16th International Exhibition «Security, Safety and Fire Protection»/MIPS.
16th International Exhibition «Security, Safety and Fire Protection»/MIPS. TZ correspondent talks with the exhibition director Yulia RODIKOVA about what is happening in the security market today and what awaits MIPS 2010. Correspondent: — The last time we talked was on the eve of the exhibition. How did it go? What can you say about its …
16th International Exhibition «Security, Safety and Fire Protection»/MIPS.Далее …
Intelligent Buildings. Demand for Intelligence.
#intelligent building, #smart home Demand for intelligence. Intelligent buildings. History of intelligent buildings development in Russia. On November 9-12, 2006, the Hi-Tech House-2006 exhibition and the International Forum «Integration of Intelligent Systems, Automation and Operation of Business and Residential Buildings» were held in Moscow. This became an event for all participants in the «intelligent systems» …
Innovation competition.
Innovation Competition. At the largest consumer electronics exhibition — Consumer Electronics Show (CES), held in January 2007 in Las Vegas (Nevada, USA), there was a collective winner in the nomination «Best Innovations». Echelon Corporation, a developer of hardware and software solutions in the field of «smart» energy control, together with 4Home-Media, a company that provides …
Home entertainment concept – Philips Flavors with interchangeable frames.
Home entertainment concept – Philips Flavors with interchangeable frames. As part of the Simplicity Event, Philips illustrates the concept of «Smart and Simple» with a wide range of products and solutions that are easy to use and designed with consumer preferences in mind. Flavors is a home entertainment system that can be customized to suit …
Home entertainment concept – Philips Flavors with interchangeable frames.Далее …
Internet through a light bulb
Internet via a light bulb. Scientists from the college at Boston University have taken on a project whose grandeur would make Anatoly Chubais himself with his nanotechnology and RAO UES envious: they are going to develop a technology that will turn ordinary electric light into an information transmission channel. The researchers intend to develop special …
Table 1. Features of network technologies for automation of intelligent home.
Table 1. Features of network technologies for smart home automation. Platform or technology Developer Communication protocol Communication environment Transceiver range, m Element base (IC integrated circuits) Features Implementation LonWorks Echelon LonTalk (open industry standard (EIA-709.1) Power line, telephone line, RF and IR channel 25 Neuron family IC An open platform that has a built-in …
Table 1. Features of network technologies for automation of intelligent home.Далее …
High technology for tall buildings.
Tall buildings — tall technology. In the 20th century. Moscow's «high-rises» could be counted on the fingers of one hand: 7 «Stalinist» buildings, the buildings of Novy Arbat, the Tourist House, the «National» hotel. Nowadays, skyscrapers are almost a daily occurrence: in 2003, the » Edelweiss (43 floors, 176 m) and Scarlet Sails (48 floors, …
Virtual assistants have been taught to catch thoughts on the fly
Virtual assistants have been taught to catch thoughts on the fly. The bottleneck in building automation systems is not design and installation, but management. Design and installation are done by specialists. They don’t need to be taught, they know what to connect to what and where the signal comes from. And it is the average …
Virtual assistants have been taught to catch thoughts on the flyДалее …
We choose a “smart office”.
Choosing a «smart office». Selecting the “smart office” Choosing the “smart office” In modern offices, many automation tasks can be solved using a «smart home» system. There are many reasons for this: increasing the company's prestige, improving the comfort and working environment for employees and, finally, basic convenience. Which system should I choose? The Russian …
A bath and a cigar at the right time.
A bath and a cigar at the right time. Magic tablecloths appear in folklore, and in the literature of the 19th century, the first futuristic fantasies appeared about mechanical servants and about the house of the future, which serves its residents (Russian readers will recall the fourth dream of Vera Pavlovna from Chernyshevsky). a butler …
Control your smart home with one click of the mouse.
Control your “smart home” with one click. The AXICO home automation system is developed based on wireless communication modules, electronic devices and software from leading German manufacturers. The main functions of the system: control of water heating, maintaining the required temperature and humidity in the premises, control over lighting and operation of electrical appliances in …
Management of engineering systems based on communication networks.
Management of engineering systems based on communication networks. Unfortunately, there is still no unambiguous definition of an intelligent building (IB) – everyone sees in it what is closer to them. Security companies, fascinated by the integrated security system, are ready to consider any building where it exists to be intelligent. A modern air conditioner that …
Management of engineering systems based on communication networks.Далее …
Smart Home by Gira
The phrase «smart home» hardly surprises anyone today. Just four years ago, many people had only heard something about home automation systems. Nowadays, many people already know about the capabilities of «domo sapiens». Nevertheless, interest in this topic does not weaken, but only fills with new shades. The German company Gira, one of the world …
Smart home on wheels.
A smart home on wheels. Mike Elgen, Computerworld, USA Unicat is releasing a series of expedition vehicles that combine the cross-country ability of an SUV and the luxury of a limousine and are designed for those extreme sports enthusiasts who cannot imagine their lives without high technology The economy is in the midst of a …
A smart home saves time and money.
A smart home saves time and money. For some reason, many people believe that the «Smart Home» technology only works in a high-tech interior. This is a mistake, for a smart home it doesn't matter whether you like minimalism or classics, because it doesn't choose furniture. Although, on the other hand, within the framework of …
Smart home as a basis for building the home of the future
#smart home Today it is impossible to imagine a modern apartment or house without a lot of complex electronic devices. TV, security system, air conditioner: all this is necessary in a modern home. But controlling the devices often becomes a problem. Understanding a dozen remote controls lying on the coffee table and finding the right …
Smart home as a basis for building the home of the futureДалее …
Smart parking.
Smart parking. I know what you're thinking: «What could be smart about such a simple thing as a car park?» In this article, we will give a brief overview of the systems and technologies that will help make a car park «smart». We will also discuss how such a parking lot will expand the capabilities …
Telecommunications and equipment rooms: a primer for architects.
Telecommunications and equipment rooms: a primer for architects. The days when telecommunications equipment was housed in electrical panels, boiler rooms and other utility rooms are long gone. However, the situation has changed dramatically these days, due to the complexity of the telecommunications equipment used, as well as its ever-increasing importance in use and scale of …
Telecommunications and equipment rooms: a primer for architects.Далее …
Kitchen hoods.
Secrets of the kitchen hood. Not so long ago, a hood appeared, or rather, “burst” into our kitchen, and today we can no longer imagine a complete, finished look of the kitchen without it. Initially, the main task of the hood or, as it is also called, the air purifier was to rid the kitchen …
Coherence in the design of integrated building systems.
Coordination in the design of integrated building systems. Jim Sinopoli, engineer, RCDD Principal Sinopoli and Associates, author of Smart Buildings Sitting at his conference table, talking about technology Mr. Gehry remarks, “I don’t know how to turn on my DVD system.I can hardly cope with all the gadgets in my car.”Interview with Frank Gehry, world-renowned …
Coherence in the design of integrated building systems.Далее …
Smart buildings are taking over Russia.
Smart buildings are taking over Russia. «He stuck his hand into a special hole in the front door of his house. In response to the touch of his fingers, the door opened.» The «smart home» invented in the mid-20th century by science fiction writer Ray Bradbury, which can make decisions and give advice to its …
Experience of operating domestic “intelligent buildings”.
