1996, the center of PRV-OP network development has been moving to the regions of Russia. Thus, according to data from regional bodies of the State Communications Supervision Authority, PRV-OP networks are developing most dynamically in Krasnodar Krai (17 operators, 14 radio frequency ratings), Krasnoyarsk Krai (17 operators, 14 radio frequency ratings),krai (10 and 12, respectively), Rostov region (14 and 12), Samara region (15 and 13).
Nevertheless, the radio frequency resource is not always used effectively. On average in the Russian Federation, there are 1.2-1.5 thousand subscribers per one radio frequency (instead of 8-10 thousand). Even in Moscow, only 8-9 operators out of 27 have subscriber capacity that meets (or is close to) the required one.
At the same time, the possibilities for allocating frequency resources in the range of 146 — 174 MHz for newly created PRV-OP networks are increasingly reduced. There is practically no free frequency resource in the Moscow region, in St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnoyarsk and some other cities. On the other hand, the discrepancy between the actual number of subscribers and the potential capabilities of PRV-OP networks reduces the efficiency of using the radio frequency spectrum, as well as the profitability of these networks.
A possible solution to this problem is to expand the service areas of the existing PRV-OP networks, organize federal networks of the FLEX and ERMES protocols, and unite a number of regional network operators to create federal personal radio call networks.
Unlike the ReFLEX25, ReFLEX50, InFLEXion protocols, the possibility of using which in the Russian Federation is enshrined in the PRV-OP Concept for the Future, the implementation of the FLEX and ERMES protocols is a task for today. The main decisions on the creation of federal PRV-OP networks in the Russian Federation have already been made (decisions of the State Commission for Radio Frequencies of Russia No. 43/2 of 03.03.97, No. 2/2 of 01.12.97, etc.), and the responsibilities for their implementation have been assigned to the Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia, with the participation of FAPSI and the Ministry of Defense of Russia.
The main directions of creating a federal PRV-OP network in Russia with the FLEX protocol (F-network)
The decision to organize federal networks of the PRV-OP FLEX protocol was determined, first of all, by the technical advantages of the systems using this protocol, as well as the need to create large federal networks and the possibility of their integration with international paging systems.
The main advantages of the PRV-OP systems of the FLEX protocol are due to:
- the possibility of increasing the speed of information transfer up to 6400 bits/s (increasing the system's throughput);
- increased noise immunity (including higher resistance to signal fading). Thus, the FLEX code format restores signal reception failures lasting up to 10 ms; the POCSAG format — up to 0.83 ms (at an operating speed of 1200 bit/s);
- additional service capabilities (roaming, load redistribution, calling a dynamically formed group, etc.).
It is important to note that the deployment of PRV-OP networks using the FLEX protocol is expected to be at the nominal radio frequencies of existing communication networks. At the same time, a gradual transition from the POCSAG network to the FLEX network is possible, when some subscribers can work using the POCSAG protocol, and some — using the FLEX protocol. Therefore, at the first stage, significant costs will not be required to re-equip communication networks (both in the FLEX network and in the POCSAG network, two-level transmitters can be used on dedicated frequencies at speeds of 2400 bit/s). However, the main advantage of the FLEX protocol is a higher data transfer rate (3200 bit/s and 6400 bit/s).
Thus, the creation of federal F-networks in conjunction with the transition to high data transfer rates creates the prerequisites for more efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum. With the deployment of such networks, the total number of operators can be reduced, and the freed frequency resource can be used to create and develop other mobile radio networks.
The main problem holding back the development of the federal FLEX network is the lack of free unified (“end-to-end”) radio frequency ratings throughout Russia. This is primarily due to the intensive use of the 146-174 MHz range by communications equipment from various ministries and departments, as well as the lack of priorities in allocating radio frequencies for civilian RES (including PRV-OP).
