don stroi ne originalnost a nadejnost 2




don stroi ne originalnost a nadejnost 2

«Don-Stroy» is the first domestic company to start building high-rise buildings in post-perestroika Russia. But «Don-Stroy» buildings are famous not only for their «sky-high» height, but also for the fact that they were almost the first buildings in Moscow equipped with automated life support systems, since according to the «Don-Stroy» concept, a residential building is a developed structure with a full range of necessary options and premises.

Our correspondent Sergey Nesterov met with Alexander Kolubkov, director of the «AK» Design and Production Firm, which designed and installed automated systems at all of the «Don-Stroy» buildings.

AZ: Alexander, which manufacturers of building automation equipment do you work with?

Alexander Kolubkov:We had experience working with TAC, Siemens, and Sauter. But we finally settled on Honeywell.

The first high-rise facility was «Alye Parusa». And to be honest, automation is not very widely represented here. At that time, we were working with Sauter and TAC. But then we switched to Honeywell equipment, as we discovered many advantages. We were attracted by the fact that all the controllers are freely programmable, that you can independently interfere with their work. We looked, tried. Everything is easy to start and adjust without problems. That is why we chose Honeywell equipment. And we installed the same systems at all our subsequent facilities.

AZ: So, the alliance of «Don-Stroy» with Honeywell is forever? And you are not looking for new partners among automation system manufacturers?

Alexander Kolubkov: As long as the designers and the operation service are satisfied with everything, is it worth looking for the best from a good thing!?

AZ: What are the tasks that you assign to building automation?

Alexander Kolubkov: Automation is the core of the building and unites:

a) a system for collecting and processing information (software package and information and computing complex);

b) a security system, including fire alarm and automation, a fire notification system, an access control and security alarm system, and a video surveillance system;

c) a dispatching and control system for engineering equipment: supply and exhaust units and systems, individual heating points, refrigeration machines and refrigeration systems, internal and external lighting, a system for monitoring the parameters of electricity and heat consumption, air curtains, pumps for drainage pits and a territory irrigation system, a resource accounting system. These are, perhaps, the main units whose operation is coordinated by automation.

AZ: What are your requirements for the configuration of automation systems and the data transfer protocols used?

Alexander Kolubkov:The configuration of the systems and the equipment used must necessarily provide the possibility of their expansion by expanding the hardware and software parts, but without disrupting the operability of the entire system. The integration of all subsystems in the building must be carried out on the basis of a single software. And of course, the integration of equipment from other manufacturers must be provided using open protocols: Mod-bus, LonWorks, BACnet and a number of others.

AZ: And in the hierarchy of automation systems?

Alexander Kolubkov:The systems must be multi-level. At the lower level, universal freely programmable controllers with direct digital control of various equipment are used. And at the upper level, a computer-based dispatch control and management system.

And the software (SW) should ensure full integration into a single complex of security systems, engineering equipment management, information and a number of other vital systems. And the general software complex should consist of a basic software package, communication interfaces for the hardware of individual systems and additional software that provide the required capabilities.

AZ: Are there standard solutions for automating the engineering equipment of Don-Stroy buildings?

Alexander Kolubkov:Of course! We have developed a concept for automation and dispatching of engineering equipment, security systems and fire-fighting systems of Don-Stroy facilities. This concept describes approaches to building automation and dispatching systems in all our projects, i.e. a single standard has been created.

AZ: Surely, among Don-Stroy facilities there are some that have unique engineering solutions…

Alexander Kolubkov:We were not striving for originality, but for reliability. And we created a reliable standard, which, in my opinion, is more important than original solutions. After the concept for automation and dispatching systems was worked out, everything fell into place. Up until that point, there had been a lot of controversy, but now this concept has become a standard for the implementation of automation and dispatching systems at all our facilities, where almost all issues are spelled out: equipping the dispatcher's workplace, automation objects and what they must support, algorithms for the operation of mechanical equipment. And this technical task is transferred from facility to facility. We have dispatching offices at each facility. They are all «tied» to a single central point via fiber-optic communication, where the central dispatching office is located. That is, all facilities are controlled by a central dispatcher-coordinator, who receives all the information and intervenes if necessary.

AZ: Does each facility have its own operation service?

Alexander Kolubkov:There is always a maintenance service present at the construction sites. But later there will be no need for their constant presence, except for duty shifts. And now we are looking for an option where all the facilities could be controlled via the Internet. The process is moving forward, all the facilities are connected via fiber optics.

AZ: You are the founders of modern Moscow high-rises and you certainly monitor the trends in the use of engineering equipment in modern high-rise construction?

Alexander Kolubkov: Today, high-rises are equipped with a full set of engineering systems, and it is necessary to duplicate a number of systems, which will ensure uninterrupted hot water supply and heat supply, and supply ventilation systems. More and more often, high-rises are equipped with central air conditioning systems. The trend is that today investors attract clients not by the number of square meters, but by additional amenities, and this can only be achieved with the help of engineering systems.

AZ: In «Triumph Palace» there is a clear architectural and aesthetic continuity from the «Stalinist» high-rises. And in the engineering equipment…

Alexander Kolubkov: … it is unlikely to be possible to trace it. Is it possible to compare the 1950s and the 20005s?

AZ: The traditional final question: what are your plans?

Alexander Kolubkov: A very serious high-rise residential complex with
retail premises and garages is being built in Pyrievo…

AZ: …what is the name of it?
Alexander Kolubkov: “House on Mosfilmovskaya”.

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