Experience in operating domestic «intelligent buildings». The author works for a large company engaged in the integrated operation of modern class A and A+ buildings. These are almost two dozen facilities with a total area of over 30,000 sq. m. Almost every building is equipped with a set of life support and security systems, which …
Experience of operating domestic “intelligent buildings”.Далее …
Multimedia servers MAX.
MAX multimedia servers. MAX multimedia servers MAX Multimedia Servers Today, media servers are becoming one of the main devices in the «smart home», providing its (home) owner with all the possibilities of the entertainment industry. According to research by Park Associates, by 2010 about thirty million users in the United States plan to use network …
«KROST»: Subjunctive mood of «smart home».
«KROST»: Subjunctive mood of «smart home». «KROST»: Subjunctive mood of «smart home» «KROST»: Subjunctive mood of «smart home» The Krost concern is known not only for its residential complexes, country clubs, and office policies. No less famous is its global concept, formulated briefly and clearly: «Maximum comfort for thinking and active people.» We asked Stepan …
How to Raise the IQ of the World's Energy Distribution Systems.
How to increase the IQ of global energy distribution systems. How to increase the IQ of global energy distribution systems. How to increase the IQ of global energy distribution systems. Cisco has played a pivotal role in revolutionizing the Internet and digitalizing voice communications. According to its current management, the next «network revolution» could be …
How to Raise the IQ of the World's Energy Distribution Systems.Далее …
«Intelligent buildings» — «smart city»: from practice to theory.
«Intelligent buildings» — «smart city»: from practice to theory. «Intelligent buildings» — «smart city»: from practice to theory «Intelligent buildings» — «smart city»: from practice to theory Author: Andrey Volkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Information Systems, Technologies and Automation in Construction (ISTAS) of MGSU. This article is essentially a …
«Intelligent buildings» — «smart city»: from practice to theory.Далее …
Intellectual «Federation».
Federation Complex. The Federation Complex, being built by Mirax Group, is the largest high-rise construction project not only in the Moscow City business center, but in all of Russia. Upon completion, the building will consist of two towers, West and East, 243 and 360 m high, respectively, as well as a central spire 435 m …
Infometrics enables owners to reduce building operating costs and improve building comfort.
Infometrics allows owners to reduce operating costs of buildings and increase their comfort. Infometrics allows owners to reduce the operating costs of buildings and increase their comfort Infometrics allows owners to reduce the operating costs of buildings and increase their comfort By Jim Lee President, Cimetrics Inc. Today, the property management industry faces significant challenges …
Infometrics enables owners to reduce building operating costs and improve building comfort.Далее …
«Green» buildings.
Maggie Koerth-Baker, editor of Consulting-Specifying Engineer Previously, office buildings that feature environmentally friendly engineering systems were built only in states like California and Oregon. Back then, the word “ecology” was more associated with idealists who simply did not understand the cost of construction. But now the situation is changing. “Sustainability is becoming more and more …
Electric blood in the copper veins of a smart home.
The concept of a «smart home», or «smarthouse», has always been popular with science fiction authors. Window panes projecting images and sounds of wondrous corners of nature into rooms, robotic kitchens guessing the needs of their owners by the tone of their half-asleep voices and preparing coffee of the only right brand at the most …
Efficiency of the investment project for the construction of “IZ.
Efficiency of the investment construction project “IZ. Efficiency of the investment project for the construction of «IZ» Efficiency of the investment project for the construction of «IZ» Considering such a feature of the construction industry as the individuality of each object, such analysis and assessment reflect only statistical data and confirm the theory of the …
Efficiency of the investment project for the construction of “IZ.Далее …
The house I will live in.
The house I will live in. The house in which I will live The house in which I will live The house in which I will live Real Intellect, whose clients are commercial structures and individuals, designs, installs and services integrated control systems. Both I and my colleagues have accumulated sufficient experience during our work …
The House for Adults will bring the future back to Disneyland.
A house for adults will return the future to Disneyland. What does a modern teenager dream about when entering his room? Perhaps, first of all, about the most sophisticated computer and game console. What does a modern adult dream about? A fully automated house that serves only as «entertainment» that could be enjoyed after a …
The House for Adults will bring the future back to Disneyland.Далее …
Dynamic facades save energy.
Dynamic facades save energy. Dynamic facades save energy. Dynamic facades save energy. Recent studies have shown that proper distribution of window openings in a room, in combination with the operation of lighting control systems and heating, ventilation and air conditioning, can significantly reduce peak loads on the air conditioning system. This measure also allows you …
Digital cities.
Digital cities. The relationship between the construction and digital technologies is beginning to acquire the character of direct dependence. Branched computer networks, interactive television, wireless communication channels are becoming an integral part of modern office and residential buildings and ensure their functioning. However, high technologies, in addition to functional conveniences, can and should have a …
What makes smart buildings truly smart?
What makes smart buildings truly smart?. What makes smart buildings truly smart? What makes smart buildings truly smart?
Quick Quiz: What is an Intelligent Building?
#intelligent building What is an intelligent building? What definition would you use to describe the term intelligent building? Roman Vroblevskiy, Director of the Automatic Control Systems DepartmentYORK, a Johnson Controls company, Russia The debate on the topic of «What is an intelligent building» has been going on for the past few years. Some suggest using …
Alexander Shirokov: Don't skimp on saving.
AZ: The KROK company has long been known as a major system integrator, but the department that you head appeared relatively recently. Alexander Shirokov:KROK has been implementing projects for the integrated automation of office buildings since 2002. But over the past year and a half, both the number and complexity of projects on «intelligent buildings» …
100% electricity metering.
100% electricity metering. On the eve of Christmas, when users turn on many electrical appliances in their homes, scientists from the University of Essex (UK) John Woods and Steve Fitz won a grant to develop a smart plug that can monitor electricity consumption. The new device will not be outwardly different from existing plugs, but …
The future lies in unification.
The future is unification. The future is unification Prospects for the development of equipment for centralized surveillance systems Centralized surveillance systems, as systems should be, are multi-component. Meanwhile, a very curious picture is observed: of all the components of centralized surveillance systems, the most fully represented on various advertising platforms (exhibitions, media, etc.) are the …
Biometric access control systems based on the OnGuard Lenel network platform.
Biometric ACS based on the OnGuard Lenel network platform. The distinctive feature of the OnGuard system by Lenel Systems International is that it is a comprehensive solution for ensuring the security of office buildings of companies with a staff of 100 to 100,000 people, when the work of different components of the system is carried …
Biometric access control systems based on the OnGuard Lenel network platform.Далее …
Readers for long-range identification. Features of solutions.
Readers for long-range identification. Features of solutions. What is the difference between «long-range» RFID systems and standard systems based on proximity and smart technologies, which we are already accustomed to? First of all, the frequency range they use. Typically, this frequency range is 2.4-2.6 GHz. The second thing to note is the use of active …
Readers for long-range identification. Features of solutions.Далее …
Elite turnstiles.
Elite turnstiles. If you recall the checkpoints of Soviet enterprises and institutions, and these memories are still fresh for many, then almost any modern turnstile is perceived as elite compared to the equipment of those recent times. But today we live in a different country, it is a market time, when any demand must certainly …
multifunctional plastic cards.
multifunctional plastic cards. Much has been written about multifunctional smart cards. At first, it was a completely natural interest in the new product, then came the turn of studies of varying degrees of depth and seriousness, but nevertheless, undoubtedly, useful and necessary. What is the situation now? And (given the subject of the magazine) what …
Wireless access control systems: ideas, implementation examples, prospects.
