Improving the methodological principles for assessing the security of premises from speech information leakage..
Improving the methodological principles for assessing the security of premises from speech information leakage.
Candidate of Technical Sciences
V. L. Kargashin
Special Equipment, No. 6, 2001
When carrying out practical work on protecting vibroacoustic channels of speech information leakage from premises, much attention should be paid to the validity of the requirements for the integral level of specially formed masking interference. As a rule, guaranteed protection cannot be ensured by implementing only passive protection measures, i.e. by strengthening sound insulation and vibration insulation of structures, introducing sound absorption and vibration absorption into speech signal leakage paths. In such situations, it is necessary to use active protection measures based on the creation of additional vibration and acoustic interference in information leakage channels. In this case, secondary acoustic noise is created in the protected and adjacent premises, which can be classified as a factor interfering with the normal work of personnel in the premises [1]. Despite the fact that the appearance of such noise is a justified payment for protection, abnormal conditions for the work of employees are objectively created from the point of view of industrial sanitation. Consequently, reducing the integral level of side acoustic noises during active protection measures in vibroacoustic channels is an important task of protective measures, since with a high level of side acoustic noises, situations are not excluded when active protection will be used only in exceptional cases from the standpoint of the interests of the protected person, reducing the effectiveness of the measures taken.
The indicator of vibroacoustic leakage channel protection based on estimated speech intelligibility proposed in [2] provides significantly greater opportunities for developing requirements for passive and active protection measures than the traditional indicator based on the signal-to-noise ratio. This is due to the fact that estimated speech intelligibility is a functional whose value can be optimized based on various criteria acceptable for practical reasons.
The functional is a certain weighted sum of an argument, which for formant intelligibility has the following form [3]:
where — are the lower and upper frequency limits of the speech range,
— distribution of formants over the frequency range, therefore,
as the distribution density,
— the level of formant sensation, which is determined by the signal-to-noise ratio,
— the formant perception coefficient, which does not depend on frequency, but only on the signal-to-noise ratio.
The level of formant perception is determined by the expression:
where — speech signal spectrum,
— speech and formant spectrum ratio,
— interference spectrum.
In practical tasks, the level of formant perception is calculated depending on the values of signals and interference in dB, which does not change the ability to optimize the functionality for any of the parameters.
Thus, formant intelligibility is an integral of the frequency function within limited limits, which allows us to solve problems of intelligibility optimization according to various criteria. The most understandable practical problem that can be set when carrying out protective measures is formulated as a search for the interference spectrum , ensuring an intelligibility value no greater than the specified standard
with a minimum integral interference power in the entire frequency range
. In other words, a given level of speech information protection in terms of formant speech intelligibility can be implemented by interference with different spectrums and power levels, including those with a minimum integral level. The ability to implement protection using interference with a minimum level allows for minimal side effects of special masking interference on a person, i.e. to maximize the comfort of work combined with safety. Moreover, an optimal solution means that for a certain specific case this solution is the only one. The task itself can be expanded, provided that the frequency characteristics of speech signal attenuation and interference to the point of installation of the interference emitter and back to the protected or adjacent premises are taken into account. For passive protection purposes, optimization is possible, for example, by the indicator of ensuring protection with minimal integral attenuation in the speech signal frequency band.
It is obvious that the complete solution of the problem by the methods of variational calculus is quite complicated if we operate with the spectra of signals and interference, as well as the calculation of intelligibility by the integral formula. In this regard, in practice, the integral is replaced by a weighted sum, and all calculations are carried out in standard frequency bands. Note that in [3] it was proposed to use 20 frequency bands, in each of which the condition is satisfied, where
— upper and lower bounds i-th frequency range. Since the distribution of formants over the frequency range is uneven, such equal-articulation distribution of intelligibility leads to frequency band boundaries that differ significantly from the standard ones. As a rule, all measurements in acoustics are carried out in octave or third-octave frequency bands, but in [2] it is proposed, on the contrary, to select standard frequency boundaries to obtain different formant weights over the speech spectrum. Thus, the calculation of formant speech intelligibility is carried out according to the following formula:
where — weighted contribution of the corresponding frequency band to intelligibility, and
— the formant perception coefficient, which can be expressed as a function of the signal and noise levels measured in frequency bands, and these levels can be measured in dB, as is customary in acoustics,
— standard frequency band number,
— number of standard frequency bands taken into account in calculations (5 in the octave analysis recommended in [2]).
Since the functional or its approximation are continuous functions of the signal and interference levels, the standard value of the protection index, strictly speaking, can be quite arbitrary within the approximations of the functions used. The method proposed in [2] is analytically complex enough to be used even for a limited number of frequency bands. Since the development of standards is a formal procedure and the theoretical and experimental foundations of the emergence of certain relationships between the measured values are not essential to the consumer, simpler methods for calculating formant intelligibility are possible, which formally lead to the achievement of protection requirements, but due to the simplicity of the calculation, they allow obtaining visual methods for solving the protection problem, including its optimization.
