Economic justification for building automation.

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Economic justification for building automation.

Economic justification for building automation

Economic justification for building automation

ekonomicheskoe obosnovanie avtomatizacii zdanii 2

Roman Valerievich Vroblevsky

Director of the Department of Automatic Control Systems YORK , a Johnson Controls company, Russia

Working in the building automation market, our company often faces a situation where the customer does not have a clear idea of ​​the benefits that a comprehensive automation system provides. However, only three main advantages — reasonable use of energy resources, forecasting and optimization of repair costs and efficient use of labor resources — allow you to reduce the cost of building ownership by almost half.

In this example, we will consider only the direct economic benefits of comprehensive automation using the example of an average office building.

Let's calculate the costs required to maintain the building during its life cycle, from design to disposal (on average, about 40 years).

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Interestingly, the cost of building construction and design accounts for only 11% of all costs (Fig. 1). The remaining 89% are operating costs:

— Payments for energy resources — 14%.

— Costs of equipment repair and modernization — 25%.

— Salary of the operation service engineers — 50%.

By installing a comprehensive automation system, it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in operating costs:

— By implementing energy-saving equipment operation algorithms, automatic optimization of modes, programming of work according to a schedule and other measures, it is possible to reduce payments for energy resources by 20-30%;

— By automatically monitoring the parameters of complex engineering equipment, you can plan preventive maintenance in advance, preventing emergency equipment shutdowns and expensive repairs. The average cost reduction for this item will be 40-60%;

— Finally, fewer operating personnel are required to manage such a system. For example, to manage the engineering equipment when operating a shopping center with an area of ​​40 thousand square meters, one dispatcher is enough, instead of a team of plumbers, electricians, etc. Cost reduction can be more than 60%.

The reduction in the cost of building ownership can reach 40-60% (Fig. 2).

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The automation system only slightly increases the overall construction estimate and in most cases pays for itself in 2-3 years (Fig. 3). At the same time, it continues to save a significant part of the building operation costs. Thus, by using a comprehensive automation system, you can reduce the total cost of building ownership by almost half.

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In the following issues of the bulletin, we will continue the series of publications on the advantages of implementing automation systems. The second issue will publish examples of calculating economic indicators. We will also talk about increasing the safety, prestige and comfort of buildings

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