Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 20, 1994 N 170 On the Fundamentals of State Policy in the Sphere of Informatization.
Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of January 20, 1994 N 170
«On the Fundamentals of State Policy in the Sphere of Informatization»
In order to create conditions for the coordinated functioning and interaction of state authorities of the Russian Federation, to ensure the security of the country and national interests in the information sphere, and taking into account the importance of informatization for the formation and development of qualitatively new socio-economic relations in Russia, I decree:
1. To establish that the main directions of state policy in the field of informatization are:
- the creation and development of federal and regional information systems and networks, ensuring their compatibility and interaction in the single information space of Russia;
- the formation and protection of state information resources as a national asset;
- ensuring the interests of national security in the field of informatization;
- ensuring the unity of state standards in the field of informatization, their compliance with international recommendations and requirements;
- formation and implementation of a unified state scientific, technical and industrial policy in the field of informatization that meets the modern world level;
- support for informatization projects that ensure the development of information networks and systems; creation and improvement of a system for attracting foreign investment and a mechanism for stimulating non-governmental structures in the development and implementation of informatization projects.
2. Establish that the implementation of state policy in the field of informatization is ensured by a system of state bodies, including governing bodies under the President of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
3. To form, on the basis of the liquidated Committee of the Russian Federation on Informatization, a Committee under the President of the Russian Federation on Informatization Policy.
4. To appoint Golubkov A.S. as Chairman of the Committee under the President of the Russian Federation on Informatization Policy, relieving him of his previously held position.
The Chairman of the Committee shall, within 2 weeks, submit for approval to the President of the Russian Federation a draft Regulation on the Committee under the President of the Russian Federation on Informatization Policy (hereinafter referred to as the Committee).
5. Establish that the main tasks of the Committee are:
- participation in the development and implementation of state policy in the field of informatization; preparation of proposals on national priorities in the field of informatization;
- development of draft legislative and other regulatory acts of the Russian Federation on informatization issues;
- conducting state examinations of state information, automated information and computing systems and networks, database systems and data banks (except for special and protected ones), as well as ensuring state control over their creation and use;
- development of proposals to ensure a unified state policy in the field of certification of means and systems in the field of informatization and their implementation;
- coordination of activities to develop federal programs in the field of informatization and participation in their implementation;
- development of proposals for improving the mechanism for regulating the information services market;
- implementing the functions of a state customer for federal information systems (except for legal information);
- ensuring cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations in the field of information.
6. The Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation shall, within one month, prepare proposals to clarify and delineate the functions of federal executive bodies in solving problems of state information security.
The Committee and the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, in agreement with the Government of the Russian Federation, shall, within one month, submit proposals on the procedure for interaction between government bodies implementing state policy in the field of informatization.
7. Set the total number of employees of the Committee at 120 units.
8. To establish that the Committee is the legal successor under agreements, including international agreements, of the liquidated Committee of the Russian Federation on Informatization.
9. To the Government of the Russian Federation:
- ensure the transfer of property, including buildings, structures and cash (in rubles and foreign currency), of the liquidated Committee of the Russian Federation on Informatization to the Committee, as well as the placement of the Committee and the scientific and technical center of legal information «System» of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation in the building located at 48 Myasnitskaya St., Building 1;
- transfer to the jurisdiction of the Committee research and development organizations and other organizations and enterprises of the liquidated Committee of the Russian Federation on Informatization necessary for the implementation of its tasks; transfer to the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation the production enterprises of the former Central Scientific and Production Association «Cascade» (according to the list agreed upon with the Committee);
- to provide in draft federal budgets, starting in 1994, for expenditures on the implementation of the tasks stipulated by this Decree and on providing for the Committee.
10. This Decree shall enter into force upon its signing.
President of the Russian Federation
B. Yeltsin
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