How to save valuable video information?.
On the night of May 12, 2007, one of the most daring bank robberies in Chita took place. 38 million 690 thousand rubles, as well as 250 grams of gold and 1750 grams of silver in bars were stolen from the vaults and ATM. Of course, the video surveillance system cannot protect against such cases, but it can provide materials to law enforcement agencies immediately after the incident, so as not to lose precious minutes. How can you preserve valuable video information as much as possible so that it is not stolen along with the money?
Recommendations from Mitsubishi Electric specialists, info@mitsubishielectric.ru:
A video recorder with a dual video duplication function can help solve this problem.
Such a video recorder provides various archiving options that can work in parallel, creating double duplication of video information.
Various copying options are possible, for example:
1. Archiving a specified interval. To do this, you need to set the start and end points and the video recorder will determine the file size and, accordingly, the required volume of the information carrier where the copying will be made.
2. Copying is performed from the starting point until the space on the external storage device runs out. Such copying is, in fact, active mirroring, since the archive size can be many times larger than the amount of information stored on the internal hard drives.
In such models, any USB devices can be used as storage devices for archival information, but most often, standard expansion units from the manufacturer or network storage devices are used.
External expansion units.
Several expansion units, i.e. hard drives with a unique ID, can be connected to such a video recorder. Each of these hard drives can be perceived by the recorder as a storage area for normal or alarm recordings, as well as an archive of video information, respectively, normal or alarm. Thus, it is possible to duplicate only records initiated by an alarm from a motion detector, external security sensors or commands via Ethernet.
In addition, there are expansion units with the ability to identify two hard drives installed inside under one ID. That is, if up to 14 such expansion units with a capacity of 500 GB each are connected to the recorder, an external archive of 14 TB can be created.
Thus, using a set of 16 cameras with each of them set to record at a speed of 1 frame per second and STANDART image recording quality, such a recorder can have an archive of records for more than 1 year.
There are expansion units that also have the ability to connect to a regular computer and view images from hard drives installed in it, using the software offered by the manufacturer. In the event of an emergency, external expansion units can be handed over to law enforcement agencies to conduct an investigation «on the spot».
Network storage devices can serve as an alternative device for copying information. In this case, a digital video recorder is connected to a server that has its own integrated file system and data management software. Special technology supports file-level access and ensures efficient sharing of recorded information within a local network.
Network storage devices can be mounted and dismounted remotely. A video recorder that uses such media to «mirror» video footage at a remote location allows you to save recorded information even if intruders steal or disable the recorder itself.
Such models of video recorders with the active «mirroring» function are in demand by banks in their daily work, since they guarantee reliable recording and storage of video information, as well as its use in further claims work. Using several devices simultaneously to create an archive, the video recorder creates double protection of the recorded data, which guarantees the highest degree of reliability in preserving important video information.
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