Nevertheless, the federal FLEX network can be created in the near future on radio frequencies that are used in most regions of the Russian Federation. For example, the use of radio frequencies of 159, 200 MHz and 159, 025 MHz is possible in more than 80 cities; the nominal value of 165, 000 — in more than 40; nominal values of 147, 975, 159, 6375 and 160, 0875 MHz — in more than 30 cities and regions of the Russian Federation.
In accordance with the decision of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies of Russia No. 2/2 of 01. 12. 97, the Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia is completing preparations and at the end of the first quarter of 1998 will submit for consideration to the State Commission on Radio Frequencies proposals on the procedure and conditions for the use of individual, most common radio frequency assignments of regional PRV-OP networks for their assignment in the interests of the federal FLEX network.
Main directions for the creation of a federal PRV-OP network with the ERMES protocol (E-network)
Unlike F-networks, federal networks of the ERMES protocol (E-networks) using the radio frequency band 169.425-169.800 MHz are created on the basis of one (at the first stage) nominal value, which is allocated centrally, and can be integrated with European systems, since ERMES has been adopted as a pan-European paging protocol.
The first steps in this direction were the decision, confirmed in 1997, by the Russian Communications Administration to use channels 1, 9, 10 and 12 of the ERMES system (radio frequencies 169, 425; 169, 625; 169, 650; 169, 700 MHz) throughout the country, with the exception of the Kaliningrad Region, where the use of channels 3, 6, 15 and 16 (radio frequencies 169, 475; 169, 550; 169, 775 and 169, 800 MHz) has been internationally agreed upon.
Unlike POCSAG and FLEX, this protocol provides for operation at one fixed speed of 6250 bit/s. In terms of the main parameter — throughput (subscriber capacity of the network) — the E-network is close to the F-network, the maximum data transfer rate of which is 6400 bit/s. The disadvantages of the ERMES protocol include the lack of the ability to work together with existing POCSAG protocol networks.
The main problem preventing the rapid creation of a federal E-network is the congestion of the 169.425-169.800 MHz band with special-purpose facilities. At present, the decision of the State Commission on Radio Frequencies of Russia No. 43/2 of 03.03.97 provides for the allocation of one denomination for this purpose throughout the territory of Russia. However, this same decision provides for compensation of the frequency resource to the agency that allocates the “through” denomination. The process of providing the frequency resource is complicated by the lack of free denominations of radio frequencies with the corresponding parameters in certain cities of Russia, and, first of all, in Moscow. Glavgossvyaznadzor and the Ministry of Defense of Russia plan to solve this problem by joint efforts in 1998.
In accordance with the “Concept for the Development of Public Personal Radio Call Networks in Russia at the Federal and Regional Levels,” the procedure for issuing permits for operators of federal PRV-OP networks of the FLEX and ERMES protocols provides for obtaining a license from the State Communications Committee of Russia for operator activity, followed by issuing decisions from the Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia for the use of radio frequencies. For operators of regional PRV-OP networks of the POCSAG protocol, it is mandatory to issue a decision from the Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia for the use of radio frequencies and obtain a license from the State Communications Committee of Russia for the type of activity in accordance with the established procedure.
Requirements of regulatory and technical documents of the Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia for the deployment of PRV-OP systems as public communications facilities
The procedure for preparing decisions by the Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia on the use of radio frequencies for the creation of PRV-OP networks has been slightly changed since 01.01.98. In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law «On Communications» (Article 12), Resolution of the Council of Ministers-Government of the Russian Federation No. 1156 of 15.11.93, Order of the Ministry of Communications of Russia No. 146 of 19.12.95 and other regulatory documents, the Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia, by Order No. 61 of 15.12.97, put into effect the «Regulation on the procedure for registering the start of construction, conducting an examination and issuing permits for the operation of communication facilities completed by direct construction» (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).
