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Gas suppression system “ARMAGEDDON.

Gas suppression system “ARMAGEDDON

Gas Suppression System “ARMAGEDDON”

1. Introduction.
Alarm system is most effective if it not only alerts you to an intrusion, but also activates the alarm response process.
Response is a set of measures aimed at neutralizing the attacker by a capture group or influencing him with technical means capable of preventing or complicating theft.
The following types of response are distinguished:
using technical means of active counteraction (TSAP);
by means of physical counteraction using dogs, special means or weapons.
Technical means of active counteraction
TSAP are often mentioned in specialized literature as “technical means of suppression” or “instant response systems”, but are used in the CIS countries extremely rarely. Today, only a few foreign examples are found on the market, which somehow miraculously ended up in our countries.
The following types of TSAP are known:
sound shock howlers;
light shock flashes;
electric shock devices;
gas suppression systems;
smoke systems;
marking aerosols.

2. Main purpose
The main purpose of the gas suppression system “ARMAGEDDON” (GSS) is to hinder the criminal actions of a thief who has entered a protected area, and at the right moment — to temporarily disable the intruder by using a special chemical substance.

3. Operation of the gas suppression system
Let's consider a standard situation. There is an unauthorized entry into the facility. Motion sensors detect the appearance of an intruder in the protected area and transmit an alarm signal to the central unit. The automation system, in accordance with the embedded algorithm, turns on pyropatrons located on the walls and ceiling, which, when triggered, spray an aerosol of an irritating substance. A bluish cloud is formed, quickly filling the entire protected area. The intruder is damaged, and all objects in the room are contaminated. The system is programmed so that pyropatrons are detonated only in the area where the criminal is located. As the criminal moves from one area to another, pyropatrons will be triggered sequentially along his route, increasing the damaging effect. The only way to avoid further damage is to go back the same way and leave the room.
Let's assume that a thief triggered a pyropatron and then left the contaminated premises to repeat the theft attempt after natural ventilation. To prevent this, each zone has several pyropatrons that are triggered sequentially. Any repeated intrusion will result in the detonation of the next pyropatron, and it is necessary to take into account that with each detonation the concentration of the irritant in the protected volume increases.

4. Properties of the substance ALGOGEN
The ALGOGEN tear gas and irritant substance has been selected for use in the ARMAGEDDON system. Trace amounts of this substance effectively deprive a person of combat capability, but do not cause him any harm. The effect of the substance is complex — on the eyes, respiratory tract and skin.
The substance was first synthesized in 1962 in Switzerland, and its powerful irritant effect was immediately noticed. The compound was selected as a potential police poison at the British research center Porton Down in the early 1970s to replace CS, which had demonstrated dangerous properties during its mass use in Vietnam. In 1973, the substance was adopted by the police and army of Great Britain, and then the United States. In the SGP «ARMAGEDDON» it is used as part of the pyrotechnic mixture — the drug «Cobra-4».
ALGOGEN is the most effective of all non-lethal combat poisonous substances. To temporarily incapacitate an enemy, it is enough to spray 0.7 mg of ALGOGEN per 1 cubic meter of air. For comparison, the damaging concentration of the substance CN (product «Cheryomukha») is 20-50 mg/cubic meter; MPC substances (products “Teren”) — 17-52 mg/cu.m.
ALGOGEN is the safest of all irritants. To cause a fatal injury, it is necessary to spray more than 428,400 mg/m3 of ALGOGEN into the air, which is 500,000 times higher than the concentrations actually used in the ARMAGEDDON system. For comparison, the lethal concentrations are CN-3 700; MPC-58,000 mg/m3. The concentrations of ALGOGEN actually used are absolutely harmless even if ingested. To cause fatal poisoning, it is necessary to eat about 500 g of this substance, which is unrealistic. When it comes into contact with food, the substance gives it a burning taste, “warning” of its presence. Even when eaten, such products are not hazardous to health.
To create a lethal concentration, it is enough to spray a negligible amount of ALGOGEN, which is achieved by detonating safe quantities of explosive or pyrotechnic components. ALGOGEN decomposes very slowly, its decomposition products are safe and do not have irritating properties. ALGOGEN has undergone comprehensive testing in military chemical laboratories in many countries and has been found to have no remote dangerous effects (for comparison: the widely known irritant substance CS causes intrauterine deformities.

