don stroi kajdii proekt uspeshen

«DON-STROY»: every project is successful .

«DON-STROY»: every project is successful

«DON-STROY»: every project is successful

don stroi kajdii proekt uspeshen

«DON-STROY»: each project is successful

The company «Don-Stroy» has built many high-rise residential real estate projects: «Alye Parusa», «Vorobyovy Gory», «Triumph-Palace». Which of them can be noted as the most successful?

It is impossible to say that one project is more successful than another – each of the named residential complexes has its own concept, its own individuality, and therefore each was successful, including from an economic point of view.

Most of the Don-Stroy objects are high-rise buildings. Have you conducted an economic assessment of the efficiency of the construction of high-rise objects from the point of view of the costs of their subsequent operation?

Of course, we are concerned about the issue of operating costs, because we manage our residential complexes ourselves. And based on our own experience, we can say that with proper design, it is quite possible to build high-rise buildings that are balanced in terms of economic costs. For example, we use engineering technologies developed specifically for high-rise buildings — they are quite expensive, but they fully justify themselves during the operation of the building. High-quality systems and materials are always more durable and ultimately more economical.

Don-Stroy is better known as a company that builds residential real estate. However, your website also contains information about commercial real estate projects.

Indeed, Don-Stroy has been developing the commercial real estate sector since 2005. Commercial projects are being implemented by DS-Development, a member of the Don-Stroy group of companies. By the end of this year, the company's first project will hit the market — the Shchuka shopping and entertainment center with an area of ​​about 100,000 square meters near the Shchukinskaya metro station; several more projects are at various stages of implementation, including a large office and business center in Oruzheiny Lane. The company plans to commission more than 500,000 square meters of commercial space by 2010.
However, while actively expanding its presence in the commercial real estate market, the Don-Stroy group of companies does not intend to reduce its share of the housing market. By the end of the year, we will bring three new projects to the market, two of which, located in the city center, will occupy positions in the De Luxe segment.
Many investment and construction companies are participating in the construction of the Moscow-City International Business Center. Does Don-Stroy have any plans to join the country's main construction project? Or its continuation — the Bolshoi City project?

The DS-Development company will participate in the development of a site on the new high-speed Krasnopresnensky Prospekt, which will be part of the emerging infrastructure of the CITY-2 project. At the first stage, it is planned to enter the project with commercial real estate objects, namely with a shopping and entertainment center and an office complex, and in the future, housing will also appear there. We believe that these objects will be interesting and in demand on the market.

One of the latest projects of Don-Stroy is the «House on Mosfilmovskaya», designed by architect Sergei Skuratov. Please tell us about the concept of the project.

«House on Mosfilmovskaya» is perhaps the most significant project for the company to date. It differs from all the currently existing high-class real estate offers by a number of undoubtedly unique features, which for the first time in Russia are combined within the framework of one project.
Firstly, the «House on Mosfilmovskaya» is an independent art object, a work of modern architectural art, the author of which is a whole team led by the architect Sergei Skuratov. This is one of the tallest residential buildings in Europe — about 200 m.
Secondly, this is the first de luxe class skyscraper in Russia. Owners of apartments will have the opportunity to live a few minutes from the center of the capital in panoramic apartments located on all floors of the building. Their owners will enjoy international-level service.
Work on this object requires from us an innovative approach to solving many issues, the use of new design and engineering solutions, a new approach to creating objects of this class.
There are few residential complexes similar to the «House on Mosfilmovskaya» in the world, and we believe that the Russian market has been waiting for the construction of such a facility for the past few years.

Timur Batkin
Deputy General Director
of the company «Don-Stroy»

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