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Guten tag! Simply the best.

Guten tag! Simply the best

Guten tag! Simply the best…

guten tag prosto luchshee

Recently, the company «ESYLUX RUS» appeared on the Russian market, the exclusive distributor of the products of the German company ESYLUX in Russia, representing wired and wireless technologies for automatic control of life support systems of the building. ESYLUX is a member of the ZVEI association (Central Association of the Electrical and Electronic Industry of Germany) and is widely known in the West. Today, German quality, modern design, as well as the latest developments in the field of lighting, fire safety and comfort have become available to the domestic consumer.

Intelligent lighting devices, sensors (motion, presence, smoke), twilight switches — this is far from a complete list of equipment that can satisfy the most demanding customer. The company offers a series of products with various functional orientations.

The developments offered by ESYLUX are distinguished by the fact that they are of interest not only to the «private» consumer who has decided to implement the idea on the principle of «smart home» or to the entrepreneur who is equipping his own office, but also to more serious customers engaged in the construction and operation of buildings for various purposes (from residential complexes to industrial premises). The ability to choose between technologies (wired/wireless) and a wide range of products allow you to use the services of the company «ESYLUX RUS» not only at the beginning of the work on the arrangement of premises, but even when the building (premises) has already been built or is at the stage of reconstruction or modernization.

It is no secret that, based on the conditions of the market economy (theoretically) and the real state of the market (practically), today we have a clear picture of the fact that energy prices are constantly growing and this trend of price growth will continue in the future. The presented solutions, especially those related to energy-saving equipment, are aimed at helping the end user (customer) to achieve maximum benefit from the operation of buildings and premises.

In connection with the above, and also so that you have an idea of ​​the profitability of using certain devices, ESYLUX RUS specialists met with representatives of the developer company and, using a visual example, examined the economic benefits of the project in terms of optimizing lighting control.

The object chosen as a «test» is a residential building under construction in the near Moscow region, consisting of eight sections with different numbers of storeys (from 8 to 16). After completion of construction, the developer company also plans to deal with issues of operation of the entire building, so the task was set: to offer a ready-made solution to reduce electricity costs associated with lighting the common corridors and halls of the building.

Based on the presented floor plans, it became clear why energy saving issues became so relevant for the customer: common-use corridors, halls, and the area around the elevators did not have natural lighting according to the project (i.e., they should have an artificial light source throughout the day, year-round).

Taking into account all the features, a solution was developed, and the following economic components of the project were obtained.

According to the project, each floor was equipped with fluorescent lamps with a total power of 200 W and three ESYLUX motion sensors. According to the initial technical specifications, energy consumption will ultimately amount to 4.8 kW/day/floor. The current electricity tariff for the Moscow region for management organizations providing services to citizens for the maintenance of residential premises was adopted as the calculated value: 1.8 rubles/kW/h (0.06 euros). Based on existing global experience in the operation of similar energy-saving technologies in residential buildings, it is generally accepted that the amount of energy savings on lighting is about 60%. After simple calculations, it is clear that the annual savings from using motion sensors are 63 euros/floor/year.

The initial investment in equipment (3 ESYLUX motion sensors) was 240 euros/floor, so the investment in the equipment will pay off within 3.5 (!) years, which is an insignificant period compared to the service life of the building as a whole (in Russia — 40-50 years). If we assume that electricity prices in our country will grow, or the power of the lighting devices under the project will be changed to a greater one, then the payback of investments in ESYLUX equipment will be less than 3 years. After this period, the operating organization will be able to save a significant part of its expenses on lighting in the building.

It should be taken into account that this project includes such an operating mode of the equipment, in which the lighting is used briefly and 100% (i.e. the lighting is turned on as needed (from the «complete darkness» mode), but with full output).

However, we can offer various scenarios for the operation of the equipment, in which solutions are possible when the light is constantly on, but: in the «standby» mode (at rest) and with 100% performance when the motion sensors are triggered. Such schemes are used when the owner knows in advance the purpose of the room, or where such a scenario would be most appropriate (basements, stairwells or garage compartments).

Ultimately, everything depends on the customer's wishes and vision of the final result. Our goal, in this case, is to accurately implement the intended idea and help the customer extract maximum economic benefit from it in the future.

The company «ESYLUX RUS» supplies various product lines to the market, including those of interest from the point of view of ensuring life safety.
Today, this issue is given much attention by both property owners and government agencies that control the construction and operation of buildings. According to the safety requirements, premises (regardless of their purpose) must be equipped with various signs and designations of an informational nature («entrance»/»exit», etc.).

Our company is always open for cooperation. Full information on products, as well as a catalog of equipment, is located on the website:

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