Envision Group is opening a new line of business – project management for the implementation of automated process control systems.

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«Envision Group» opens a new line of business – project management for the implementation of automated process control systems.

NVision Group opens a new line of business – project management for the implementation of automated process control systems

NVision Group opens a new line of business – project management for the implementation of automated process control systems

NVision Group, a leading Russian system integrator, announces the start of promoting a new line of business created to build full-scale systems for managing the activities of industrial enterprises.

To implement solutions in the field of industrial automation, the Directorate of Automated Process Control Systems (APCS Directorate) was created in NVision Group. The staff of the APCS Directorate includes specialists with many years of experience in the development and implementation of APCS systems in various industries.

Industrial automation solutions developed by Envision Group enable the integration of enterprise production processes into a common information space, provide a new level of management efficiency, and open up broad opportunities for increasing the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise.

A modern enterprise has many automation systems in operation – from industrial automation systems to business process automation management systems. Often, the automation picture is a patchwork quilt – individual parts of the corporate system are poorly connected, while others do not have any interfaces between themselves at all. This entails the loss of production information, which is the basis for all management decisions.

Production information essentially consists of two main components: information on the course and results of production (technological) processes; information on the state of production (technological) equipment.

Primary production information is more reliable, the greater its part is obtained by an objective instrumental method, independent of the intervention of an interested person.

Modern systems must have a multi-level hierarchical structure, including distributed systems for monitoring the state of process equipment and ASODU (automated system of operational dispatch control of production), which consolidates all data.

At present, when the reserves for growth in the efficiency of IT support in its current form have already been exhausted, growth in the competitiveness of an enterprise is possible only with close integration of all existing automation systems into a single Corporate Information System (CIS) with clearly established connections and business processes, which has a high degree of controllability at all levels. The solutions offered by NVision Group allow integrating disparate production automation systems and business process management automation systems into a single CIS, which ensures the functioning of technological and organizational processes in an optimal mode due to their management as a single system.

NVision Group's integration solutions are aimed at solving such problems of an industrial enterprise as: increasing the safety of production activities; increasing the organizational and technical level of support for the main business processes of the enterprise; obtaining reliable information on the state of affairs for solving problems of operational control and rational management of production processes, financial and material flows, personnel, etc.

The activities of «Envision Group» in the field of industrial automation provide for a comprehensive approach to solving the tasks and a high level of responsibility for the results. At the same time, the company takes on the management of the APCS implementation project, which allows us to guarantee high quality services and compliance with deadlines throughout the entire project.

In industrial automation projects, NVision Group specialists provide a full range of services for the creation, launch and support of process control systems: pre-project survey of the enterprise, analysis of existing control systems, automation systems, networks and communication systems; development of automation projects from the field level (sensors, actuators) to mid-level automation systems (SCADA, MES, EAM) and the upper level (business processes, resource management systems). Development and approval of design documentation; supply of the necessary equipment from leading global manufacturers; installation and commissioning of engineering systems, process control systems, telecommunications; commissioning and start-up of process control systems; integration of process control systems with existing enterprise management automation systems; personnel training, technical support and maintenance of process control systems throughout the entire life cycle of the system.

The creation of an integration solution involves a full survey of the enterprise's business processes, allowing to identify information flows and obtain a complete picture of the data transferred between different levels of management at the enterprise. The comprehensive approach and extensive experience of NVision Group specialists allow us to offer modern enterprises integration solutions that meet the strict requirements of maintaining a balance between cost, quality, reliability and productivity. NVision Group specialists have significant experience in managing complex projects and creating automation systems for large enterprises, such as OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel, FSUE Concern Rosenergoatom, AK Alrosa, OJSC LUKOIL.

About NVision Group NVision Group CJSC is the leader of the Russian market for systems integration and a leading supplier of IT solutions and services, possessing a full range of technologies, expertise and industry solutions that enable commercial companies and government organizations to increase the business value of investments in technology.
The company's activities include: information consulting, construction of integrated information and telecommunications systems for enterprises, implementation of telecommunications management systems (OSS/BSS) and information infrastructure, implementation of audio and video conferencing systems, information security, creation of enterprise management systems, and maintenance services.
The company «Envision Group» has partnership agreements with the world's leading manufacturers of information equipment and software, such as: ACME Packet, ADVA Optical, Aladdin, APC, Arbor, Avaya, AXIOM Systems, BroadSoft, Arris (C-COR), CheckPoint, Cisco Systems, EMC/Documentum, EMC, EMC Smarts, FAST, Hewlett Packard, Honneywell, Hitachi Data Systems, Huawei, IBM, InfoVista, InfoWatch, Juniper Networks, Kramer, Lampertz, Liebert, Oracle (MetaSolv), Nortel Networks, Pingtel, Radvision, Reichle, Rittal, S&T Group (Microstrategy), SAP AG, Sonus, S-Terra, Sun Microsystems, Symantec (Veritas), TANDBERG, VMWare, Wolfvision, Crypto Pro, Kaspersky Lab, etc. />The company's central office is located in Moscow. The company has regional offices in the following cities: Almaty (NVision Central Asia, Kazakhstan), Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, and St. Petersburg.
Additional information about the company ZAO NVision Group can be found on the website http://nvisiongroup.ru
For contacts: Irina Petrovskaya, Marketing Director of NVision Group
115054 Moscow, Dubininskaya St., 53, building 5
Tel. (495) 641-1212, Fax (495) 641-1211
e-mail: IPetrovskaya@nvisiongroup.ru

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