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How not to become a victim: signs of mobile phone wiretapping.

How not to become a victim: signs of mobile phone wiretapping.

How not to become a victim: signs of mobile phone wiretapping.

Mobile phone wiretapping.

Protection of information rights assumes that wiretapping a mobile phone without the owner’s permission is illegal. There are several ways in which wiretapping is carried out via a mobile phone. If such means fall into the hands of dishonest people, there is a danger of being subjected to an invasion of personal information space. As a rule, wiretapping via a mobile phoneis carried out by entering a specific number into a special program. A reconnaissance call can be made at any time. To do this, a call is made to the monitored phone from a specified number, but there will be no call sound. At this point, the microphone on the phone turns on, and all information from it will be heard in real time on the reconnaissance phone, as in a normal conversation. The owner of the monitored phone does not notice the operation of this function; as soon as he presses any key on the phone, the reconnaissance call ends. Such wiretapping via mobilethe phone is installed by means of only one physical contact with the owner's phone, and further control of all program parameters can be carried out remotely. An SMS containing your password and a command changing the software parameters is sent to the phone being tapped. In addition, if the owner of the phone being tapped sends or receives a message by e-mail or SMS, a copy of this message also becomes available for viewing. Also, the list of program functions usually includes interception of the call log, and determination of the topographic coordinates of the mobile phone, and interception of calls.

Signs of mobile phone tapping
So, now let's look at some signs by which you can determine whether your mobile phone is under someone's surveillance. Main signs mobile phone tappingphone: increase in the temperature of the phone battery. Feel the phone when you are not using it — if it is warm or even hot, it means that it is still in use. If you notice that you have to charge your mobile more often than usual, these are clear signs of mobile tapping. This assumption may have a real basis if you have not used your device more than usual — it is quite possible that your phone is being used by someone else. Pay attention to how the phone turns off: if there is some delay, and the backlight does not turn off longer than usual or the phone does not respond to turning off — this is an alarming sign. Other signs of mobile phone tapping are expressed in sudden and unreasonable switching on of the backlight, arbitrary installation of any applications, sudden switching off.
When talking on a mobile phone, if it is tapped, interference and noises may occur, reminiscent of an echo, electrical discharges or clicks. If the reason is not in the environment, most likely — tapping. In addition, if interference occurs at times when you are not using the phone — these are obvious signs of mobile phone wiretapping.

Protection from wiretapping
If you have good reason to believe that your mobile phone is being monitored by someone else, remember that there is a way out: protection from wiretappingexists too. Of course, you can contact law enforcement agencies, but it is better to do this when you are completely sure. First, try not to let your mobile phone out of your control and block it with a password — this, of course, is not a guaranteed protection from wiretapping, but it will do as a preventive method. The main means of protection are called scramblers and voice changers. Scramblers work together with the telephone and encrypt the transmitted information. Encryption is done by breaking the spectrum of the audio signal into parts and then frequency inverting each of these parts. The frequency at which the spectrum of the speech signal is divided into sub-ranges, called the split point, can be either fixed, in the case when there is no switching between scrambling modes during the conversation, or take one of four possible values ​​when the subscribers switch between modes during the negotiations.
In order for the encrypted speech to be heard by the person with whom the conversation is being conducted, he must also have a scrambler with the same scrambling algorithm as on the transmitting side — that is, decryption occurs. Protection against wiretapping by changing your voice allows you to talk on a mobile phone and remain unrecognizable to an intruder. At the same time, your voice changes beyond recognition.
More modern and effective methods of protection against wiretapping are the use of special programs. And it is best to use GPRS mobile communication systems, in which information is transmitted with automatic frequency change during the conversation — this reduces the likelihood of wiretapping to a minimum.


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