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How to track employee working hours using various access control systems?.

How to track employee working hours using various access control systems?

How to track employee working hours using various access control systems?

Entrance hall: you can put a granny-guard who will grumble at everyone who comes in.
Company: you can organize a checkpoint where a person will sit, check passes, write down who came, when, when and open the doors. You can put a person everywhere who will let people in, count, note the time, etc. And you can (AND SHOULD!) use technical means! Believe me, they will cope with their tasks better than granny-guards.

A little theory:
The set of technical and organizational means used to control access and time tracking is called an access control and management system (ACMS).

Of course, an ACMS cannot completely operate without human influence, but it can significantly reduce labor costs and reduce the number of people involved in access control and management.

All access control and management systems have a similar basic scheme.
Let's consider an ACS with working hours using a specific example. Let's say your organization occupies a wing of a building. The staff consists of about 50 people. In order to improve discipline in the team, you decided to use a security system. So, what is necessary for the normal functioning of the ACS with working hours:

1. The actuator (IA) is a device that directly controls access (electromechanical or electromagnetic lock, turnstile, barrier, etc.). For example: electromechanical lock CISA 12011 costing 1500 — 3000 rubles.
2. Electronic key – a device on which a unique digital code is recorded, which is used by this ACS. The most common are touch memory keys and proximity cards. Each employee will need, for example, a thin EM card – Marin Proximity. Costing 20 – 50 rubles.

3. Reading devices – devices designed to read information recorded on an electronic key. A reader for Proximity cards, for example, Matpix – 2 will cost from 800 to 1000 rubles.

4. Power supply devices – devices that supply the system with electricity: power supplies (PSU), uninterruptible power supply (UPS), rechargeable batteries (RB), etc. To supply the system with electricity, you can use a PSU-5A costing 1000–1500 rubles, or for uninterruptible power supply, a PSU-80 costing 2200–2800 rubles.

5. The most important element of the system, which usually determines its functionality, is the control device or controller. Often, it is a microprocessor board that is responsible for the operation of the entire system. The Z — 5R Net network controller is suitable as a control device. Cost: 1800 — 2200 rubles.

6. To let visitors in, you need to install an intercom (or video intercom). For example: QM — 305 MC and a call panel for it. Costing from 4,000 to 10,000 rubles.

7. To exit the room, you will need a button to open the lock. A contactless «Magic» button will do. Costing 400 — 800 rubles.

8. To keep track of working hours, you can use the software for network controllers «STRAZH» costing 8,000 — 11,000 rubles. It can be installed on a personal computer. Even an «average» PC for 12,000 — 16,000 will do.

9. You also need a USB — 485/422 interface converter. For example: Z — 397.

10. Also, wire and consumables (fasteners, hardware, corrugated pipe, box, etc.)

Installation and commissioning of such a system will cost 10,000 — 16,000 rubles, depending on the degree of complexity.

There are also biometric control systems on the security market, where instead of an electronic code the device reads the biometric parameters of a specific person: fingerprint, retinal scan, face shape, etc. The development of technical means in Russia as of June 2011 does not allow such systems to be 100% accurate. And they are expensive, and it is not always advisable to use them.

In general, an access control system taking into account working hours will cost 60,000 — 100,000 rubles. A considerable sum, but how many advantages! The company's management will be able to control the access of visitors and employees to the office premises, monitor compliance with labor discipline — ultimately, this will certainly affect the efficiency of working hours and profit.

P.S. Understand that an ACS taking into account working hours is a reliable security element.

Author: Boris Gorozha, specialist of the company Security and Comfort
More articles by this author: (http://seccom.ru/blog/search.php?tags=%CB%E8%F2%E5%F0%E0%F2%F3%F0%E0)

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