Installing a security alarm in an apartment with your own hands. Part II.

Installing a security alarm in an apartment with your own hands. Part II.

Installing a security alarm in an apartment with your own hands. Part II.

Installing a security alarm in an apartment with your own hands. Part II

PKPs are used for security and fire alarms, and the most common device is one that combines both types of alarms: a receiving and control security and fire alarm (PPKOP). In our case, PPKOPs with radial alarm loops will do.

These can be PPKOPs of the following series: «VERS» («MPP VERS»), «ASTRA» (ZAO NTC «TEKO»), «Granit» (NPO «Sibirsky Arsenal»), «Magistr» («Magistral»).

Selected detectors, control panel — it is necessary to decide on the tactics of arming/disarming. As a rule, this is with a delay in arming/disarming or without a delay.

If you plan to control the system from the front panel of the device or the reader (TM, Proxy) is mounted inside the protected facility, then you need to decide on the entry/exit delay time. In this case, the exit delay time should be no less than the time period required to exit the premises after arming the device plus 30-40 seconds to restore the detectors protecting the «volume» of the facility. The entry delay should be the minimum required to disarm the system.

Let's assume we need to equip a standard two-room apartment with a security alarm:
— metal entrance door — 1 — living rooms (1 window each) – 2 — kitchen (1 window) — 1 — balcony – 1

1 line. We install a magnetic contact detector SMK-6 (IO102?6) on the entrance metal door — 1 pc.

2nd line — perimeter:
— Astra-S type DRS for each window — 3 pcs. — SMK-4 (IO102?4) for each transom and balcony door – 4 pcs.

3rd line – “volume”:
— one Ikar-2/1 detector per living room and kitchen – 3 pcs. — AQUA Luna detector in the hallway (in addition to security, it provides hallway lighting, which is very convenient in the dark) – 1 pc.

The following control panels for 3?5 alarm loops are suitable as a control panel:
— VERS PC-4; — Grani-3(5); — Astra-712/4; — Grand Magistr-4.

To ensure operation in the absence of a 220 V network, a battery is required: for «VERS PK-4» — AKB-4 A/h, for the rest — AKB-7 A/h

The system can be controlled either from the front panel of the device by manipulating the buttons, or remotely using TM or PROXY readers with an interface output in the «Dallas Touch Memory» format.

As a reader for «TM» keys, we will use the «TM-N» contactor, for PROXY cards (key fobs), readers of the following types are suitable: «SP-E1», «PS-01», «Smart Wave» and their analogues.

As a rule, multi-storey buildings have entrance call panels, TM keys or PROXY cards (key fobs) of which can also be registered in your security system.

For laying alarm loops, connecting remote sound and light indication devices («SSU-1», «Astra-10»), a signal cable of the KSPV-4×0.5 (6×0.5) type is required. For connecting the «220V network» to the device — a cable of the PVS-3×0.75 type. You will also need a plastic box for hidden wiring. Please note:

1) It is unacceptable to lay network (220V) and signal cables in the same box. The distance between these wires must be at least 50 cm.

2) The metal case of the control panel must be connected to the ground loop. It is prohibited to use heating or water pipes as grounding.

3) During installation, it is necessary to strictly observe the safety measures specified in the technical description for the control panel.


1. Professional installation of the technical security system of the premises should be entrusted to specialized installation organizations.

2. The security system is most effective if it is under the supervision of security companies, i.e. alarm and service signals from the facility are sent via communication channels to the central security console for subsequent response by the security company's response team to prevent apartment burglaries.


Links on the topic:

A security alarm system is simple. Part I

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