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How to properly draw up a plan for the evacuation of people in case of a fire.
How to properly draw up a plan for the evacuation of people in case of a fire.
Plan for the evacuation of people in case of a fire.must be drawn up taking into account the behavior of people in case of fire, the volumetric planning parameters of the building, and the reliability of evacuation routes. It is important to assume the possible capacity of human flows, the established operating mode of the building, and active and passive fire safety systems. The organization of fire safety at the enterprise begins with drawing up a plan.
Plan for the evacuation of people in case of fire
Plan for the evacuation of people in case of fireis a document that specifies the routes and exits for evacuation, and establishes the rules for safe behavior in the event of a fire. In addition, the instruction indicating the evacuation route in the event of a fire regulates the order and sequence of actions of the service personnel at the facility in the event of a fire. The process of organized independent movement of people outside or to a safe zone from premises in which there is a possibility of dangerous fire factors is significantly facilitated by the presence of this schematic plan. Fire evacuation planin buildings and structures (except residential buildings) with more than 10 people on the floor at the same time, they must be developed and posted in prominent places. The fire evacuation plan is prepared in accordance with GOST R 12.2.143-2002. The importance and special significance of evacuation plans for ensuring the safety of people is undeniable, and the need for their development and placement in buildings and structures for various purposes is regulated by a number of requirements of standards, fire safety rules, and other regulatory documents.
Fire evacuation plan requirements
According to the Fire Safety Rules in force in the Russian Federation, a fire evacuation plan must be used at least once every six months as a visual tool during practical training of all service personnel involved in evacuation. For facilities with overnight stay of people, a fire evacuation plan (requirements) should provide for 2 options for action: during the day and at night. The presence of the plan in the building is checked by the State Fire Supervision Service employees along with such necessary fire safety equipment as, for example, fire extinguishers and fire alarms. Therefore, it is important that the fire evacuation plan is correctly drawn up, requirements, which are presented to its form, contain the following supporting points: a graphic part of the plan that meets the standards. This means that the plan drawing should not contain unnecessary, cluttering details; solid green arrows indicate the main recommended evacuation routes; dotted arrows highlight alternate evacuation routes. Fire evacuation plan (requirements) must represent the placement of fire extinguishers, fire hydrants, telephones, and locations of automatic fire alarm systems in the form of special symbols. The text part of the plan must also meet a number of requirements: the text of the plan is entered into a table that includes such items as the list and procedure for actions and the executor. The text can be designed in the form of instructions or memos on actions to take in the event of a fire. Mandatory points stipulated by the fire evacuation plan: — fire notification; — evacuation organization; — checking whether all people have left the premises; — checking the operation of the fire alarm systems. Actions to be taken if the automation systems do not operate; — fire extinguishing; — property evacuation. Signatures of the persons who have drawn up the evacuation plan and signatures of the employees who have been familiar with it must be located below the table. In addition to the graphic and text parts, the evacuation plan also includes an appendix part — an evacuation plan training log: Each organization must conduct events to train personnel in the event of a fire at least once a year. When training the evacuation plan, timing must be taken. The date of such an event and the name of the person in charge must be entered into the log.
The fire evacuation plan-scheme must be duplicated the required number of times, in accordance with the number of places where it must be located, as well as taking into account its use during training. Practical training of instructions and evacuation plans should be carried out: — in buildings and structures (except residential buildings) — at least once every six months; — at facilities with a large number of people (50 people or more) — at least once a quarter; — in schools and preschool institutions — at least once a month.
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