Wireless ACS: ideas, implementation examples, prospects. The main objective of this review is to familiarize industry specialists with a new promising topology for organizing full-fledged wireless ACS based on the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless data transmission protocol, better known as «ZigBee technology». In fact, it would be more correct to call this article an «introduction» rather …
Wireless access control systems: ideas, implementation examples, prospects.Далее …
SKUD: If the mountain won't come to Mohammed.
ACS: If the mountain does not go to Mohammed. Problems of integrating ACS into building automation systems PreambleA meticulous reader may immediately ask: why the problems of integrating ACS and not security systems? After all, ACS is an integral part of an integrated security system, and we should talk about integrating security systems with what …
Digicon turnstiles, or No entry for unauthorized persons.
Digicon turnstiles, or No entry for unauthorized persons. It would not be an exaggeration to say that every person today is familiar with turnstiles. We encounter them constantly — in stores, in public transport, at checkpoints in offices, in educational or government institutions, in fitness centers and in other public places. The models of these …
Digicon turnstiles, or No entry for unauthorized persons.Далее …
Biometric readers. Part 1
Let's make a reservation right away: the classification by cost, which we will adhere to in this review, is quite arbitrary. Biometric readers can be divided according to many technical and technological features. Classification by cost is rather market-based. But we chose it because it is the price that largely reflects the technical excellence of …
Biometric readers. Part 2.
Biometric readers. Part 2. For those who have not yet had time to read the first part of the review of biometric readers presented on the Russian market (No. 6–2009), we repeat that the authors decided to classify readers by cost. A normal choice, because it is the price that largely reflects the technical excellence …
Biometric fingerprint readers.
Biometric fingerprint readers. There are many biometric identification technologies used in access control and management systems. Let's name a few of the most widely used today and presented on the Russian market: — iris; — retina scanning; — fingerprint; — vein pattern on the palm; — hand geometry; — three-dimensional and two-dimensional face identification. so-called …
Biometric systems: a look at the market.
Biometric systems: a look at the market. According to the International Biometric Group (IBG), the total volume of the global biometric market grew from billion in 2007 to billion in 2010. Many transnational corporations, such as Citigroup and McDonald's, are showing interest in biometric solutions today. Schengen countries have announced plans to introduce biometric visas. …
Electromagnetic locks and latches.
Electromagnetic locks and latches. A review of all existing locking devices is doomed to be endless. We don't need it. Let's narrow the topic and talk about locks that serve as actuators of access control and management systems. The most modern ACS, the main purpose of which is to restrict passage through doors, without electrically …
Printers for personalization of access cards.
Printers for personalization of access cards. In this review, we will talk about equipment without which it is difficult to imagine modern access control and management systems (ACMS). We will talk about devices for personalization of the most widely used user identifiers — contactless plastic cards (proximity, smart). Having appeared relatively recently, these cards have …
Stirred but not stirred, or Integrated ACS and financial calculations.
Mix but don't shake, or Integrated ACS and financial settlements. In recent years, the automation systems market has increasingly seen solutions related to the use of access control systems (ACS) not only in the security sector, but also in other areas of the economy. They talk about integrated solutions, specialized applications, new opportunities. This is …
Stirred but not stirred, or Integrated ACS and financial calculations.Далее …
The right driver is flexible integration.
The right driver – flexible integration. The creation of integrated security systems (ISS) is the process of building a complex of technical security equipment operating in a single information space, which allows creating arbitrary models of interaction between various systems that satisfy virtually any requirements of the facility's operation services. The software package acts as …
ACS: a look into the near future.
ACS: a look into the near future. As an integral part of security systems, ACS have significant potential. They are able to interact with other information systems that ensure the functioning of buildings and company management. First of all, we are talking about building management systems, personnel management systems and commercial systems. This position of …
Mathematical model of the «anti-passback» function in access control and management systems.
Mathematical model of the «anti-passback» function in access control and management systems. Mathematical model of the «anti-passback» function in access control and management systems Vorontsov Kirill Borisovich, Korolev Vladimir Sergeevich, Lebedev Leonid Pavlovich Mathematical model of the «anti-passback» function in access control and management systems When creating physical protection systems (PPS), the task is to …
Mathematical model of the «anti-passback» function in access control and management systems.Далее …
BIO-KEY – THE PATH TO SECURITY. BIO-KEY – THE PATH TO SECURITY UKOV Vyacheslav Sergeevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences BIO-KEY – THE PATH TO SECURITY Due to their high operational and technical characteristics, biometric security tools have been receiving well-deserved attention from specialists for almost 20 years. These tools have found application mainly in government …
integration of fire alarm systems with building control systems.
integration of fire alarm systems with building control systems. Installation of fire alarm systems in buildings based on a single controller is convenient, economical and practical. This is, so to speak, a typical opinion held by many installers. I will try to argue with it. And give reasoned answers to two main questions: why is …
integration of fire alarm systems with building control systems.Далее …
Complexes of technical means for central monitoring stations using GSM.
#PCN Complexes of technical means for PCN using GSM. PCN – centralized monitoring station. This is a kind of information center, where all events from objects flow. The center is equipped with specialized technical means, information from which is received and analyzed by the operator. GOST defines a centralized monitoring console as an independent technical …
Complexes of technical means for central monitoring stations using GSM.Далее …
10 mW per hundred kilometers.
10 mW per hundred kilometers. Historically, Russia is the most active player in the global market of radio channel security and fire systems. Unlike Europe, which is entangled in wires, reliable wired communications are quite rare in Russia, so in most cases it is advisable to use a radio channel for communication. This is justified …
About fires.
About fires. About fires About fires Dear editors, in the summer and fall of 2010, a lot was written and said about fires in the villages and towns of the country, what the people thought about it, about the Prime Minister's response to one writer, etc. I want to say that apparently our people were …
Description of address systems
The first addressable systems appeared among fire alarms about 30 years ago. Soon, addressable security systems appeared. They are gradually gaining popularity. Now there is a widespread opinion that addressable systems are very, very good, but expensive. I will try to dispel both of these stereotypes. First, let's clarify what we mean by addressable systems. …
Biometric identification systems: reality, not utopia.
Biometric identification systems: reality, not utopia. Biometric identification systems: reality, not utopia Biometric identification systems: reality, not utopia The idea of using human biometric parameters for identification purposes rightfully belongs to science fiction writers (Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, etc.). Scientists, in turn, took on the task of making the dream a reality by creating a …
Biometric identification systems: reality, not utopia.Далее …
Biometric ACS: About myths and stereotypes.
Biometric ACS: About myths and stereotypes. Biometric ACS: About myths and stereotypes. Biometric ACS: About myths and stereotypes. The most active implementation of new biometric technologies is taking place in the countries of North America and Europe, which account for 62% of the industry market. In Russia, there is also interest in biometric innovations, there …
Simple Home Security Tips You Should Know When in Your Home
Did you know that a house on the planet is robbed every 15 seconds? Many of these burglaries occur in neighborhoods, and nearly half a million of them occur each year during the daytime. Despite these statistics, most homeowners take minimal steps to protect their homes from burglars. Luckily, there are many quick and easy …
Simple Home Security Tips You Should Know When in Your HomeДалее …
Nanotechnology in security systems.
