ISS is the first to implement international technical support standards.
ISS has always paid great attention to technical support issues. The qualifications of specialists, the list of services provided, their quality and efficiency — all this plays an important role in working with Partners.
ISS announces an improvement in the quality of service and the implementation of international industry standards ITIL in the provision of technical support.
ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) is a library that describes the best of the practical methods for organizing the work of departments or companies engaged in the provision of services in the field of information technology. ITIL is a list of approved services and regulations for their provision, accepted in the global market and applied in the IT industry.
ISS has every reason to be considered a «pioneer», «trailblazer», having been the first to start working in accordance with ITIL standards in the security market.
ITIL in ISS is a qualitatively new level of service: a fixed nomenclature of services with clearly defined response times and other conditions for their provision, this is an established regulation on all issues of interaction between the ISS Company and the Partner.
ITIL in ISS is receiving technical support services within one of 3 packages: Standard, Extended and VIP.
Every company working with ISS products and included in the partner network receives a standard package. The standard package represents a full list of services provided by ISS specialists as part of technical support.
The advantages of the Extended and VIP packages are a reduction in response time to requests and a number of additional services, including a personal consultant, service on weekends and holidays, various methods of communication, including a personal email address and mobile phone number.
Extended and VIP packages are concluded for a period of 1 year individually on a paid basis.
Each of the packages is a specific list of technical support services and clearly defined conditions and procedure for their provision. A brief list of services and some conditions of various technical support service packages are presented in the table.
We work according to ITIL
When choosing the Extended or VIP package for work, the partner company enters into a «Technical Service Level Agreement» and receives an identification plastic card, the number of which will be reported each time the technical support service is contacted. When servicing under the terms of the Standard package, this document is not required.
For detailed consultations and a request for a «Technical Service Level Agreement», call the sales department managers at (495) 645-2121, email
Transition to ITIL standards in ISS technical support is a guarantee of high-quality service.
On the specifics of using Western technologies for working with clients in Russian conditions, Alexander Kosovsky, Technical Director of ISS Trading House: «Technical Service Level Agreement» is an analogue of the international Service Level Agreement (SLA), an agreement on service levels. SLA is a standardization of time for taking support measures, reporting control, clear delineation of areas of responsibility, etc.
A number of projects in which our partners are involved require them to provide certain services to end users. Some of these services are transferred to us — in particular, a number of types of technical support, since we have specialists with the appropriate qualifications. For example, if the system integrator is an IT company, for which the security subsystem is just a part of a larger system. For a system integrator, such a relationship scheme is standard: all suppliers of software, databases and equipment work under SLA agreements.
Our partners sign contracts for the support of objects, earning money on this, participate in serious projects. It is very expensive to keep specialists with a narrow profile specifically for our software, so it is much easier to give us certain levels of technical support under an SLA contract.
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