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How to cook tasty and healthy centralized radio security systems?.

How to cook tasty and healthy centralized radio security systems?

How to cook tasty and healthy centralized radio security systems?

Any gourmet knows that in order to prepare quality food, it is necessary to use only quality products. Is it possible to reason about security systems from the same point of view? It is not obvious, but let's try.


So, today on our menu is an effectively working over long distances and requiring no registration radio channel system for addressable monitoring of the security of distributed objects.


This means that we need only very good products, i.e. components. First, we need a centralized monitoring console with a large information capacity that efficiently processes and displays information received from the base station. In addition, this dish cannot be made without a base station and a specialized antenna to ensure reliable reception of notifications from the facility devices. And without the facility control and monitoring devices with transmitters-communicators — well, simply nowhere! After all, how else can we ensure wireless transmission of signals about penetration into a protected facility? Or about a fire? Or about other emergency situations? Without all this, there will be no good monitoring of safe facilities. Do not forget a good handful of security and fire sensors for an exquisite aroma. You can season it with ACS readers (for arming/disarming the facility) — for connoisseurs. All this will successfully shade the taste of the dish being prepared.


You may think that this is enough. But we decided to cook a really healthy and tasty dish. And this means that we definitely need to add several zone expanders for the facility devices in order to increase the number of fire alarm loops.


That would seem to be all. Buying such products and components is not a problem. It would be good if the recipe was not too difficult to prepare. All that remains is to chop everything, mix, put it in a saucepan and put it on the fire, and in our case — install, connect and configure. But only a real chef, the owner of many Michelin stars, knows that in order for a dish to become a delicacy, to acquire an unforgettable taste, the so-called «tzimmes», it is necessary to add special rare spices. But what special spices can be in a radio channel centralized security system? In a regular radio channel centralized security system, there really are none, but in an effectively operating distributed object monitoring system, they must be! And the purpose of these spices is not only to give the dish an exquisite taste, but also to bring enormous health benefits!


We are talking about the unique Hopping technology, based on the principle of «jumping radio frequencies», which is used in highly reliable wireless communication systems. The use of this technology allows each output of object transmitters on the air to be carried out on a new sub-frequency, one of 1024 pre-programmed ones. At the same time, each transmitter has its own pseudo-random algorithm for frequency hops, which makes the system particularly noise-resistant.


In addition, for additional protection against interference, the channels of each frequency letter are divided into two subgroups separated by range, each of which has 512 channels. Transmitters at protected facilities go on the air in both frequency bands. Notifications in each frequency band are received by the base station receiver. This technical solution will provide protection against intentional interference, which usually covers only part of the range. Even if there is interference in one frequency band, notifications will be received in the other, since they are repeatedly duplicated at different frequencies in both bands.


And now a little about a particularly fashionable spice – digital signal processing. This is another unique feature of really well-functioning systems. It consists in the fact that the base station receives and analyzes signals on all frequency channels of its letter simultaneously. And there can be up to 31 of them, choose according to your taste. A powerful digital signal processor of the base station performs digital filtering and decoding of all received signals simultaneously against the background of noise and interference. Parallel processing of communication channels provides the ability to simultaneously receive notifications from a large number of object devices with minimal mutual interference.


That seems to be all the seasonings, although it probably still needs to be salted and peppered. In other words, add constant automatic control of the connection and simple deployment of the system. This means that in such a dish, each transmitter must transmit control signals every minute, and the time to detect loss of connection with any transmitter must not exceed 300 seconds.


So, the system is prepared with love, carefully, from the heart. Thanks to this approach, the radio security system will no longer need to obtain permits, since the equipment ensures operation on unlicensed frequencies.


A unique flavor of this exquisite dish is its long range, which is achieved by using ultra-narrowband communication channels. This significantly increases the signal-to-noise ratio in the operating band of each communication channel and allows for a longer range when using low-power object transmitters (10 mW). When using these technologies, the system's range in the city can be up to 25 km or more, and in open areas — up to 50 km or more. The ingredients and seasonings are listed, and a true gourmet, i.e. a professional in the radio security market, may ask: what's the «tsimmes»? These products and spices are known to everyone, there's nothing special about them. Yes, but the secret to a chef's success is not only knowing the list of ingredients — it is important to determine the proportions, skillfully combine everything in one dish in order to most effectively bring to life a truly original idea.


M. Liventsova

specialist in OPS



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