Elite turnstiles.

elitnie turniketi

Elite turnstiles.

If you recall the checkpoints of Soviet enterprises and institutions, and these memories are still fresh for many, then almost any modern turnstile is perceived as elite compared to the equipment of those recent times. But today we live in a different country, it is a market time, when any demand must certainly be met by a worthy offer. And it is found. Including exclusive turnstiles.

Turnstiles, which manufacturers and their distributors position as elite, do not occupy a very large segment. Although the demand for exclusive models made to order is growing every year. This growth, as many experts note, is due to the migration of customers from the average price niche. That is, there is a process of some polarization of price niches of the market, when the demand for budget lines of mass-produced products and elite models increases almost equally.
This is a noticeable market trend today. Indeed, new office and administrative buildings, shopping centers and other facilities are equipped with turnstiles, which until recently could only be seen at exhibitions.
Customers of such equipment pay not only for high-quality equipment, but also for an exquisite design that matches the overall style of the premises. It is no coincidence that the choice of a turnstile is often determined by the idea of ​​the designer designing the office.
Turnstile manufacturers offer a wide variety of designs and color solutions: painted or stainless steel, glass, tinted glass, glass with engraving, wood trim, chrome parts. There are practically invisible, airy turnstiles made of thin tubes and glass, as well as solid, massive ones that confidently separate your space from the outside world. Various fences and their elements help to optimally “fit” the turnstile into the existing space. Made in the same style as the turnstiles, these additional elements allow you to create a single structure without disturbing the existing interior.
This, of course, is not the only criterion that determines whether a turnstile belongs to the elite class of models. Just as a Zhiguli with a mahogany interior and seats upholstered in expensive leather will never become a prestigious car, a tripod screwed to the wall, made, for example, of platinum, cannot become that element of the company's style that emphasizes the reliability and competence of the company.
A good turnstile should have high technical characteristics. Among them, it is worth mentioning such as, for example, a high level of protection and the ability to include the turnstile in a modern and multifunctional access control and management system. As part of such a system, the turnstile becomes a «smart» element. It coordinates its actions with the work of the entire complex mechanism for managing the flow of people at the enterprise. Moreover, it can adapt to a constantly changing situation, changing the algorithms of its behavior. Of course, all this is not done by the turnstile itself, but by the program embedded in the access control and management system.
The turnstile must have sufficient throughput for a given facility, because queues at the checkpoint, even during peak hours, have a negative impact on the company's image.
A very important characteristic is the resource (number of operations) of the turnstile. Foreign turnstiles have the best parameters here. A guaranteed resource of up to 1,000,000 operations is practically the norm for high-quality foreign products. There are also models on the market whose resource is up to 5,000,000 operations.
The class of elite turnstile models is formed based on the combination of these characteristics.
These include, for example, electromechanical rotary turnstiles. This is one of the most expensive groups of turnstiles.
The main element of the electromechanics of such turnstiles is a rotating rotor, which is a vertical column with blades (three or four) attached to it and a built-in electric drive. The blades can be made of metal rods, shockproof glass, plastic, etc. Sometimes they are supplemented with protective and decorative pads or metal arcs. Due to the overlap of the lower part of the opening, such turnstiles completely eliminate the possibility of crawling under them. Rotary turnstiles are usually positioned by most manufacturers as elite turnstiles for office use.
Pedestal turnstiles are approximately in the same price niche with this equipment. They resemble those installed in the subway, but their design and technical equipment are significantly improved.
Such turnstiles can be made as a hybrid of a tripod and a pedestal — in this case, the actuator part of the device is three-armed. Or — with doors (sliding or hinged). The doors can be made of impact-resistant glass or a metal profile.
There are models with which controlled passage zones are equipped. Such a turnstile does not have a mechanical blocking part; in the event of unauthorized passage, it gives an alarm signal.
Some models of pedestal turnstiles can have two operating modes: «normally open» (when the wings block passage only when the access control system prohibits the passage, the rest of the time the passage remains open) or «normally closed» (in standby mode, the turnstile wings block the passage, and when the access control system permits the passage, the passage is unblocked).
Rotary and pedestal turnstiles can be half-height (approximately waist-high) and full-height (accordingly, the height of a person).
It should be said that the range of leading manufacturers of such equipment is constantly expanding. Including Russian ones. However, they have not yet been able to radically change the situation on the market, where foreign models prevail. Western companies have more experience in production, the strictest quality control, and opportunities for investment in new developments.
And the customer of elite equipment is usually demanding, picky, and in many cases gives preference to devices from leading global brands.