5. Lethal effect of the substance
Effect on the eyes. When in contact with the mucous membranes of the eyes, there is immediate profuse lacrimation, stinging in the eyes, pain and spasm of the eye muscles (blepharospasm). For 10-15 minutes, the victim cannot open his eyes. The pain and sudden helplessness cause a state of panic. There is a fear of going blind forever, orientation in space is lost. A professional familiar with the effects of irritants suffers in the same way, but does not experience a feeling of fear — he knows that the effect will soon pass. 10-15 minutes after going out into the fresh air, the ability to open the eyes returns, but a wave of tears prevents you from seeing surrounding objects. After another 10-15 minutes, all symptoms pass without requiring medical intervention.
Effect on the nasopharynx and respiratory tract. Inhalation of the aerosol causes abundant mucus secretion in the nose and respiratory tract and, as a consequence, non-stop, exhausting coughing and sneezing. When going out into the fresh air, the listed symptoms cease after 15-30 minutes.
Effect on skin. When the substance comes into contact with the skin, a person feels a strong burning sensation and a feeling of acute discomfort, but does not lose combat capability. The degree of damage is determined by the dose of the substance, humidity and sensitivity of the skin. First, the skin becomes red and irritated. Then, a strong burning sensation and unbearable pain appear, comparable to the pain of a second-degree burn. Particularly severe pain is observed in the area of ​​the lips, eyelids, neck, behind the ears, on the wrists and between the fingers. The attacker may be frightened, deciding that he has been doused with acid or another terrible poison. The redness disappears 15-30 minutes after exposure to the irritating substance, and the pain continues for up to 24 hours, and is renewed upon contact with water.
The sprayed aerosol of ALGOGEN is eventually carried away by drafts, settles and no longer affects the eyes and respiratory tract. However, the settled particles remain on various objects and exhibit irritating properties when touching these objects for a long time (before degassing).
After the pyropatron is triggered, the damaging concentration of the substance remains in the room for 2-11 hours, depending on the level of natural drafts. The gas mask only partially protects against damage, since the skin remains exposed. The use of special suits by intruders is unlikely — such attire attracts the attention of strangers, makes movement difficult, especially when penetrating through windows, balconies and fire escapes. Fogged-up gas mask glass limits the field of vision and reduces the effectiveness of the intruder's actions. It should also be remembered that items stolen from a contaminated room are covered with a substance that has retained damaging properties.

6. Marking properties of the substance
Marking aerosols are used for effective search activities and quick detention on the trail. When a criminal is somehow marked at the crime scene, it is easy to prove his involvement in the crime. The ALGOGEN that settles after spraying covers the criminal and all surrounding objects, thereby marking them. You cannot accidentally get dirty with this substance; it does not exist in the environment. A person whose clothes and things bear the remains of this substance has definitely been in the affected area. It is quite easy to determine the presence of the substance on a suspect (by the irritating effect of clothes and things). In case of late detention, traces of the substance can be determined on a chromatograph, which is available in most forensic laboratories.

7. Triple Strike. Complex Impact on the Attacker
In addition to gas damage, the system has the ability to additionally influence the attacker mentally.
Additional damaging factors are the sound produced when the pyropatron is triggered and the siren sound. An unexpected loud bang has a very strong impact on the psyche; the attacker perceives it as a shot from a firearm. Research conducted by American medical scientists has shown that an unexpected powerful sound (like a pistol shot) behind a person in 93% of cases leads to immediate shock, increased heart rate, confusion, fear and panic. 14% of people lost their balance and fell. In a state of fear and confusion, a person is less able to navigate in space, loses coordination of movements, and has difficulty concentrating. The instinct of self-preservation, which is not controlled by consciousness, is triggered.
Special sound shock howlers are included in the system. After the pyropatrons are fired, they are activated. Powerful sound pressure and a specially selected frequency throw a person off balance, cause a state of shock and confusion, and can reduce the effectiveness of a thief to a minimum.
“SHOT + GAS + SOUND” — a complex targeted impact on the mental and reflexive characteristics of the body, which completely guarantees the defeat of the criminal.

8. Degassing and reloading
Degassing of the substance occurs naturally due to sedimentation, dispersion by drafts, decomposition under the influence of air and sunlight. Degassing is significantly accelerated by ventilation, repeated wet cleaning and thorough vacuuming. Degassing time depends on the degree and area of ​​contamination and ranges from 2 to 8 hours. The triggered pyropatrons are replaced with new ones.

9. Residual effects
The ARMAGEDDON gas suppression system is one of the most advanced devices capable of preventing theft of property. The system uses the powerful damaging and marking properties of the ALGOGEN substance. But these same properties of the substance necessitate careful degassing work.
For 2-3 days after the system is triggered, residual effects are possible in the room, especially noticeable during cleaning (the settled dust is activated, the cleaner's hands are exposed to residues of the substance on the floor cloth, etc.). Residual effects manifest themselves as a harmless burning sensation of sensitive areas of the skin. Complete disappearance of residual effects is observed on the 3-4th day.
It is not recommended to use the system in food storage areas, but even their contamination can be eliminated by thoroughly rinsing with water. The user of the system should know that the suffering caused by ALGOGEN is safe, does not require medical intervention and passes relatively quickly, without causing any long-term consequences.
The inconvenience caused by residual effects is compensated by the highest efficiency of the ARMAGEDDON system.