Nanotechnology in security systems. Moreover, nanoparticles are so small that the human eye cannot track them. For security systems, the ability to hide the presence of sensors is a huge plus, because in this case, the intruder will not even be able to notice the presence of a security system. That is why nanotechnology has …
On the selection of drive types for industrial swing gates.
On choosing the type of drives for industrial swing gates. On choosing the type of drives for industrial swing gates On choosing the type of drives for industrial swing gates These are not private gates that are opened 2-5 times a day. And the dimensions are by no means small. And throwing away the drive …
On the selection of drive types for industrial swing gates.Далее …
A story from one of our clients.
A story from one of our clients. A story from one of our clients A story from one of our clients The Talking Smart Home System «Glacis» I want to tell you about the Talking Smart Home System created and supplied by our company. But first, a story from one of our clients: “I was …
Access Control and Management Systems: Where Are We Going?
Access control and management systems: Where are we going?. Access control and management systems: Where are we going? Access control and management systems: Where are we going? THE RUSSIAN ACS MARKET IN GENERAL Currently, most specialists in the areas of development, production, sales and installation of access control systems (ACS) note, although not significant, but …
Access Control and Management Systems: Where Are We Going?Далее …
Unified controllers.
Unified controllers. Unified controllers Unified controllers Access, access restriction has been used by mankind since time immemorial. At first it was a man with a sharpened stick, then a shooter with an axe, who, as civilization developed, was replaced by a man with a gun. And at each stage of development, mankind tried to use …
Car numbers are under control.
Car numbers under control. From entry control systems and parking payment systems, automatic recognition of vehicle number plates has come a long way. This article analyzes the state of the market, technological advances and common problems associated with the application and development of this technology. Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) is a rapidly growing technology …
Housings for IP cameras.
Cases for IP cameras. Video cameras used in adverse external conditions (outdoors or in vandal-prone areas) are traditionally placed inside an additional protective casing. IP cameras are no better than conventional ones in this regard; they are often even more delicate and require more precise temperature maintenance. Are regular housings suitable for IP cameras? And …
Megapixel cameras in security television: pros and cons.
Megapixel cameras in security television: pros and cons. I'll be brief: megapixel video cameras have only one advantage — a large number of pixels. All other things being equal (which, of course, does not happen), this is good. Everything else is disadvantages. Let's take a closer look. The first obvious drawback is the price. Please …
Megapixel cameras in security television: pros and cons.Далее …
RTSoft: reliable solutions – reliable partnership.
RTSoft: reliable solutions – reliable partnership. RTSoft: reliable solutions — reliable partnership RTSoft: reliable solutions — reliable partnership The Citect family of software products is well known in Russia and is widely used in a variety of areas: metallurgy, energy, food, oil, gas, chemical and other industries. Another area in which Citect solutions are effectively …
CD6 Series: DiGiVi dome type office cameras.
CD6 Series: DiGiVi office dome cameras. CD6 Series: DiGiVi office dome cameras CD6 Series: DiGiVi Dome-Type Office Cameras The Security Technologies Company announces the start of deliveries of a new series of dome-type cameras of the CD6 series. The series is represented by three models, identical in style and element base, differing in the presence …
The problem of water leakage is one of the most costly for both apartment owners and neighbors.
The problem of water leakage is one of the most costly for both apartment owners and neighbors. The problem of water leakage is one of the most costly for both apartment owners and neighbors. The problem of water leakage is one of the most costly for both apartment owners and neighbors. Until recently, it seemed …
GSM alarm system for heating boiler control.
The most common requirement for GSM alarms is the ability to control a heating system or boiler. To implement such control (for example, consider the Armada GSM alarm), an external temperature sensor is used, which is located in the room in which the temperature needs to be monitored. If the boiler needs to be controlled …
Intelligent and energy-efficient outdoor lighting LonWorks
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice Lighting based on LonWorks technologies. Considering a modern city or building from the point of view of engineering systems, we can note the widespread onset of their «intellectualization», which …
Intelligent and energy-efficient outdoor lighting LonWorksДалее …
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #perimeter alarm, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice SMART” SENSORS FOR INTELLIGENT SECURITY SYSTEMS.. SMART” SENSORS FOR INTELLIGENT SECURITY SYSTEMS. UKOV Vyacheslav Sergeevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences RYCHKOV Sergey Alekseevich “SMART” SENSORS FOR INTELLIGENT SECURITY …
Intelligent building. Peculiarities of national design.
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice Features of national design. The basis of an intelligent building is an automated system that combines resource-saving, security and comfort systems. Such a system is implemented partially or in …
Intelligent building. Peculiarities of national design.Далее …
Automated warehouse 23 meters high.
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice Automated warehouse. A project for the installation of a whole complex of high-rise automated warehouse systems KARDEX Shuttle XP has been completed at the Ekra scientific — manufacturing enterprise …
OPS: main directions of development.
#OPS OPS: main development directions. Mikhail LEVCHUK, Head of Marketing and Sales Department, Argus-Spectr JSC Vladimir VOLKHONSKY, Director of Representative Office, ADI International Mikhail SHAKAROV, Expert of Technical Support Department, Building Automation and Safety Department, Siemens Sergey SHCHIPITSYN, General Director of System Sensor Fire Detectors Question for discussions In your opinion, the most striking achievements …
Comparative analysis of protected key carriers.
Comparative analysis of protected key carriers. Comparative analysis of protected key carriers Comparative analysis of protected key carriers The development of information technology has led to the emergence of the problem of storing classified information. The issue has become especially acute with the development of the Internet, the emergence of technologies for legally significant document …
TECHNICAL CHANNELS OF LEAKAGE OF INFORMATION TRANSMITTED VIA COMMUNICATION CHANNELS.. TECHNICAL CHANNELS OF LEAKAGE OF INFORMATION TRANSMITTED VIA COMMUNICATION CHANNELS. KHOREV Anatoly Anatolyevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor TECHNICAL CHANNELS OF INFORMATION LEAKAGE TRANSMITTED VIA COMMUNICATION CHANNELS Technical channels of information leakage transmitted via wired communication channels Until now, telephone communication has prevailed among many …
Absolute protection system.
Absolute protection system. An attempt at definition. The article attempts to define an absolute protection system, relative to which any other, including software, AIS protection systems can be assessed. Before synthesizing an absolute protection system, we will try to briefly characterize the main methods of protection implemented in wildlife. The results of the analysis of …
Security and digital signatures in electronic data exchange systems.
