Half of the world's new buildings are located in China.
Half of the world's new buildings are in China
Half of the world's new buildings are in China
According to the global institute «WorldWatch», half of all new buildings are in China. Almost 2 billion square meters are built in the country every year. Up to 45% of all energy produced in China is used to manufacture and transport building materials, construct homes and offices, and install heating and air conditioning systems. If construction continues at this rate, the total area of existing buildings will double by 2020, and the country will simply not be able to provide itself with the energy needed to operate these housing stocks. The Chinese government has taken a serious interest in using energy-saving technologies in the operation of buildings, hoping to ease the growing energy crisis. According to the country's latest five-year economic development plan, new technologies (and buildings) are planned to save 50% of energy nationwide. For cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, and Chongqing, the savings will amount to up to 65%. In 2006, the government adopted new energy-saving standards. This should encourage contractors to use building materials that conserve heat, as well as energy-saving technologies in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and lighting of public buildings. |
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