Gira HomeServer 3.

gira homeserver 3

Gira HomeServer 3.

Gira HomeServer 3

Gira HomeServer 3

gira homeserver 3

Intelligent building management provides more comfort and security in residential buildings and commercial and industrial facilities, and also helps save resources.

Gira HomeServer 3– is the “on-board computer” of the house. It is a kind of gateway for the entire building equipment control system based on the Instabus KNX/EIB bus and is indispensable for creating a centralized building equipment control complex with the ability to monitor and control systems on-site or from anywhere in the world. The most modern communication tools are used to control the functions of the Instabus KNX/EIB bus. Access to the systems is provided using a computer or other means that support Internet protocols, as well as via LAN, the internal wireless network of the building or the Internet. Thanks to these capabilities, control and monitoring can be carried out at any time and from anywhere.

Instabus KNX/EIB BusFor accessing and controlling the equipment, the GiraSmartTerminal or the Gira/Pro-face ServerClient 15 can be used as operating devices for the Gira HomeServer 3. They enable the sending and receiving of messages and signals from the entire Instabus KNX/EIB system, including via e-mail. In addition, they can be used to access required services, such as weather or news, online.

To control the Instabus KNX/EIB equipment, you can also use the Gira SmartSensor or the more compact touch switch. Both devices are equipped with displays.

Access and control of the equipment via the Internet via TCP/IP protocol

Access to the Instabus KNX/EIB bus, which connects the building engineering equipment, can be carried out from anywhere in the world via the Internet portal

The portal provides the user with convenient access to the equipment in his home via the Gira HomeServer 3 server. For this purpose, PCs (including portable versions) and mobile Internet terminals that support Internet browsers (PDAs, Webpads), WEB-TV devices, and others are used. A WEB camera can be used for visual monitoring.

Protection from hackers

The software architecture of the Gira HomeServer 3 ensures reliable protection of information from unauthorized access by other Internet users.

Control via mobile phone.

The user can receive alarms, current parameters and information about the system status via email or SMS.

Visualization on a smartphone is carried out in the menu structure and depends on user groups.

After identification via the mobile phone menu, you can, for example, switch on/off all connected electrical appliances, control and change the air temperature in the rooms, view lists of emergency messages, adjust the brightness level of lighting and the time for switching on and off the lamps. In addition, the functions of the bus can be controlled via a mobile phone using GPRS/UMTS, as well as via a wireless Bluetooth or WLAN network.


High security of information is achieved by entering, in addition to the phone number, the user name and PIN code. The user can set different access levels for each network — LAN or Internet.


An intelligent building management system makes life even more pleasant. The Gira Instabus KNX/EIB bus system allows you to control all systems from one device, such as the Gira SmartTerminal or the Gira/Pro-face ServerClient 15: lighting, blinds, ventilation, heating and household appliances. The devices are programmed by the user and can be reprogrammed at any time. For example, individual music can be set for each room or a program can be set for blinds and garden sprinklers that will run automatically, with defined periods of switching them on and off (opening/closing) or depending on weather conditions.


Home security means peaceful sleep for its residents. An intelligent building management system can significantly increase security by monitoring the area around the house. The Gira HomeServer 3 can monitor various alarm sensors connected to the Instabus KNX/EIB: motion detector, smoke detector, glass break detector, wind speed detector and other devices that signal danger. In this way, the Gira HomeServer3 registers alarming changes in the surrounding environment, notifies the user about them and automatically activates the appropriate protective measures: for example, it switches off faulty devices, folds awnings in strong winds, opens emergency doors in the event of a fire.


An intelligent building management system helps to save energy. The Gira HomeServer 3 allows energy consumption to be controlled so that it does not exceed the required and sufficient level at any given time in accordance with user programs. For example, a time schedule can be set for each room, for example when, where, for how long and in what mode the heating or ventilation system should operate. If no one is in the house, all systems switch to energy-saving standby mode. To increase the efficiency of the energy management system, corresponding settings can be made for the determination, display and analysis of operating data and load.


Full-featured control of the building's technical equipment can be carried out even when away from the building. In this case, the Gira HomeServer 3 is accessed via the Internet. A portable computer (laptop) or any other devices that support Internet protocols, such as a smartphone or PDA, are used for remote monitoring and control. With their help, you can quickly check whether all devices are switched off or react to received alarms. Alarms can be received by e-mail, phone call or SMS.

Technical data of Gira HomeServer 3

– Up to 200 users can be controlled, multiple logins can be used for one user name

– Graphic logic editor: any number of logic circuits can be designed. More than 80 logical function nodes.

– Universal timer: several switching times per hour, daily, monthly and annual cycles can be set, as well as activation/deactivation delays based on signals from communication objects. Sun height adjustment function and random function

– iETS server: remote programming of devices controlled via the KNX/EIB bus (safe operation possible with verification of the sender's IP address), activation of iETS via communication objects, Gira HomeServer continues to operate during programming and switches packets via iETS without restrictions, processes are displayed in real time


– 1x serial

– 1x RJ 45 network connection for 10/100 Mbit Ethernet

– KNX/EIB connection: via UP 2 bus coupler, article no. 0645 00, FT 1.2 data interface, article no. 0504xx and RS-232 interface, article no. 0906 00

– Integrated modem

Commissioning software

– Gira HomeServer 3 Experte software app for Windows 98™ to Windows XP™ with Internet Explorer

– Reading of ETS group addresses

– Various graphic display programs.

Additional information can be found in the Gira catalog or on the page

Gira representative in the Russian Federation is «Giland».
Tel.: (495) 232-05-90, (812) 541-84-90,
(343) 365-70-57, (861) 220-15-33
Detailed information
about Gira products on the website

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