Email systems that were previously used by isolated organizations in relatively secure conditions are now being connected to public networks that cannot be considered sufficiently secure. Organizations and government agencies are vulnerable to hackers, unscrupulous system employees, and skilled eavesdroppers. Cryptographic technology can provide secure communications and effective email security. Public key cryptography is ideal …
Security and digital signatures in electronic data exchange systems.Далее …
Electronic nose — a new direction in the security industry
ELECTRONIC HOC — A NEW DIRECTION IN THE SECURITY INDUSTRY. N. Dolgopolov, M. Yablokov Peace and Security No. 4, 2007 One of the promising areas of using nanotechnology achievements in security systems is the creation of technical means such as the «Electronic Nose», designed to detect ultra-low concentrations of substances prohibited for distribution. Attempts to …
Electronic nose — a new direction in the security industryДалее …
ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COMPUTER SECURITY. GROMOV V.I. VASILIEV G.A. «ENCYCLOPEDIA OF COMPUTER SECURITY» (collection) Contents. 1. PROTECTING COMPUTERS FROM UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO INFORMATION 1.1. Special software for protecting PC information 1.2. Tools using password identification2. USING CRYPTOGRAPHY 2.1. Pretty good privacy (PGP) 2.1.1. PGP vulnerabilities 2.1.2. PGP Internet resources 2.2. Encrypting information in images and sound …
FAPSI and ENSURING REGIONAL INFORMATION SECURITY. FAPSI and ENSURING REGIONAL INFORMATION SECURITY FAPSI and ENSURING REGIONAL INFORMATION SECURITY The widespread use and relative cheapness of computing equipment and information on methods of obtaining information have led to the fact that the threat to confidential information from individual criminals and organized criminal groups can now be …
Integral information protection. Continuation. Started in No.5 2002.
UKOV Vyacheslav Sergeevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences INTEGRAL INFORMATION PROTECTION Continued. Beginning in No. 5, 2002. Means of detecting hidden bookmarks. Nonlinear locators One of the most dynamic sectors of the Russian market for comprehensive information protection is the sector of hidden bug detection tools. Moreover, at present, the task of detecting information leakage channels …
Integral information protection. Continuation. Started in No.5 2002.Далее …
Internet in criminal activity.
The Internet in Criminal Activity. The Internet in Criminal Activity The Internet in Criminal Activity The emergence and development of the global Internet, which has united hundreds of thousands of individual computers, currently opens up the most effective way of using information technology for criminal purposes. In this article, the Internet is considered as an …
How do metal detectors work?
How metal detectors work. How metal detectors work. Mark Rowan & William Lahr (translated by A. Nikitsky) How metal detectors work. INTRODUCTION. Metal detectors (MD) are wonderful machines. Many people who use MDs are full of enthusiasm, extolling the features of their favorites before heading out to hunt for treasure. Those of us who professionally …
Control of communications in the United States.
CONTROL OF COMMUNICATION FACILITIES IN THE USA ABSTRACT: The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) gives permission to legally oblige developers of communication and telecommunications systems to provide special capabilities for information control. The U.S. government has passed regulations that will give the FBI and other U.S. government agencies and intelligence agencies new electronic surveillance capabilities …
Cryptographic algorithms used to ensure information security when interacting on the INTERNET.
Cryptographic algorithms used to ensure information security when interacting on the INTERNET. Alexey Alekseevich TERENIN, PhD in Engineering Sciences CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS USED TO ENSURE INFORMATION SECURITY WHEN INTERACTING ON THE INTERNET A brief overview of the most common encryption algorithms is presented on today, their description, as well as problems that arise during their …
Cryptography in GSM networks.
Cryptography in GSM networks. Cryptography in GSM networks. Cryptography in GSM networks. There are not many practical options for such devices. An example of a scrambler is the Swiss company Crypto AG's HC-2413. As far as can be judged from the photograph, it is based on the Sagem MC-850 phone, with a scrambling device added …
Optically pumped quantum magnetometers for explosive detection.
Optically pumped quantum magnetometers for searching for explosive objects. ZVEZHINSKY Stanislav Sigismundovich, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences JSC NPK Dedal, Leading Researcher PARFENTSEV Igor Valerievich, Candidate of Technical Sciences FSUE «15th Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation named after D.M. Karbyshev», Head of Department. Source: magazine «Special Equipment and …
Optically pumped quantum magnetometers for explosive detection.Далее …
Magnetically sensitive search devices.
Magnetically sensitive search devices.. Magnetically sensitive search devices. Arbuzov Sergey Olegovich MAGNETIC-SENSITIVE SEARCH DEVICES. To search for metals in concealed environments — underground, under water, in snow, etc., several types of metal detectors are used, differing from each other primarily in their operating principle — the sensitive element. Metal detectors can be divided into two …
Some options for organizing operational radio communications for security and safety services.
Some options for organizing operational radio communications for security and protection services.. Some options for organizing operational radio communications for security and protection services. Vorobyov Sergey Viktorovich Ovchinnikov Andrey Mikhailovich SOME OPTIONS FOR ORGANIZING OPERATIONAL RADIO COMMUNICATION OF SECURITY AND PROTECTION SERVICES The article examines the issues of building operational radio communication networks for commercial …
Illegally operating transmitters. Search algorithms, equipment requirements.
Illegally operating transmitters. Search algorithms, equipment requirements. Illegally operating transmitters. Search algorithms, equipment requirements Krivtsun Alexander Vitalievich, chief specialist of ZAO «Zashity Group-UTTA» Illegally operating transmitters. Search algorithms, equipment requirements In today's high-tech world, searching for radio channels of covert data collection devices is complicated by several factors. Firstly, developers of covert data collection devices …
Illegally operating transmitters. Search algorithms, equipment requirements.Далее …
Identification documents that cannot be counterfeited or falsified.
Identification documents that cannot be counterfeited or falsified. Identification documents that cannot be counterfeited or falsified. 1993 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology-P. 11-14. Identification documents that cannot be counterfeited or falsified. Identification documents (passports, ID cards, credit cards, etc.) that grant certain privileges to their owners are of particular interest to counterfeiters. By presenting …
Identification documents that cannot be counterfeited or falsified.Далее …
Not Just Encryption, or Cryptotechnologies Review..
Not Just Encryption, or an Overview of Cryptotechnologies.. Not Just Encryption, or an Overview of Cryptotechnologies. Not Just Encryption, or an Overview of Cryptotechnologies Gleb Semenov Introduction What usually comes to mind when you hear the word «cryptography»? Intelligence agencies, diplomatic correspondence, «mathematical shamanism»? And when you say the phrase «cryptography in information technology»? Data …
NEW CABLE CONVERTER FOR SEISMOMAGNETOMETRIC DETECTION. MAKSIMOV Andrey Mikhailovich TREATING “BLUE TOOTH”. On the issue of counteracting penetration into a cell phone via the Bluetooth channel The rapidly growing sphere of cellular telephony has already given rise to more than one new channel for information leakage. Among them is the popular Bluetooth communication protocol, which …
New products on the information security market.
New products on the information security market. New products on the information security market New products on the information security market At the Security Technologies forum held from 1 to 5 February 2000 at the All-Russian Exhibition Centre, Information Protection presented information protection technology from the American companies Research Electronics Inti and Information Security Associations …
Organization of technical and forensic examination of computer systems.
Organization of technical and forensic examination of computer systems. I. Sobetsky In the article (On the evidentiary value of log files), I analyzed the evidentiary value of log files obtained during the investigation of criminal cases on offenses in the field of computer information. However, there remains another equally important question — on the production …
Organization of technical and forensic examination of computer systems.Далее …
Basic principles of creating a system for minimizing information risks in a large enterprise.
