Energy-saving technologies and integrated automation from Siemens.

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Energy-saving technologies and integrated automation from Siemens.

Energy-saving technologies and integrated automation from Siemens

Energy-saving technologies and integrated automation Siemens

On March 1, 2007, the World Trade Center hosted the conference «Modern Energy-Saving Technologies and Integrated Automation from Siemens».

The event was devoted to integrated automation: an overview of automation systems for buildings manufactured by Siemens, devices and solutions for the automation of boilers and burners, as well as solutions for thermal automation.

Employees of the headquarters of Siemens Building Technologies (Switzerland) spoke at the conference, introducing the audience to the latest innovations in the field of Siemens automation for boilers and burners.

Leading experts from the Russian office shared with those present their practical experience in using Siemens automation systems. In particular, they talked about the technical aspects of implementing the project to create a «smart city» and creating a unified dispatching system for district heating points in Novosibirsk.

Representatives of partner companies such as Stavan-M and Maybes-Rus also spoke about their solutions in the field of heating systems, their application and functions. Andrey Golovin, Executive Director of the Association for Building Automation and Engineering Equipment Control Systems (BIG-RU), also gave a presentation.

Admission to the conference was free. The number of people wishing to participate exceeded all expectations. More than 110 people registered for the conference.

Among those present were both individuals wishing to deepen their knowledge in the field of building automation, and managers and specialists of companies in the industry — partners and clients of Siemens, editors-in-chief of publications and journalists covering the topic of automation in the press.

The conference participants expressed positive feedback about the event, highly rated the skill of the speakers and the usefulness of the information received. The event contributed to strengthening and establishing new mutually beneficial contacts.

More photos from the conference (

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