Turnstile SL-900, Automatic Systems, Belgium
The SL-900 turnstile is designed for use at facilities with high intensity of visitor traffic in both directions. An unusual design solution — smooth lines of the body, create a visual lightness of the structure and an aura of elitism, which allows such turnstiles to be successfully used at checkpoints of financial and large commercial organizations. The main design solution that increases the security of the SL-900 from attempts to forcefully penetrate through a closed turnstile is the manufacturer's «know-how» — this is a system of levers for moving the flaps that prevents their unauthorized opening with physical force.

elitnie turniketi 2GlasStile GLS rotary turnstile and WingStile WS electromechanical gate by GUNNEBO MAYOR (UK)
Purpose — access control at automated checkpoints. The GlasStile turnstile and the WingStile WS wicket are designed for indoor installation at facilities with increased requirements for convenience and design, they have a rotary design. GlasStile is a central column to which three glass blades made of shockproof glass (10 mm thick) are attached at an angle of 1200 and two side posts, 50 mm thick. The column and posts are made of polished stainless steel and can have various decorative coatings. WingStile is an electromechanical wicket that complements the capabilities of the GlasStile turnstile. It is used for the passage of disabled people, transportation of goods and an emergency exit. Operating principle: upon receipt of a signal from the ACS or from the remote control, GlasStile will unlock and rotate the blades by 1200 to the next position. If the blades encounter some resistance, the motor will automatically stop and push it forward, if the obstacle does not disappear after this, the turnstile will give an alarm and rotate freely, requiring reinstallation from the remote control. The only difference with WingStile is that the sash rotates 900. The weight of GlasStile is 170 kg, WingStile is 75 kg.

elitnie turniketi 3SpeedStile high-speed turnstile with retractable sashes by GUNNEBO MAYOR (UK)
This is a turnstile capable of operating in both «normally open» and «normally closed» modes. It has a powerful steel frame and a body made of fiberglass and polyurethane or stainless steel, which can withstand high loads. SpeedStile is optimal where the highest requirements are imposed on the speed of customer passage (large institutions, factories, banks, transport facilities, etc.). Integration into ACS is possible. SpeedStile can use flaps of various shapes: wedge-shaped — completely retractable into the turnstile body or rectangular, 1200 mm or 1800 mm high. The material of the flaps is shockproof glass or plastic. The system of infrared photocells allows you to detect any attempt at unauthorized passage and determine the direction of a person's movement. Blocking of attempts to pass «tailgating», «on the run», crawling and jumping is ensured. The turnstile cover can be equipped with a pressure sensor. For the convenience of customers, the body has a convenient LED indication of the operating mode. Panel height: 1200 mm or 1800 mm, passage width: 550 mm, weight: 130 kg.

elitnie turniketi 4Charo HSB, KABA (Germany) sensor barriers
Today in Europe the most popular concept is free and comfortable access without touching any type of obstacles. Charon HSB sensor barriers are an elegant solution to this problem for access control in administrative and office buildings, airports and luxury business centers. These devices are a sensor-controlled passage with hinged doors. The side panels of the turnstile body are glass, which makes the entrance space visually open and transparent. The doors are made of lightweight polycarbonate, due to which they open very quickly and are safe for users. Turnstiles of this series provide convenient access for visitors with luggage and can be used to organize evacuation routes with a passage width of 900 mm. In normally open mode, they provide a throughput of up to 40 people per minute. It is also possible to integrate readers under the passage indicators and to build a card collector into the turnstile in a single style.

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