Electric blood in the copper veins of a smart home.

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The concept of a «smart home», or «smarthouse», has always been popular with science fiction authors.

Window panes projecting images and sounds of wondrous corners of nature into rooms, robotic kitchens guessing the needs of their owners by the tone of their half-asleep voices and preparing coffee of the only right brand at the most opportune moment, assistants — cleaners, gardeners, nannies for children and protectors for household members — all these invented wonders are united by one feature — electric drive.

The writers' imaginations endowed children's games with magical powers, and now herds of prehistoric herbivores are jumping through the bedroom, and the dangers of outer space are looking under the sofa in search of naughty rascals.

But at any moment a hand would reach for the switch, the light would come on in the room, and warm water from the tap in the bathroom would wash away the dust from the bodies of the naughty heroes.

In other words, it meant a constant and uninterrupted supply of electricity, giving heat and light.

Our houses are still far from autonomous travel along the outskirts of the galaxy, and they have not yet learned to imitate living grass instead of a carpet, but our homes increasingly correspond to the definition of «a house is a machine for living.»

This is also why our homes need electricity more and more, because it is impossible to turn on the lights in the rooms by clapping your hands, or to heat up food on schedule, or to delight your eyesight and hearing with spectacles, or to pamper your body in warmth or coolness without using electricity.

And if you take into account the understandable passion of our contemporaries to settle far away from noisy and stuffy cities, then it becomes clear — you can't do without your own power plant, especially since they are much more reliable than rapidly aging networks.

It is clear that your own power plant should be compact, quiet, powerful, economical and reliable.

Located in the utility rooms of a cottage or freely sunbathing under a clear sky, it is obliged at any moment to take on the entire burden of ensuring a comfortable existence for a person, while it is desirable that there be enough capacity with a reserve.

Agree, it is possible that guests will come and give, for example, a stereo system with such a sound that the world will tremble, if only the network power is enough.

In this case, of course, the best solution is to purchase a unit manufactured by SDMO, even at the stage of building your nest.

The concern's forty-plus years of history show that there is simply no more reliable and convenient equipment. Power plants created by SDMO warm and light half the world.

Small and large, they will provide electricity to both a modest consumer and a large home. The parameters of the generated electricity are stable in voltage and frequency.

However, it is better to leave the assessment of the technical advantages of SDMO products to specialists. Without going into obscure details, they, understandably, unanimously nod: SDMO!

SDMO power plants, gasoline and diesel, portable, inverter, in noise-proof casings and open, stationary and container are designed not only to serve us, but also to bring closer the realization of a long-standing human dream: the creation of a truly comfortable, multifunctional and independent of external conditions housing. SDMO is a huge step towards a smart and kind home!

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