Basic principles for creating a system for minimizing information risks at a large enterprise. Introduction In a market economy, commercial enterprises constantly operate under risk. This means that at any given time there are non-zero probabilities of occurrence of events undesirable for commercial enterprises related to their direct activities. These events can be very diverse …
Basic principles of creating a system for minimizing information risks in a large enterprise.Далее …
The main results of the development of Russian intellectual maps and the prospects for their application in information security systems and tools.
The main results of the development of Russian smart maps and the prospects for their application in information security systems and tools. The main results of the development of Russian smart maps and the prospects for their application in information security systems and tools. The main results of the developmentRussian intellectual cards and prospects for …
IFSEC2011. Security technologies and best practices from around the world.
IFSEC2011: Security Technologies and Advanced Security Practices from Around the World. The thirty-eighth IFSEC exhibition, which will be held from May 16 to 19 at the Birmingham National Exhibition Centre in the UK, is undoubtedly one of the most significant events in the field of security. This year, IFSEC, as always, brings together the world's …
IFSEC2011. Security technologies and best practices from around the world.Далее …
Federal Communications Commission Regulation on Telecommunications and Cellular Communications Systems.
The Federal Communications Commission's ruling on the control of telecommunications and cellular communications systems.. The Federal Communications Commission's ruling on the control of telecommunications and cellular communications systems. Copyright 1999 The San Diego Union-Tribune The San Diego Union-Tribune Saturday, August 28, 1999 SECTION: PG NEWS. A-8 LENGTH: 593 words SUMMARY: The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) …
Application of side-scan sonars to solve problems of navigation safety and environmental monitoring.
#side-scan sonars SKNARYA Anatoly Vasilyevich TRUSILOV Vladimir Tarasovich SEDOV Maxim Vyacheslavovich USE OF SIDE-SCAN SONARS TO SOLVE NAVIGATION SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROBLEMS The increase in human economic activity in recent decades has led to active involvement of inland waters and the sea shelf in this area of activity, which required the implementation of …
Smart card security issues.
Problems of smart card protection. Problems of smart card protection Problems of smart card protection According to forecasts by Dataquest, the smart card market is expected to grow significantly from the current 941 million cards per year to 4.7 billion in 2002. A smart card is an engineering device the size of a credit card …
Software Tempest: covert data transmission using electromagnetic radiation.
Software Tempest: covert data transmission using electromagnetic radiation. Software Tempest: covert data transmission using electromagnetic radiation Software Tempest: Covert Communications Using Electromagnetic Radiation Marcus G. Kuhn and Ross J. Anderson (University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, UK) Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Shortwave Audio Transmissions 3. A Receiver for Intercepting Video Displays 4. Hiding Information …
Software Tempest: covert data transmission using electromagnetic radiation.Далее …
Radio Monitoring in the Security System of Commercial Facilities. Part 1
#radio monitoring ROSSI Corporation Manual for security officers, heads of business and commercial structures INTRODUCTION An integral part of the market mechanism is the concept of commerce. Any modern enterprise in a market economy is forced to operate in a competitive environment. At the same time, however, unfair competition is possible, consisting of the violation …
Radio Monitoring in the Security System of Commercial Facilities. Part 1Далее …
PERSONAL ENCRYPTOR TECHNOLOGIES: FEATURES, CAPABILITIES, PROSPECTS.. PERSONAL ENCRYPTOR TECHNOLOGIES: FEATURES, CAPABILITIES, PROSPECTS. UKOV Vyacheslav Sergeevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences NAZAROV Dmitry Mikhailovich PERSONAL ENCRYPTOR TECHNOLOGIES: FEATURES, POSSIBILITIES, PROSPECTS Nowadays, scientific and technological progress has made another technological breakthrough — technologies have appeared that have made it possible to bring guaranteed information protection tools as close …
Trunking communication in the security business.
Trunking communication in the security business. In their work, employees of private security companies, bank collection services, and transport organizations actively use various types of mobile radio communication: paging, radio (conventional), radiotelephone, cellular, and trunking. The first mobile radio communication systems were organized in the USA in the early 1930s. Police cars were equipped with …
Wi-Fi networks and information security threats.
Wi-Fi networks and threats to information security. Wi-Fi networks and threats to information security Dmitry Ivanovich Belorusov Mikhail Sergeevich Koreshkov «RICOM» Moscow Wi-Fi networks and threats to information security The article examines direct and indirect threats to information security that arise in connection with the development of WiFi wireless access technology. It is shown that …
Keepers of laptops.
Keepers of laptops. Keepers of Notes Keepers of Notes V. Zakurdaev Mobile News # 37, 2003 In recent years, the term «mobility» has come into fashion, and with it the rhythm of life has changed. The concept of working hours has changed. If until recently a diligent employee who worked a full working day believed …
PROTECTION OF STATE AND INDUSTRIAL SECRETS. PROTECTION OF STATE AND INDUSTRIAL SECRETS PROTECTION OF STATE AND INDUSTRIAL SECRETS Computer security issues in the USA As noted in Defense fe Security Electronics magazine, the problems of computer and information security today are formulated in President Clinton's Executive Order «On Classified Information Related to National Security» of …
Computer protection: electronic identification and authentication systems.
Computer protection: electronic identification and authentication systems. Computer protection: electronic identification and authentication systems Computer protection: electronic identification and authentication systems V. Shramko, PhD in Engineering, e-mail vnshramko@infosec.ru . PCWeek/RE No. 12, 2004 Source —Informzashita AAA, or 3A (authentication, authorization, administration) tools designed to provide protection against unauthorized access (UA) to information resources maintain a stable …
Computer protection: electronic identification and authentication systems.Далее …
Protection of the organization's manager's speech information from hidden recording by a visitor.
Protection of speech information of the head of the organization from hidden recording by the visitor. A. Adamyan 1. Introduction Speech information is one of the main sources of obtaining data on a person's personal life or the financial, research, and production activities of an organization, i.e. information that is not subject to wide publicity …
Installing a security alarm in an apartment with your own hands. Part II.
Installing a security alarm in an apartment with your own hands. Part II. Installing a security alarm in an apartment with your own hands. Part II. Installing a security alarm in an apartment with your own hands. Part II PKPs are used for security and fire alarms, and the most common device is one that …
Installing a security alarm in an apartment with your own hands. Part II.Далее …
Economic justification for building automation.
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice Economic justification for building automation. Economic justification for building automation Economic justification for building automation Roman Valerievich Vroblevsky Director of the Department of Automatic Control Systems YORK , a …
Enemies of construction innovations.
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice Enemies of construction innovations. Enemies of construction innovations Enemies of construction innovations The national project «Affordable Housing for Russian Citizens» has been implemented in the country for the second …
Where are the wires laid?
Where are the wires laid?. Where are the wires laid? Where are the wires laid?
The most unusual methods and unique inventions for protecting property.
The most unusual methods and unique inventions for protecting property. The Most Unusual Ways and Unique Inventions to Protect Your Property The Most Unusual Ways and Unique Inventions to Protect Your Property Since ancient times, people have come up with different ways and devices to protect their homes and property from the encroachments of strangers …
The most unusual methods and unique inventions for protecting property.Далее …
Table 1. Characteristics of domestically produced radio modems.
