kak doljni provoditsya pojarno takticheskie ucheniya

How fire-tactical exercises should be conducted.

Fire-tactical exercise plan.

Before conducting the exercises themselves at the enterprise, a fire-tactical exercise plan should be drawn up.

This refers to a special document that clearly specifies specific points:

— operational and tactical characteristics of the premises (number of floors, area, layout features of the premises, construction material, presence of stairs, etc.);

— availability of water supply (number of taps on each floor, characteristics of the internal fire water supply);

— substantiation of the initial data for developing the tactical concept of the exercise (a diagram of the facility with design features and comments on it).

The plan for fire-tactical exercises also includes data on the situation that develops at certain time intervals, including the actions of fire departments that arrive to extinguish a simulated fire.

Conducting exercises in a building involves the use of a plan for evacuating people in the event of a fire.

After completion of the training and tactical event, a plan-report should also be drawn up, which covers the following points:

  • the purpose of the exercise;
  • the time spent on the fire extinguishing operation;
  • the object of the exercise;
  • the number of forces and means involved in the operation;
  • simulation means;
  • the names of intermediaries, imitators;
  • methods;
  • the technical means used;
  • the tactical concept of the exercise;

conclusions on the calculation of forces and means of fire extinguishing, the results of the exercise as a whole.

Fire-tactical exercises.

The purpose of conducting fire-tactical exercises at any facilities is to check the validity and effectiveness of the facility's fire protection plan;

prepare participants for possible fires;

familiarize themselves with the fire-technical characteristics of the building;

practice safe behavior in the event of a fire.

Fire-tactical exercises are conducted in conditions and at a pace that are as close as possible to the real situation when a fire occurs.

The exercises are conducted both during daylight and at night.

During the exercises, the tactical thinking and skills of the command staff in managing the actions of fire brigades in the performance of their duties as various officials at a fire are improved, issues of the work of the operational headquarters, rear and communications at a fire are worked out, the interaction of fire brigades with the engineering and technical workers of the facility and special services, as well as the methods and techniques of extinguishing fires, the physical training and moral-volitional qualities of the personnel, their ability to steadfastly endure negative conditions are most fully improved.

Depending on the purpose, fire-tactical exercises are divided into training, verification, demonstration, comprehensive and experimental.

The purpose of the training exercises is to practice the actions of the command staff and units of the fire service in eliminating fires and accidents in difficult conditions.

The purpose of the test exercises is to determine the level of training of the command staff in managing fire extinguishing, as well as to determine the degree of readiness of both individual units and the fire service garrison as a whole to conduct combat operations when extinguishing fires.

The purpose of demonstration exercises is to demonstrate new methods and ways of organizing actions in extinguishing a fire.

Among them, complex and experimental exercises are distinguished: complex exercises combine tasks solved during training, testing and demonstration exercises and are conducted for the purpose of a comprehensive assessment of the level of fire resistance of facilities.

Tactical exercises are conducted by heads of apparatuses, garrisons and units of the fire protection service or their deputies, duty officers of the fire extinguishing services, operational duty officers, as well as persons who are assigned to check the operational and service activities of the fire protection garrison.

The following are used to simulate a fire situation during exercises:

— red flags indicating the source of the fire;

— blue flags — slight smoke;

— yellow flags — heavy smoke, areas where harmful gases and vapors are released.

Smoke bombs, lighting devices — are also used. more realistically simulating a fire. Actions to simulate a fire are carried out by the exercise leader, his assistants or specially trained persons.

During the training operation, the exercise leader or his assistants keep a brief record of the decisions made, orders given and the instructions given.

Then, these records are summarized by the leader and used in the analysis of the results of the completed exercises.

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