kompleks federaciya

Federation Complex

Interview with Artur Vladimirovich Aleksandrov, Director of Construction of the Federation Complex (MIBC Moscow-City)

Artur Vladimirovich Aleksandrov, Director of Construction of the Federation Complex, MiraxCity.

Graduated from St. Petersburg VISKU named after Komarovsky.

Worked as Deputy General Director of the Stroymontazh company (St. Petersburg).

Since 2002, he has been working in Moscow (MIRAX GROUP corporation). Participation in projects: «Korona», «Zolotye Klyuchi 2», «Federation» complex.

— Artur Vladimirovich, how did the idea of ​​building the complex come about in MIRAX GROUP?

— The Federation Complex is undoubtedly a very ambitious project, and MIRAX GROUP was faced with the task of raising its status in the Moscow construction market. The fact that we managed to prepare a project that satisfied all interested parties and justified the hopes placed on us is the result of long, painstaking work and the professionalism of the corporation's employees. Now we can say that the Federation Complex is our «calling card» and justifies itself from both the economic and ideological points of view.

— Were you afraid of the technical difficulties that you would have to face? After all, until now such facilities as the Federation complex had not been built in Russia.

— We took the issue of studying international experience in high-rise construction very seriously, visited many construction sites around the world, where our specialists got acquainted with a large number of objects, studying issues of building structures, functional zoning, vertical transport organization, integrated safety, fire protection systems, facade solutions, etc. Before starting construction of the complex, we conducted a lot of research work and understood what we had to do.

— Which country, in your opinion, has the greatest potential in the field of high-rise construction? Who should Russian specialists look up to?

— You can also look up to Russia. The Russian approach to designing engineering systems is not very different from German solutions, but it is noticeably different from American systems, where completely different, much less conservative approaches are adopted from the energy point of view.

— But there are not many high-rise projects in Germany?

— Nevertheless, the level of technological advancement in design and construction in Germany is very high. Today, Germany sets the tone in construction in Europe, and indeed throughout the world. German designers work, for example, in China and the UAE.

— Have you conducted economic calculations of the feasibility of building the Federation complex? There is an opinion that high-rise buildings, when exceeding a certain number of storeys, become extremely unprofitable for owners due to sharply increasing operating costs.

— Naturally, we conducted economic studies. Moreover, independent assessments were carried out on functional zoning, architectural solutions, vertical transport, engineering systems, and design. After detailed studies of the proposed options, we chose the least optimistic option and realized that it would still be profitable.

— Are the economic calculations justified now?

— They are justified. And not only the economic calculations, but also the calculations for the organization and design.
— The design documentation for the engineering systems of the complex was initially developed by domestic specialists. Why was the German company Ebert International subsequently chosen as the general designer?
— The general partner of the Federation project is Vneshtorgbank. One of the conditions of our agreement is to attract leading global firms to design and build the complex. Partly due to this, we came to the need to conclude a contract with Ebert International. However, in the end, we got a result comparable to what domestic specialists offered.

— So we can say that the level of Russian specialists is comparable to leading European designers?

— Of course. The level of Russian specialists is quite high and comparable to the European one. Our designers are able to competently implement complex objects.

— What is new from an engineering point of view implemented in the Federation complex project? What distinguishes it from other high-rise buildings?

— From the energy point of view, there are very interesting solutions. We supply 20 kilovolts directly to the building to transformer substations located on the technical floors. There is definitely no similar solution in Russia and, most likely, there is no such solution in other countries. Usually, no one pulls 20 kilovolts to energy concentration nodes. Tower «A» will have 7 technical floors, tower «B» — 5. Almost every technical floor will have its own transformer substations.
Special approaches and a separate project for a comprehensive security system are being developed. It cannot be said that there will be something completely new here, but for most of our facilities such projects have not been done before.

— The automation and control system of the complex will be implemented on the basis of the international standard BACnet. How do you assess the choice of this protocol as the main link for the technical equipment of both towers?

— Unfortunately, I do not have deep knowledge in this area and cannot evaluate the protocol from a technical point of view. However, as a manager, I can say: it is certainly convenient that BACnet allows you to combine systems and equipment from different manufacturers. This technology plays into the hands of the building owner, who can easily combine all signals from engineering equipment into a single scheme and control it as he sees fit.

— At the end of February 2006, the pouring of the concrete foundation of Tower A was completed. What is the construction schedule for the second tower of the complex?

— The framework of Tower A will be ready in about 2 years. Then, at intervals of 6 months, the main systems: engineering equipment, facade, finishing. A year after the completion of the framework, we will fully commission the facility. Both towers will be commissioned in stages. First the lower part of the building, and then the upper one. In Tower A, 34 floors will be commissioned first, then 47, and only then the hotel and apartments.

— The lower part of the towers will be commissioned, and construction work will be carried out above it?