Table 1. Characteristics of domestically produced radio modems.. Table 1. Characteristics of domestically produced radio modems. Table 1. Characteristics of domestically produced radio modems Name Operating frequency Modulation type Transmission rate Coding method On-air protocol Voltage nutrition Output power Sensitivity Note Bridge 450 – 470 MHz FSK 9600 bps __ batch 12 V 5; 10; …
Table 1. Characteristics of domestically produced radio modems.Далее …
Modern sonar.
#modern sonar Modern sonar. Zakharov Alexander Ivanovich, Krivtsov Alexander Pavlovich, Sedov Maxim Vyacheslavovich, Sknarya Anatoly Vasilyevich, Trusilov Vladimir Tarasovich, Sharov Vladimir Sergeevich MODERN SONAR First steps in hydroacoustics. The origins of many modern areas of technology originate in centuries distant from us, when the first important fundamental discoveries in science and technology were made. …
NEW CABLE CONVERTER FOR SEISMOMAGNETOMETRIC DETECTION. ALEXEY ALEXEYEVICH TERENIN, PH.D. (Eng.) CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS USED TO ENSURING INFORMATION SECURITY DURING INTERNET INTERACTION A brief overview of the most common encryption algorithms today, their description, as well as problems that arise during their implementation and significant aspects in practical use are presented. Protection of information by cryptographic …
Microsystem special equipment: integration and miniaturization in one bottle.
Microsystem special equipment: integration and miniaturization in one bottle.. Microsystem special equipment: integration and miniaturization in one bottle. UKOV Vyacheslav Sergeevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences MICROSYSTEM SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: INTEGRATION AND MINIATURE IN ONE BOTTLE The article examines modern possibilities for increasing the efficiency of special technical means through the use of new microsystem technologies. A …
Microsystem special equipment: integration and miniaturization in one bottle.Далее …
APCO 25: American standard for digital trunking.
APCO 25: American standard for digital trunking. Previous issues of the journal presented the TETRA and Tetrapol digital trunking radio communication standards, aimed at building mobile communication systems for law enforcement agencies and public safety services (see “Tetrapol – “an unnoticed standard for digital trunking radio communication for public safety services”, N3, 1999 and “TETRA …
Hardware implementation of fingerprint identification methods.
#Fingerprints Hardware implementation of fingerprint identification methods. Nikulin Oleg Yuryevich How many different passwords do you have to keep in mind — two, three, or maybe more? What happens if you forget the password? Use many passwords are, at the very least, inconvenient. And one in all applications is unsafe. Of course, you can partially …
Hardware implementation of fingerprint identification methods.Далее …
Secure communication. GSM security.
GSM SECURITY: SECURE COMMUNICATION. Vyacheslav Sergeevich UKOV, PhD in Engineering GSM SECURITY: REAL OR VIRTUAL? According to world statistics, the level of losses of mobile operators from various types of fraud and sabotage is 2-6% of the total volume of traffic, and according to the companies themselves, it can reach 25%. Moreover, fraudsters' attacks are …
ZigBee and Z-Wave allow you to create mesh networks in a domestic environment.
ZigBee and Z-Wave allow you to create mesh networks in everyday life. Many single-chip WSN systems are equipped with additional modules, which can include additional electronic circuits, software for stacked networks, and antennas. OEMs can use these add-on components to make their products WSN-compatible without the need for in-depth RF expertise or extensive product testing. …
ZigBee and Z-Wave allow you to create mesh networks in a domestic environment.Далее …
LON® Technology: A robust management platform and a driver of change.
LON® Technology: A Robust Management Platform and a Source of Change. LON® Technology: A Robust Management Platform and a Source of Change LON® Technology: A Robust Management Platform and a Source of Change This story begins when Mike Markkula was sitting in his closet, wondering what to do next. Already a well-known technologist and investor, …
LON® Technology: A robust management platform and a driver of change.Далее …
Review of the CD «Intelligent Building from A to Z».
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice Review of the CD «Intelligent Building from A to Z». Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.A. Volkov Review of the CD “Intelligent Building from A to Z. Electronic Catalog, …
Projects for the construction of new WTC towers.
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice Projects for the construction of new WTC towers. Projects for the construction of new WTC towers. Projects for the construction of new WTC towers. Together with the Santiago Calatrava-designed …
Why 868 MHz?
Why 868 MHz? Range The success of mobile communications and its active use inspired the further development of radio communication protocols used for short distances, as well as for high-speed data exchange. Examples of such protocols: Bluetooth and WLAN. They gave impetus to the development of data transmission systems over a radio channel. When the …
Features of the architecture of Matrix N Series network devices.
Features of the architecture of Matrix N series network devices. Features of the architecture of Matrix N series network devices Features of the architecture of Matrix N series network devices Today it is difficult to surprise a sophisticated reader with some new network device. An attempt to read the announcement of a new product usually …
Features of the architecture of Matrix N Series network devices.Далее …
«Radius-VIP» offers an effective solution for uninterruptible power supply of country houses.
Radius-VIP offers an effective solution for uninterruptible power supply of suburban housing. Radius-VIP offers an effective solution for uninterruptible power supply of country houses Radius-VIP offers an effective solution for uninterruptible power supply of country houses The problem of long power outages in country houses often causes inconvenience in the summer season, and in winter …
«Radius-VIP» offers an effective solution for uninterruptible power supply of country houses.Далее …
KONTI: WE are a full-cycle company.
KONTI: WE ARE A FULL-Cycle Company. KONTI: WE ARE A FULL-Cycle Company. KONTI: WE ARE full service company <P><IMG height=274 src= 87;/konti.jpg» width=248 border=0></P><P><EM>Vyacheslav Timerbulatov, Vice President of the KONTI Group of Companies</EM></P><P><EM><STRONG>AZ:</STRONG>The KONTI Group of Companies was one of the main ideologists of the development of the New Moscow Ring program. Could you tell …
How to “fit” capital expenditures into the budget.
How to “fit” capital expenditures into the budget. How to “fit” capital expenditures into the budget How to “fit” capital expenditures into the budget Jim Sinopoli (Jim Sinopoli), head of Sinopoli and Associates Smart building technologies can also generate some income for homeowners, for example by providing them with telecommunications links to tenants and allowing …
Internet of Things.
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice Internet of Things. Internet of Things Internet of Things Victoria Musorina The domestic economy must become innovative — this is the goal proclaimed by the country's leadership for the …
HomeLogic is a new brand of A&T Trade.
HomeLogic — new brand A&T Trade. HomeLogic — new brand A&T Trade HomeLogic — new brand A&T Trade HomeLogic is a small company based in Marblehead, Massachusetts, near Boston, that specializes in home control and entertainment solutions that enhance homeowner comfort and convenience. HomeLogic installs and services its proprietary OneHome systems, which are turnkey and …
HI-TECH HOUSE– 2006. The largest exhibition of intelligent technologies and equipment for equipping and operating buildings and residential buildings in Russia and the CIS celebrated its fifth anniversary this year. During this time, the exhibition has won serious international recognition and has become one of the most authoritative events in the intelligent technologies market. More …
Guten Tag! Simply the best.
