How to obtain a backup copy of video information in case of physical destruction of the recorder.

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How to get a backup copy of video information in case of physical destruction of the recorder.

How to get a backup copy of video information in case of physical destruction of the recorder.

«How to get a backup copy of video information in case of physical destruction of the recorder?
Mikhail SKLYAR, entrepreneur, Vologda»

The reader's question is answered by Dmitry STRELTSOV, regional manager (Russia and CIS), EVS department, Moscow representative office of Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V.

I must say that the question asked by the reader of the TZ magazine is, unfortunately, relevant.
It is necessary to acknowledge the fact that criminals are constantly improving their technical level. Even children already know that most objects are equipped with video surveillance systems that record events around the clock. Therefore, there are frequent cases when, together with the loot, robbers physically destroy the recording systems with all available video information.
Another striking example is the theft of ATMs. Several such cases occurred not long ago in St. Petersburg. And in Lithuania, this problem has become a priority, since the number of ATM thefts last year is in the dozens. At the same time, we should not forget that, according to law enforcement agencies, the growth of crime continues following the increase in the number of unemployed.
All these factors have led to an increase in demand for automatic remote backup systems. And demand, as we know, creates a corresponding supply.
Developers of security television equipment have long ago translated this problem into a completely practical plane, offering consumers video recorders with support for backup archiving on a NAS (Network Attached Storage) server. A NAS server has its own integrated file system and software for data management. NAS technology supports file-level access and ensures efficient sharing of recorded information within a local network. However, this function, while clearly of interest to buyers, was not always used properly — consumers relied on the reliability of storing the archive inside the recorder.
As we have already said above, some models of video recorders support joint work with NAS servers, which can be located in a hard-to-reach place unknown to intruders and connected to the recorder via LAN. In this case, copying can occur both manually (copy mode) and automatically (archiving mode).
Another option is to save alarm data to an FTP server. For example, if the «panic button» function is triggered, the recorders copy video information in real time, via FTP, to a remote NAS system or to a specified FTP server. If the video recorder fails, the archived data can be restored from the NAS system using specialized software, thereby tracking all the events recorded on the video recorder until its «death».

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