Security features of construction and industrial facilities.

Security features of construction and industrial facilities

Security features of construction and industrial facilities

Facility security plan
As an initial step, before entering the facility, management personnel conduct a preliminary briefing, during which they need to review the facility security plan. As part of the briefing, the following is done: — a report on the results of the service for the past day; — comments addressed to the previous detail, both positive and negative; — a brief report on issues related to the current situation at the protected facility and in the area of ​​its deployment; — familiarization of personnel with official documents related to the facility. The rules for monitoring security activities are discussed.

Facility Security Planincludes the following mandatory points for the security officer: recording the time at which the facility is accepted for protection and handed over to the next guard; designation of such areas on the facility that require special control. During the briefing, the rules that senior employees must follow when checking the performance of the service, as well as the rules for drawing up official documents are announced.
In the mandatory special facility security planincludes several mandatory points: a diagram of the protected facility; a duty schedule; a post list; instructions on the actions of personnel in the event of an incident; instructions to the senior detail, as well as to his assistant and the checkpoint controller, if any. The facility security diagram includes the location of all additional structures, security posts, access roads, checkpoints, and vulnerable points. In addition, the diagram must indicate firing points in which the use of firearms and special equipment is prohibited.

Security of construction sites
Since construction sites are characterized by an increased level of danger, the implementation of Security of construction sites has its own characteristics, compared to other types of sites. Security activities should be preventive in nature — work to anticipate danger and threat to the site. Security of construction sitesis also characterized by the use of the principles of secrecy or demonstrativeness, which depends on the specific situation developing at the facility. The placement of security posts must be made in such a way as to enable prompt interaction between them if necessary. First, the management of the security company is obliged to make sure that all the necessary conditions are in place for accepting protection. At construction sites, the cabins of construction equipment, machines, as well as their engines, must be closed; lifting equipment must be disconnected from electricity; the windows of the first floor of the construction site must have bars and be inaccessible to unauthorized persons; all material assets must be in the places specified in the instructions, and at each acceptance and handover of duty, it is necessary to recount the protected equipment, machinery, and other inventory items.

Security of industrial facilities
There are several ways to implement security of industrial facilities. It depends on the specific type of facility and its level of danger. One or more types of physical security must be selected, consisting of installing a checkpoint at the entrance to the enterprise; organizing an armed or unarmed post at the entrance to the guarded building at the checkpoint, using technical security equipment. The security regime for industrial facilities is determined by the management of the guarded enterprise itself. The customer also determines the procedure for the daily acceptance and delivery of objects to the management, and also creates a list of persons who have access to the storage areas of material assets under the responsibility of the security guard.

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