The shortage of qualified personnel is primarily due to the fact that the popularity of technical education fell sharply in the 90s. The main groups of applicants present on the market are recent university graduates and people over 40 with solid work experience. At the same time, it is quite difficult to «lure» experienced workers to a new position. «This is explained by the fact that in the conditions of fierce competition for attracting specialists, employers create very effective motivation systems. As a rule, they include not only monetary compensation, but also continuous training, professional growth, and often a flexible schedule,» says Natalia Kolokoltseva, a recruitment consultant at the recruiting agency «Unity-SET».
Companies impose rather strict requirements on applicants to have a specialized higher education, usually technical. «Most employers in the field of building design want to see graduates of MGSU as their employees, in the field of electrical equipment, the recognized leader is MPEI,» says Irina Loktionova, CEO of the recruitment agency CV Database.
According to Elena Kucherova, head of the design department of the company «Initiative-93», the strongest specialists in water supply and sanitation, ventilation and air conditioning are trained at MGSU and MIKHiS.
Who is required
According to Natalia Kolokoltseva, the shortage of personnel is particularly acute in such areas as design of heating and ventilation systems, uninterruptible power supply systems (UPS) and generator sets, and heat supply projects. In addition, there are practically no designers of water supply and sewerage systems on the market. «Foreign employers require specialists with knowledge of a foreign language — most often English or German. However, there are few such candidates,» adds Irina Loktionova.
Designer-general planner
The construction of any building begins with the creation of a master plan — a general layout of the objects on the site. The preparation of design documentation is carried out by a designer-general planner. He develops a plan based on data on the terrain, soil condition, provided by the geodetic service. Requirements for candidates for this position — higher education in construction and experience in similar work, at least one year.
Designer of engineering objects of PGS
Once the building plan itself is ready, the engineering designers get down to business. Based on the project created by the architects, they create a full set of drawings for the entire building structure. According to Irina Loktionova, such specialists often «grow» from part-time draftsmen who earn extra money while studying. «After graduating from a construction university, a young specialist who has proven himself in the eyes of an employer may be offered a transfer to engineering work,» she adds.
Designer of engineering communications
Today, these are the most sought-after personnel on the market. They are needed in construction (general contracting and development) companies, and in design and architectural bureaus, and in engineering provider firms. What is the main difference between the functions of a designer in an investment and construction company and the duties of his colleague in a general contracting or engineering organization? «In the first case, the design engineer most often interacts with design workshops, establishes and monitors their work,» says Anna Grazhdankina, an independent HR consultant. «Accordingly, he needs communication skills and organizational skills.»
Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems designer
What do employers expect from candidates for this position? «The minimum set of requirements includes a specialized education (specialty «heat and gas supply and ventilation»), at least one year of design experience, good knowledge of the modern market of goods in this area, both household split systems and industrial equipment,» says Natalia Kolokoltseva. It should be noted that the list of professional knowledge of a specialist varies depending on the company's field of activity and the tasks that he or she will have to solve. For example, organizations that design industrial facilities, office and shopping centers are interested in specialists with relevant experience.
Power supply system designer
According to Irina Loktionova, the main requirements for such specialists are a diploma in electrical engineering, knowledge of relevant computer programs (in particular, AutoCAD) and experience in designing electrical equipment. «In accordance with the received technical assignment, the engineer develops design documentation for the power supply and lighting of the facility, — explains Elena Kucherova. — Then he coordinates it with colleagues working in other areas».
Water supply and sanitation systems designer
Companies are interested in applicants with higher education in the specialty «water supply and sanitation», experience in designing water supply and sanitation networks and structures, as well as knowledge of the main regulatory documents related to design and construction.
Security systems designer
It is difficult to imagine a modern building that would not be equipped with security systems: fire and security alarms, video surveillance, etc. Engineers are also involved in the design of «smart» equipment. According to employers, ideal candidates should have a higher technical education and experience in their specialty. Knowledge of the relevant regulatory framework is also necessary.
Specialist in automation of engineering systems
Such a concept as a «smart home» is on everyone's lips. Designers of ventilation, electricity and other communications create individual elements of the «intelligent system» of a building, but it is automation specialists who bring their efforts together. For this position, employers would like to see applicants with a technical education (preferably IT) and at least one year of work experience. Ekaterina SKRIPNIK «Elite Personnel» No. 2 (490) January 16, 2007 is published with abbreviations. |
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