Guten tag! Simply the best. Guten tag! Simply the best Guten tag! Simply the best… Recently, the company «ESYLUX RUS» appeared on the Russian market, the exclusive distributor of the products of the German company ESYLUX in Russia, representing wired and wireless technologies for automatic control of life support systems of the building. ESYLUX is …
Gira Home Server – is the “on-board computer” of the house
Intelligent building management provides more comfort and security in residential buildings and commercial and industrial facilities, and also helps save resources. Gira HomeServer 3– is the “on-board computer” of the house. It is a kind of gateway for the entire building equipment control system based on the Instabus KNX/EIB bus and is indispensable for creating …
Gira Home Server – is the “on-board computer” of the houseДалее …
Faculty of ISTAS MGSU: We are in the future! Are you with us?
Faculty of ISTAS MGSU: We are in the future! Are you with us?. Faculty of ISTAS MGSU: We are in the future! Are you with us? Faculty of ISTAS MGSU: We are in the future! Are you with us? “AZ”: Why is the problem proposed for discussion relevant today? Golovin A.A.:It is not difficult to …
Faculty of ISTAS MGSU: We are in the future! Are you with us?Далее …
Envision Group is opening a new line of business – project management for the implementation of automated process control systems.
«Envision Group» opens a new line of business – project management for the implementation of automated process control systems. NVision Group opens a new line of business – project management for the implementation of automated process control systems NVision Group opens a new line of business – project management for the implementation of automated process …
Energy-saving technologies and integrated automation from Siemens.
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice Energy-saving technologies and integrated automation from Siemens. Energy-saving technologies and integrated automation from Siemens Energy-saving technologies and integrated automation Siemens On March 1, 2007, the World Trade Center hosted …
Energy-saving technologies and integrated automation from Siemens.Далее …
Samsung Crystal Design Series Home Theaters.
Samsung home theaters of the Crystal Design series. Samsung Crystal Design Series home theaters Samsung Crystal Design Series Home Theater Samsung Electronics has introduced a new series of Crystal Design home theaters to the Ukrainian market, which harmoniously combine style, rich functionality and ease of operation. The series includes the HT-TKX715 and HT-KX715 models, with …
BACnet Web services.
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice Chris Gurtler SCADA Engine BACnet web services: know and be able to Most likely, you have already heard about the new addition to the BACnet web services standard, but …
BACnet works for German Post.
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice Deutsche Post (German Postal Service) is currently making extensive use of a distributed data server based on the BACnet standard and connecting the company's branches to serve customers across …
BACnet at the «field» level: FOR or AGAINST?
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice BACnet at the «field» level The ISO 16484452 standard «Building automation and control systems — Hardware» (ISO — International Organization for Standardization) sets out an approach to constructing a …
BACnet and KNX: open standards that complement each other.
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice One of the main requirements of professional users is the ability to access applications in individual buildings or their complexes, as well as the availability of visualization tools for …
BACnet and KNX: open standards that complement each other.Далее …
10 questions for experts. Russian building automation market
#how to connect a smart home, #smart home cameras, #smart home system, #download a smart home, #smart home, #buy a smart home, #smart home with Alice 10 questions for specialists 1. How would you characterize the current state of the Russian building automation market? Valery Volobuev, Director of the Industrial Automation Department of the IT …
10 questions for experts. Russian building automation marketДалее …
This little socket..
Not only the convenience and safety of using electricity, but also the appearance of the room depends on the correct selection and arrangement of electrical installation products in the apartment. Sockets and switches play a significant role in the interior, giving it completeness. Main types of switches and sockets: Waterproof sockets and switches Suitable for …
Secrets of the kitchen hood.
Secrets of the kitchen hood. Not so long ago a hood appeared, or rather, “burst” into our kitchen, and today we can no longer imagine a full-fledged, finished look of the kitchen without it. Initially, the main task of a hood or, as it is also called, an air purifier, was to rid the kitchen …
Virtual assistants have been taught to catch thoughts on the fly.
Virtual assistants have been taught to catch thoughts on the fly. The bottleneck in building automation systems is not design and installation, but management. Design and installation are carried out by specialists. There is no need to teach them, they themselves know what to connect to what and where the signal comes from. And all …
Virtual assistants have been taught to catch thoughts on the fly.Далее …
Internet via socket.
Internet via an outlet. Scientists from a college at Boston University have undertaken a project the enormity of which Anatoly Chubais himself with his nanotechnologies and RAO UES would envy: they are going to develop a technology that will turn ordinary electric light into a channel for transmitting information. Researchers intend to develop special LED …
Home entertainment concept — Philips Flavors with interchangeable frames.
Home entertainment concept — Philips Flavors with replaceable frames. At the Simplicity Event, Philips illustrates the concept of «Smart and Simple» ; through a comprehensive line of products and solutions that are easy to use and designed with the consumer in mind. Flavors is a home entertainment system that can be customized to match your …
Home entertainment concept — Philips Flavors with interchangeable frames.Далее …
The first city with a smart grid.
The first city with a smart grid. Boulder, Colorado is the first city with a smart grid. Some homes here can already manage their own energy-saving technologies. Residents of Boulder, Colorado have a reputation for being environmentally conscious. Biking and walking, parks and open space make up much of the picturesque western city. Boulder residents’ …
Intelligent buildings. Demand for intelligence.
Demand for intelligence. Intelligent buildings. History of the development of intelligent buildings in Russia. On November 9-12, 2006, the Hi-Tech House-2006 exhibition was held in Moscow, as well as International forum “Integration of intelligent systems, automation and operation of business and residential buildings.” This was an event for all participants in the “intelligent systems” market. …
Participation in the ASHRAE Winter Convention and AHR Expo 2007.
Participation in the ASHRAE Winter Convention and AHR Expo 2007. Participation in the Winter Convention ASHRAEand ExhibitionAHRExpo2007 January 27-31, 2007 (Dallas, USA) Downtown Dallas The city of Dallas, located in the state of Texas (USA), also has an unofficial name — BIG D. In many ways, it received this name due to its large extent …
Participation in the ASHRAE Winter Convention and AHR Expo 2007.Далее …
The success of QNX Technology Day confirmed the interest of the Russian IT community in the latest QNX RTOS technologies.
The success of QNX Technology Day was confirmed interest of the Russian IT community in the latest technologies of the QNX RTOS. On April 23, 2009, a technical seminar “QNX Technology Day” was held in Moscow, organized by SWD Software and SVD Embedded Systems. The event brought together more than 70 representatives of various industries …
Everything is reasonable and simple.
Everything is reasonable and simple. At the end of October, the Philips Simplicity Event 2007 forum was held in London at the Earls Court2 exhibition center, where the company presented its new ideas and developments. Over the course of three days, there was a demonstration of how the use of technology and innovative ideas, coupled …
16th International Exhibition “Security, Security and Fire Protection”/MIPS.
16th International Exhibition “Security, Security and Fire Protection”/MIPS. 16th international exhibition «Security, Safety and fire protection”/MIPS. TK correspondent talks with exhibition director Yulia RODIKOVA about what is happening today in the security market and what awaits MIPS 2010. Corr.: — The last time we spoke was the day before the exhibition. How did it go? …
16th International Exhibition “Security, Security and Fire Protection”/MIPS.Далее …
Not “smart” systems, but smart systems.
Not “smart” systems, but smart systems. Not “smart” systems, but smart systems. Published in the author's edition (End. Beginning — No. 5-2008) I burst in with boxes that couldn’t be hauled in one go — they said hello and began to carry all our presentation belongings along with the driver. This was my first face-to-face …