Let us consider from this standpoint the calculation method of a similar parameter adopted in the USA [4]. In this case, formant intelligibility is called the articulation index and the formalization of the calculation is so great that it is not possible to determine the visual physical foundations of the accepted calculation methods. The standard indicator is assessed based on the results of signal and interference measurements in one-third octave frequency bands, but octave analysis can also be used.
The essence of the method is as follows. The speech signal level is taken as a standard, 12 dB higher than the average speech level. The signal/interference ratio values are measured in octave or one-third octave frequency bands DIFFi in dB. If DIFFi ? 30, then DIFFi = 30 dB, if DIFFi ? 0, then DIFFi = 0. The resulting differences are multiplied by the frequency-dependent weighting coefficients WFi, which yields the value of the articulation index by frequency bands:
The total articulation index is calculated using the formula:
The obtained value is an indicator that is functionally related to speech intelligibility and can be used to standardize various tasks, in particular to assess the quality of sound paths.
The values of speech signal levels at a distance of 1 meter from the source and weighting factors are given in Table 1. For comparison, similar indicators for the method [2] are also given there, and the speech levels according to the US standard are reduced by 12 dB for comparison. Table 1 also shows the relative weighting contributions of octave frequency bands calculated by the formula , which are essentially equivalent to the weighting contributions of formants.
Table 1
Octave band geometric mean frequency, Hz |
250 |
500 |
1000 |
2000 |
4000 |
Average speech signal level (USA), dB |
60 |
61 |
66 |
51 |
46 |
Average speech signal level (Russia), dB |
66 |
66 |
61 |
56 |
53 |
Weighting factor (USA) |
18 |
50 |
75 |
107 |
83 |
Relative Weighting Factor (US) |
0.054 |
0.15 |
0.225 |
0.321 |
0.249 |
Relative weighting coefficient (Russia) |
0.03 |
0.12 |
0.2 |
0.3 |
0.26 |
A significant difference in the spectra of average speech is striking, which is most likely caused not by real differences in the spectra, but by the additions embedded in them, corresponding to the domestic concept of the formant parameter of speech. Most interestingly, the sum of the relative coefficients for the American standard is 0.999, that is, practically 1, and for the domestic one it is 0.91. The imprecise equality of this sum 1 for both standards is puzzling, since it fundamentally does not allow obtaining full speech intelligibility for a significant excess of signal over noise. The loss of 9% intelligibility in the domestic method is caused by the fact that the octave band 8000 is not included in the calculationHz. Apparently, this frequency band in the American standard is taken into account by formal additional weighting of all coefficients.
To compare the two methods, speech intelligibility and articulation index were calculated depending on the signal-to-noise ratio for 5 types of noise spectra. The noise considered was «white noise», «pink noise», noise whose spectrum drops by 3 dB with increasing frequency, and two types of noise with an uneven spectrum, the octave levels of which change by 10dB in adjacent octave bands. The spectra of the considered interference for the total level of 30 dB are shown in Figure 1.
Fig. 1. Noise spectra
The dependences of speech intelligibility and articulation index on the signal-to-interference ratio are shown in Figure 2.
Fig. 2. Dependences of speech intelligibility and articulation index on the signal-to-noise ratio
Analysis of the relationships between speech intelligibility and the articulatory index shows that English speech is more intelligible than Russian, while the graphs of syllabic and verbal intelligibility given in [2] show that, on the contrary, English speech is less intelligible than Russian. This contradiction is caused by the neglect of the octave band 8 in the domestic methodology.kHz, which leads to a decrease in speech intelligibility. Since the method [2] is proposed for assessing the degree of protection of speech information, a certain degree of weakening of protection is introduced into the standard in advance, which inadequately reflects not only the formal side of the assessment of protection, but also its actual insufficiency in specific situations. Therefore, the method [2] should be supplemented with appropriate coefficients that allow calculating speech intelligibility taking into account the octave band of 8 kHz, ensuring the full adequacy of the method in the case of a large signal-to-noise ratio.
If the octave frequency band 8 is taken into account in the method [2],kHz, then the differences in intelligibility and articulation index of the US standard become practically insignificant. Figure 3 shows the calculated errors between the speech intelligibility values for the method without and with the octave band 8 kHz and the articulation index depending on the signal-to-noise ratio for the types of interference considered above.
Fig. 3. Errors in calculating intelligibility
From the presented calculations of errors it follows that a significant reduction in the error in assessing intelligibility for the adjusted calculation of formant intelligibility is obvious compared to the method that takes into account only 5octave frequency bands. This reduction occurs for all types of interference spectra. Table 2 shows the root-mean-square errors for all signal-to-interference ratios used in the calculations.