— Yes. The tenants will occupy the lower floors and operate them. It will be safe there and all the conditions for normal operation will be created. At the same time, the upper part will be completed. Of course, by that time the tower's facade will already be finished. You can already see how the facade work is catching up with the construction of the frame.

— When holding a tender for the development and installation of engineering systems for the first tower, MIRAX GROUP offered to buy out the tender documentation from the participants. Were your expectations met in terms of the quality of the proposals provided?

— Our expectations from the tender for Tower B were fully met. We received acceptable quality of documentation and design work. In general, it is normal practice at all tenders to offer to buy out tender documentation. We use this approach everywhere, except perhaps for small tenders.

— Will the tender for the engineering systems of Tower A be similar?

— Yes.

— Will it be held in separate lots (automation, electrical, security, HVAC) or will a general contractor be selected?
— The division into lots is necessary to conduct detailed tracking of the contract cost. If you look at the results of the tender for Tower B, you will see that it was won by the consortium of ARMO Group, Schneider Electric and Johnson Controls. They are, in fact, the general contractor for the engineering systems of Tower B. The results of the tender will show who will be selected for the work in Tower A.

— Can we say that the so-called «Asian route» is used in the construction of the Federation complex? (Competing companies are present at the construction site.)

— Exactly. There is healthy competition, increasing the responsibility of each company for its area of ​​work, quality and deadlines. That is why we attracted different contractors for the frame, different ones for the piles, etc.

— The Federation Complex will be the largest multi-vendor (combining engineering equipment from different manufacturers) BACnet project in Europe. Russian specialists have never encountered a technical task of such complexity before. How could the BIG-RU association be useful to you in this matter?

— The BIG-RU Association will certainly be useful to MiraxCity for establishing additional contacts. We expect to establish other relationships with manufacturers and suppliers through the Association, and are interested in feedback on certain companies and systems.
The most important thing today is information. Our company is interested in receiving the necessary information to make informed decisions.

— That is, the BIG-RU Association can act as a consultant when choosing partners for engineering systems?

— Yes, as a consultant, an adviser on engineering systems and, perhaps, as a provider of our corporate ideas.

— What is MIRAX GROUP’s usual practice for the maintenance of constructed buildings?

— We have our own building maintenance company — MiraxService. It is headed by the vice-president of MIRAX GROUP — Maxim Vyacheslavovich Privezentsev. He is currently actively working to establish the operation service in the Federation complex.

— Is a single operation service for both towers expected?

— Both towers will be serviced by one operation service. At the same time, there is the possibility of dividing the facility into blocks so that it would always be possible to operate, service, or even sell part of the complex. For example, it is possible to sell tower «A» separately from tower «B» and also operate them separately. Everything is done for the convenience of the operation service.

— The complex provides premises for various purposes, including the HYATT hotel, whose management, for sure, has its own requirements for engineering systems and automation systems in particular. What features are provided for in the organization of maintenance of engineering equipment?

— Technical solutions have been prepared that meet the previously presented HYATT requirements concerning interiors, engineering systems, access control organization, and even towel washing. Similar regulations exist for most of our clients in the Federation. We have combined them, systematized them, and offered solutions that meet any requirements. Each tenant will be able to manage their own block, but the signals necessary for security and general management of the building will be sent to the main (or backup) control center of the general operating service, located in one of the towers of the complex.

— Information was recently published about the construction of the six-hundred-meter tower «Russia» on the territory of the Moscow-City International Business Center. Having unique experience in the construction of the «Federation» towers, how do you assess the prospects of the «Russia» tower?

— From an engineering point of view, the task is certainly feasible. From an economic point of view, it is not a given, since it is difficult to predict the liquidity of the project. I do not think that there will be many people willing to finance the project, especially considering the scale of the plans. First, we need to get investments for 75-90% of the cost of the building, using the American approach. That is, first we need to sell it, and then start building.

— But what is your forecast for the construction of the Rossiya Tower?

— It is not difficult to build. I know how to do it. But I will not make a general forecast. I am a builder and, to a lesser extent, a developer.

— What projects does your company plan to implement in the near future?

— We are actively negotiating with the MonArch company on participation in the construction of the Moscow City Hall on the 15th plot of Moscow-City and we really want to participate in this significant project, interesting for us from all points of view. Moreover, neither we nor the MonArch corporation have enough strength for this alone. In order to implement this project, we will have to abandon other objects, which is wrong from an economic point of view. It seems logical to us to combine our experience and efforts, dividing the blocks of work.

— When will the decision be made?

— The tender has not yet been announced, but we are in close negotiations to create a consortium.

We are ready to build any building inside Moscow-City. There are no buildings more complex here than the Federation complex. All projects are equally complex. We have views on the development of construction in the City, we have accumulated a lot of experience. We are ready to take part in a tender for the construction of any building, we know how to build it, we understand what the developer wants, we have experience working with suppliers and contractors.

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