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#perimeter alarm

Formation of control zones and detection of violators when organizing airport perimeter security.

Security of large transport facilities is one of the most important tasks of the state today.

Airfields, railway junctions, transport interchanges, river and sea ports need high-quality, reliable and affordable security equipment.

The main problem in organizing security is the large length of the airport perimeter, which is often not equipped with a fence, although the fence itself is not a serious obstacle to penetration into the territory.

It is impossible to give a 100% guarantee of protection against penetration when patrolling the territory.

The human factor plays an important role here, and often remote areas of airports are given little attention.

Also, explosive warehouses of fuel and lubricants, components and spare parts are concentrated in the territories adjacent to the airport, and radar equipment is located.

All this requires reliable, high-quality security.

The scientific and production center «Omega-microdesign» offers technical solutions for organizing the protection of airport perimeters.

The enterprise has been developing and producing technical means of perimeter protection for 20 years.

The airport territory is mainly an open area, without green spaces, slopes and ravines, with minimal differences in altitude.

To organize perimeter security systems for such areas, it is advisable to use radio wave two-position detectors of the «Prism» series.

One detector set is capable of protecting a straight section of up to 500 meters.

The airport perimeter is divided into straight segments, at the boundaries of which detector units are installed on stands or attached to fences and building walls. Between the detector receiving and transmitting units, a zone in the form of an ellipsoid of rotation is formed.

The Prism series detectors have proven themselves to be excellent, finding application at government and commercial facilities.

They are distinguished by a high probability of detecting an attempt to overcome, the absence of false alarms, convenient control of functions and settings, and minimal costs for the acquisition and operation of a perimeter security system.

The latter is extremely important due to the large length of the security line.

The estimated cost of 1 meter of the boundary of a section from 20 to 300 meters (using the Prism 1/300 detector) is 51 rubles, the cost of 1 meter of the boundary of a section from 75 to 500 meters (using the Prism 1/500 detector) is only 37 rubles (obsolete).

It is worth noting that the estimated cost of the kit does not include switching elements and racks for mounting blocks, the options of which are selected for a specific security scheme.

We recommend using racks manufactured by NPC Omega-microdesign, their design includes a built-in detector connection unit, there is a support for installation in the ground.

You can also use any pipes and racks to mount the units, but the special racks manufactured by our company take into account everything that simplifies installation and ensures stable operation of the detectors.

To eliminate dead zones of detection that occur near racks or mounts of detector units, it is recommended to install similar units (Transmission Units or Receiving Units) nearby and ensure a shift in the axes of the detection zones to eliminate the shielding effect.

In the Russian climate, it is necessary to ensure reliable operation of detectors during precipitation and snow cover.

In the Prizma series products, operability is guaranteed when exposed to precipitation in the form of rain up to 30 mm/hour or snow up to 10 mm/hour, snow cover height up to 0.5 m, grass cover height up to 0.3 m, movement in the detection zone of small objects or animals with linear dimensions of no more than 0.2 m.

We would especially like to mention the Prizma 2 series, when using which the level of snow cover at the security line can reach directly to the detector units.

This guarantees stable operation and the absence of false alarms.

The Prizma 2 series has been specially developed and put into production for protecting areas near administrative buildings, airports, checkpoints, along the perimeter of which a fence is installed.

The detectors of this series are located directly on the fence or walls of buildings.

Thanks to the new method of forming the detection zone field, there is no reflection of the wave from the walls, and we get stable operation of the products without loss of sensitivity.

However, not all airport perimeters are characterized by straight, extended sections.

There are perimeter sections with frequent turns.

In such cases, it is necessary to install radio wave sensors on each such straight sector, which does not have the best effect on the budget.

In this case, we recommend using wire-wave detectors of the «Impulse» series.

The detection zone of these detectors can be formed along the ground surface or along various structures, such as fuel and lubricant warehouses, hangars (along the roofs or walls of buildings), along the plane or at the top of fences in the form of a “visor” with any angle of inclination, along spiral barbed tape (SBT) or wire.

The detection zone formed between two wires is very resistant to external precipitation, and snow simply “does not see”. Thus, it is easier to maintain the protected perimeter in the winter.

The Impulse series detectors block the boundaries of one to 250 meters on one flank (Impulse-12 and Impulse-mini-1/250 modifications) or two flanks up to 500 meters.

A rather useful moment in detecting a violation of the territory is understanding whether the intruder enters the airport from the outside, or, conversely, an employee or visitor to the airport leaves its territory.

Understanding this without video surveillance, but only with the help of a security detector, would significantly simplify the elimination of the consequences of the violation.

At the moment, tests are underway on the wire-wave detector of the Impulse-20 series, which solves this problem thanks to a three-wire circuit for forming a detection zone.

The detection zone of the Impulse-20 detector kit is up to 700 meters on two flanks.

The airport zone is an intensive data exchange zone, where radars and radio transmitting stations of different frequency ranges are concentrated.

Peace and Security No. 4, 2010

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