Can FireBioProtection of Wood Pirilaks be Safe?
Can FireBioProtection of Wood Pirilax be Safe? Our specialists receive many different questions about FireBioProtection Pirilax and other fire retardants — antiseptics. Some of the most pressing questions are: «Can chemistry be safe?» and «Can wood be non-flammable?»
Our answer: «Yes, it can!»
Chemistry in various forms is present everywhere in our lives. These include medicines, paper, fabrics, metal alloys, artificial organs, refrigerators, and even ordinary chewing gum has a completely inorganic chemical composition. However, people are not afraid to use it every day.
Fire protection of wood is very important when building a wooden house!
Technological progress does not stand still, and today new safe and environmentally friendly materials appear. An example is the fire-bioprotective impregnation «Pirilax», the components of which are related to the components of wood. A unique polymer is formed on the surface of the treated wood, which resists fire. The composition itself is safe for people and animals, does not cause allergies. This is confirmed by safety certificates and a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
This smoothly leads to the answer to another question: «Can wood be non-flammable?»
It can, of course it can.
Thanks to the chemical interaction of the components of the composition Fire Bioprotection and antiseptics Pirilax, Fire Bioprotection of wooden structures and wood, high fire protection rates are ensured. Even the fire hazard class of materials KM2 is ensured (G1 slightly flammable, RP1 non-flammable, B1 hardly flammable, D2 with moderate smoke-forming ability, T2 moderately hazardous).
Thus, we can conclude that wood can be not only non-flammable, but also safe thanks to fire protection treatment with Pirilax compounds.
These and other issues were covered at the recently held international wooden house-building exhibition Holzhaus in Moscow. North specialists were happy to answer difficult questions and provide professional advice.
Built a house? Save it!!
Source: Fire protection and antiseptics
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