10. Application areas of the SGP
1) VULCAN-30 (D). Mini suppression systems in a local volume.
Application area — objects consisting of one room. It is possible to use two versions of the device:
The alarm is set and removed from the outside of the facility without entering the protected area. The pyropatron is triggered instantly when a person enters the premises. The price of the system is about $35-$85.
The alarm is set and removed from the inside of the facility. The alarm is triggered only after the entry/exit delay time has been counted. During this time, it is necessary to set or remove the alarm system, otherwise the pyropatron will be fired and the premises will be contaminated. The price of the system is about $65-$115.
These systems can protect garages, cellars, summer houses, railway carriages, residential premises, basements, sheds, mini-warehouses, kiosks, boiler rooms, electrical transformer panels, substations, autonomous oil wells, small architectural forms, communication cabinets, containers, trucks, boats, yachts, motor ships, and other remote objects, as well as attics, safes, safe deposit boxes, weapons cabinets, etc.
2) TSUNAMI – 4/30. Suppression device controller for integration into a multi-zone security system (or a separate multi-zone suppression system).
Application area – objects consisting of a large number of zones (rooms) with centralized or autonomous control (offices, apartments, large warehouses, service stations, factories, hangars). Usually these systems have several pyropatrons in each zone to prevent the possibility of repeated intrusion. The price of the system is about $ 85-100 per zone.
3) Automobile suppression system.
Application area:
as an addition to existing car alarms;
as an autonomous device for car security.
4) TORNADO- 30. Suppression system with remote control from the security post.
In the current situation, when the law on weapons has not been adopted, private security is armed mainly with gas pistols and cannot withstand shelling from combat weapons during an attack on a guarded facility. The suppression system allows for remote control of pyropatrons, observing what is happening in the area through a television system monitor.

11. Description of the “ARMAGEDON” system
The system structurally consists of 5 main elements: a setting/removal device, a central unit, a set of pyropatrons, sensors for intrusion into the zone and a powerful siren.
Setting/removal devices are designed to activate or deactivate the security system. They can be located both outside and inside the facility, depending on the presence and need for zones with entry/exit delays.
There are 4 main types of setting/removal devices used:
Electronic key. A special mechanical key that closes and opens contacts by turning ($6). Toch-memory system. The alarm is deactivated by placing an identifier in the form of a metal tablet in a special hole. If the read code is correct, the system is deactivated ($35).
Digital code keypad. The alarm is deactivated by entering the correct numbers. The number of incorrect attempts is limited ($35-65);
Radio key fob. The alarm is disarmed by sending the correct code via radio to the central unit. The key fob also has the unique ability to remotely activate pyropatrons, for example, during an attack inside the premises during a robbery.
Central unit. Receives signals from the arming/disarming devices and sensors, processes them in accordance with the embedded program and issues commands to the siren and pyropatrons.
The central unit, depending on the version, has:
a durable vandal-proof metal case;
autonomous power supply with battery recharging;
anti-sabotage tamper for unauthorized opening of the case;
sound alarm and warning signal about opening of the case, opening of pyropatrons and sensors, damage to cable connections;
possibility of delay on entry/exit up to a minute;
indication of operation.
Pyro cartridges. When fired, they spray the irritant they contain. They are a non-repairable, non-restorable product. They have an aesthetic appearance. They are produced for various volumes of protected premises. They have an anti-sabotage tamper for unauthorized opening of the case. They are easy to install and replace.
Sensors for intrusion into the zone. It is possible to use any high-quality security sensors.
The use of gas suppression systems requires connection only to high-quality alarm systems.

12. Advantages of SGP
The main advantage is an instant response to intrusion. It is the SGP that is capable of preventing a “jerky theft”, where the speed of penetration and theft is a few minutes. The activation of the suppression system occurs a fraction of a second after receiving a signal about penetration.
Security costs are minimized. Security by people implies constant payment for labor. The SGP is paid for only once during purchase and installation. The profitability of using the SGP is evident after 2-3 months of security.
Unlike a person, the SGP cannot get tired, fall asleep on duty and, as a result, make mistakes in response actions. There is no need to monitor the correctness of the service.
If connected correctly, the SGP cannot be disarmed (unlike a human security guard).
The SGP is invisible and fits well into the interior. There is no need to allocate premises and equipment for security posts for them.
The SGP excludes “theft by collusion” and “internal theft”, when the guards themselves steal or organize a pseudo-robbery with the help of other people.

13. Disadvantages of the SGP
The pyropatrons are quite cheap ($ 9 each), the control automation is also inexpensive (from $ 35 to $ 130 depending on the version), but in addition to them, it is necessary to purchase high-quality sensors that minimize the risk of false alarms.
After the pyropatrons are triggered, residual effects are observed in the premises.
Incorrect use of the SGP or incorrect shutdown of the alarm system makes it possible for the owners of the premises to fall under the action of the suppression system.

Based on materials from the site http://security.vn.dp.ua/

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