Electrical wiring diagram.
Electrical wiring diagram
Electrical wiring diagramwill also help in identifying faults, which can be especially difficult to do if there is hidden wiring. For example, due to the serial and parallel connection of individual sections of the circuit, the disappearance of voltage on any terminal device can be caused by a contact failure in a completely different place. To create confidence in the safety of electrification of the house, you should study the electrical wiring diagram, you will also need a wiring diagram.
Electrical wiring diagramstarts with the input device. In these devices, a three-phase alternating current line with a voltage of 380/220 V is distributed from the input distribution board of a residential building through risers to floor and apartment group boards located in niches of stairwells, on floor landings or in the apartment hallway. The group boards are equipped with metering meters for each apartment, as well as switches and protection devices (fuses or circuit breakers) for each group line. Electrical wiring diagram in an apartment, as a rule, provides that several independent group lines are brought into one apartment, including a separate powerful line for powering the electric stove and other kitchen appliances. For each group line, one phase wire and a zero working wire are brought into the apartment, connected at the transformer substation to the grounded neutral. The neutral and phase wires make up one phase. The protective devices located on the group panel are included in the phase wire.
Apartment Wiring Plan
The next step is to fix the group panel with switches and protection devices on the plan, mark all sockets, switches, lamps, fuses, the bell and its button on the apartment plan. Next, you should determine the number of independent lines that make up the proper electrical wiring of the apartment and have their own automatic protection, while simultaneously finding out which lamp and socket belongs to them. Electrical wiring diagram in the apartmentat this stage does not require any special devices. It is necessary to turn on all the lamps and use the sockets with available table lamps, floor lamps, radios and other devices, by which it is possible to simultaneously judge the presence of voltage in the sockets. Disconnecting the protective devices (fuses, circuit breakers) on the group panel one by one, it is necessary to mark the de-energized terminal devices and connect them on the prepared plan with this group by a line. Thus, the electrical wiring diagram of the house will help to find out whether one or two fuses protect each line.
Wiring planin modern multi-storey buildings it is stipulated that the circuit breaker is only in the phase wire, in early buildings with a voltage of 220/127V in a three-phase line one fuse is in the direct wire, the other in the return wire. So, if after turning off one fuse, turning off the other does not change the state of the terminal devices, it means that these two fuses protect one phase on both sides. If after turning off the fuses different groups of terminal devices are de-energized, it means that these devices belong to independent lines. When there are three fuses per apartment on the group panel, the third one will usually be common.
Wiring diagram
At the next stage, the apartment wiring plan will require a voltage indicator with a neon bulb: this will be needed to determine whether the sockets, switch terminals and lamp sockets belong to the phase wires of the line or to its neutral. All socket contact sockets, when touched to which the indicator bulb lights up, are connected to the phase wire, the opposite ones — to the neutral. The wiring installation diagram must record this.
The connection of the lamp terminals and the terminals of its switch to the phase or neutral can be determined by removing the switch cover and touching its terminals with an indicator. If the lamp lights up when the switch is closed, but the indicator does not light, then the switch is connected to the neutral; if it lights up, then it is connected to the phase wire.
To ensure that work is not carried out under voltage when changing a burnt-out lamp or repairing a socket, the switch must be connected to the phase wire, and the lamp base (its outer threaded shell) must be connected to the grounded neutral. After such a study, we will designate the “potential” terminals and sockets of the end devices on the basic wiring diagram. For complete information about the wiring, it would be useful to have a wiring installation diagram — knowing it — with the designation of junction boxes. In open wiring, all circuits and connections can be traced visually. Hidden electrical wiring requires special devices that determine its route and damage locations.
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