Let us consider the specifics of fulfilling the main requirements of this Regulation as applied to the deployment of public personal radio paging systems. In accordance with the Regulation, there are two types of communication facilities (PRV-OP systems):
a) those that do not require registration of the start of construction and permission from the State Communications Supervision Service of Russia for construction (for transmitters with a power of up to 100 W inclusive);
b) those that require registration of the start of construction in accordance with the procedure established by Order No. 61 of 15.12.97 (for transmitters with a power of more than 100 W).
The figure shows as an example the list and sequence of the main works performed by the bodies of the State Communications Supervision Service of Russia during the examination of radio frequency applications (RFC), preparation of permits for the use of radio frequencies and operation of the PRV-OP system, which does not require registration of the start of construction of a communications facility. The works marked in the figure by positions 1, 2, 3 and 9 are performed in the established manner by the Main State Communications Supervision Service of Russia, and 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11 — by its regional bodies.
In addition, the Regulation introduces two types of permitting documents — decisions of the Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia on the use of working radio frequencies by all communication facilities (PRV-OP systems) containing RES:
• decision on the assignment of radio frequencies for the installation of RES(position 3 in the figure), which gives the right to the PRV-OP network operator to carry out work on the acquisition, construction, installation, adjustment, EMC testing and preparation of the PRV-OP system for commissioning, and also serves as the basis for obtaining a separate permit from the Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia for the import from abroad of radio electronic equipment purchased for this network;
• decision on the assignment of radio frequencies for the operation of radio electronic equipment(position 9 in the figure), which gives the PRV-OP network operator the right to create an acceptance committee (which includes a representative of the Russian State Communications Supervision Authority) and prepare a Commission Act, and also serves as the basis for issuing permits from regional authorities of the Russian State Communications Supervision Authority for the operation of a communications facility and radio electronic equipment included in the PRV-OP system (positions 10, 11 in the figure). An integral part of each decision on the assignment of radio frequencies is a frequency-territorial plan of a communications facility indicating the types of radio electronic equipment and the main technical characteristics (coordinates of installation sites, operating frequencies and transmitter power, suspension height, antenna gain, etc.).
After installation and configuration of the PRV-OP transmitters, the regional authorities of the State Communications Supervision Authority of Russia, together with the operator, participate in their first switching on and, if necessary, monitor the state of the electromagnetic environment in the area of their placement. These works are carried out by the operator on the basis of the “Temporary Permit for Operation of RES with Radiation” (position 5 in the figure), issued by the regional authority of the State Communications Supervision Authority of Russia after installation of the RES.
In regions with a high concentration of operating radio-electronic equipment (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Novosibirsk, etc.), conducting full-scale tests to assess the EMC of RES (position 6) is a necessary condition for the interference-free operation of PRV-OP systems.
In cases where the conditions for ensuring EMC of RES do not require additional studies in the form of full-scale tests at the stage of their preparation for commissioning (these may be low-power single-zone PRV-OP systems for industrial and technological purposes), the Main Directorate of State Communications Supervision of Russia is allowed to issue a decision on the assignment of radio frequencies for the operation of RES without preliminary registration of the corresponding decision for the installation of RES.
Thus, the analysis of the state of existing personal radio call systems and the forecast of their development in the future show that the radio frequency provision of PRV-OP systems in the 160 and 450 MHz ranges contributes to the intensive development of paging communication systems throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.
Promising areas of development of PRV-OP systems from the point of view of efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum are the creation of new federal networks of the FLEX and ERMES protocols and the consolidation (unification of operators) of existing regional PRV-OP networks, expansion of service areas of existing networks, as well as the introduction of high-speed paging communication systems.
The implementation of the main provisions of the Concept and other regulatory and technical documents on the organization of personal radio paging systems is possible provided that the EMC of PRV-OP systems is ensured at the stage of their commissioning with other radio electronic means, as well as the introduction of an effective system for the assignment, accounting and control of the use of radio frequencies at the federal and regional levels.
The world of communications. Connect! №4/98
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