Table 2
Noise type |
Pink |
White |
3 dB rolloff |
Noise No. 1 |
Noise No. 2 |
Calculation by 5 stripes, % |
8.47 |
8.41 |
8.92 |
9.14 |
8.0 |
Calculation on 6 stripes, % |
«MsoNormal» style=»TEXT-ALIGN: center» align=»center»>3.06 |
1.91 |
4.19 |
4.19 |
2.22 |
From the calculations given in Table 2 it follows that for the refined calculation of speech intelligibility, which takes into account 6frequency bands of analysis, the error in assessing intelligibility is significantly smaller on average over a large range of changes in the signal-to-noise ratio and various types of interference spectra. Consequently, for a more reliable assessment of the security of premises based on the speech intelligibility indicator, it is necessary to carry out calculations taking into account the octave frequency band with a geometric mean frequency of 8 kHz, and its absence in the methodology [2] is unjustified.
A completely natural question also arises about the choice of the permissible frequency resolution of signal and interference analysis for calculating speech intelligibility. From the standpoint of possible impact by linear filtering methods on the signal and interference mixture in order to select frequency bands with an increased signal/interference ratio, protection measures must also be carried out taking into account the maximum frequency resolution, which allows more adequately reflecting the situation of covert control, primarily in conditions of interference with a spectrum uneven in the frequency range. In reality, when carrying out protection measures, standard measuring equipment is used, while covert control measures involve the use of more advanced control equipment, including in terms of the frequency resolution parameter. It should be noted that in the field of building acoustics and vibrometry there is an obvious tendency to analyze vibroacoustic signals and interference in narrower frequency bands than octave bands, which is explained by the capabilities of modern building materials technology in the field of sound insulation and sound absorption and vibration insulation and vibration absorption to create materials with resonant properties.
When assessing the degree of protection based on the speech intelligibility index in octave frequency bands, a greater error will be for situations where the signal attenuation over the frequency range or the spectrum of masking noises is uneven within a larger frequency resolution. Since the level of formant sensation in a wide frequency band is determined by the maximum level value in a narrower frequency band, then the calculation of intelligibility in an octave frequency band will give a lower intelligibility value than the calculation for individual one-third octave frequency bands. If the receiving side has covert monitoring equipment with noise filtering capabilities in one-third octave bands, the actual value of speech intelligibility will be higher due to the exclusion from the analysis of one-third octave frequency bands, in which the signal is noisier.
Let the total noise level in the octave band be is determined by the noise levels in the one-third octave frequency bands
, so that
. If the noise level in one of the one-third octave bands exceeds the levels in other bands by more than 8…10 dB, for example, the condition
is met., then
. Consequently, when assessing the protection according to the method [2], all calculations of partial contributions of intelligibility in the octave band will be based on the level of
. Whereas, taking into account the unevenness of noise with a one-third octave frequency resolution, the actual speech intelligibility in two one-third octave bands will be higher. It is sufficient to filter one one-third octave band with the maximum noise level on the receiving side, and the speech intelligibility in the leakage channel will be higher than that estimated by the method proposed in [2]. Consequently, this method has a significant drawback and should be adjusted taking into account the possibilities of analyzing signals and noise in frequency bands larger than octaves.
At present, when the technical capabilities of the equipment for measuring acoustic and vibration signals allow analysis to be carried out in frequency bands narrower than octave bands, it is necessary for methods of assessing the security of speech information to include the ability to calculate speech intelligibility in one-third octave frequency bands.
Currently, the market of protection equipment offers means of assessing the quality of vibroacoustic paths, which are based on the principles of assessing the standard indicator in the form of speech intelligibility. Obviously, preference should be given to those technical means that not only allow assessing the standard parameter proposed in [2], but also carry out all calculation procedures additionally in one-third octave frequency bands, and also expand the analysis of signals and noise to the octave band 8kHz. In addition, the use of active protection also requires vibroacoustic interference generators that allow the required interference spectrum to be set in frequency bands with a resolution of at least one-third octave. In this case, protection can be optimized by the level of side acoustic noise.
Thus, in developing the methodology for assessing the protection of premises from speech information leakage via vibroacoustic channels, it is necessary to improve the criteria for assessing speech intelligibility in the following areas:
— adjustment of the methodology, allowing for the octave frequency band 8 to be taken into accountkHz, i.e. expansion of the frequency range boundaries to 6 octaves;
— development of methods for measuring equipment with high frequency resolution for signal and noise analysis in one-third octave frequency bands;
— simplification of calculation methods in terms of approximating the formant perception function, formally acceptable for calculating the protection criterion, but simpler for practical calculations.
1. Kargashin V. L. Problems of active protection of vibroacoustic channels. Special equipment, No. 6, 1999.
2. Zheleznyak V. K., Makarov Yu. K., Khorev A. A. Some methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of speech information protection. Special equipment, No. 4, 2000.
3. Pokrovsky N. B. Calculation and measurement of speech intelligibility. Moscow: Svyazizdat, 1962.
4. The science and applications of acoustics/Daniel R. Raichel. Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 2000, 598 p.
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