Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 1997 N 1300 On approval of the Concept of national security of the Russian Federation.
In order to consolidate the efforts of federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, organizations and citizens of the Russian Federation to ensure the national interests and security of the Russian Federation, I decree:
- To approve the attached Concept of national security of the Russian Federation.
- Federal government bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation shall be guided by the provisions of the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation in practical activities and when developing documents related to ensuring the national interests of the Russian Federation.
- To instruct the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation: to prepare reports for the President of the Russian Federation containing an analysis, assessment and forecast of the military-political and international situation of Russia; to develop directives of the President of the Russian Federation to the highest officials of the state, federal executive bodies on the implementation of the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation.
- To assign control over the implementation of the directives of the President of the Russian Federation named in paragraph 3 of this Decree to the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.
President of the Russian Federation B. Yeltsin
Moscow, the Kremlin
December 17, 1997
N 1300
Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation
(approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 17, 1997 N 1300)
The Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the «Concept») is a political document reflecting the totality of officially accepted views on the goals and state strategy in the field of ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state from external and internal threats of a political, economic, social, military, man-made, environmental, informational and other nature, taking into account the available resources and capabilities.
The Concept formulates the most important directions and principles of state policy.
The Concept is the basis for the development of specific programs and organizational documents in the field of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation.
I. Russia in the World Community
Currently, the situation in the international arena is characterized primarily by the strengthening of tendencies towards the formation of a multipolar world.
This is manifested in the strengthening of the economic and political positions of a significant number of states and their integration associations, in the improvement of mechanisms for the multilateral management of international political, economic, financial and information processes.
While military and power factors continue to play an increasingly important role in international relations, economic, political, scientific, technical, environmental and information factors are playing an increasingly important role.
At the same time, international competition for the possession of natural, technological, information resources, and sales markets is intensifying. The formation of a multipolar world will be a long process. At its current stage, there are still strong relapses of attempts to create a structure of international relations based on unilateral, including military-forceful, solutions to key problems of world politics.
The pace and direction of the formation of a new structure of international relations will also be affected by the growing gap between developed and developing countries.
The current period in the development of international relations opens up new opportunities for the Russian Federation to ensure its security, but is associated with a number of threats associated with the change in Russia's position in the world and the difficulties in carrying out internal reforms.
The preconditions have been created for the demilitarization of international relations, strengthening the role of law in the settlement of contentious interstate problems, and the danger of direct aggression against the Russian Federation has been reduced.
All this opens up fundamentally new opportunities for mobilizing resources to solve the country's internal problems. There are prospects for broader integration of the Russian Federation into the world economy, including into international credit and financial institutions — the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. There is a tendency to strengthen cooperation between Russia and a number of states — members of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
Russia's common interests with many states have expanded in such international security issues as countering the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, settling and preventing regional conflicts, countering international terrorism and drug trafficking, and resolving acute global environmental problems, including nuclear and radiation safety.
This significantly increases the possibility of ensuring Russia's national security by non-military means — through treaty-legal, political, economic and other measures.
At the same time, Russia's influence on resolving cardinal issues of international life affecting the interests of our state has significantly decreased.
In these conditions, the desire of a number of states to weaken Russia's position in the political, economic and military spheres has increased.
The process of creating a model of common and comprehensive security for Europe on principles that were put forward largely at Russia's initiative is associated with significant difficulties.
The prospect of NATO expansion to the East is unacceptable for Russia, since it represents a threat to its national security.
Multilateral mechanisms for maintaining peace and security are still not effective enough, both at the global (UN) and regional (OSCE, CIS) levels, which limits our ability to use such mechanisms to ensure Russia's national security interests by political and legal means.
Russia finds itself in a certain isolation from the integration processes taking place in the Asia-Pacific region.
All this is unacceptable for it as an influential European-Asian power with national interests in Europe, the Middle East, Central and South Asia, and the Asia-Pacific region.
Positive trends in the internal development of the state and society are not yet stable enough. The main reason for this is the persistence of crisis phenomena in the Russian economy.
Production has decreased and its structure has worsened compared to the pre-reform period. Investment and innovation activity is declining.
Russia's scientific and technical lag behind developed countries is growing. Dependence on imports of food and consumer goods, equipment and technology is increasing.
External and internal public debt is growing.
There is an outflow of qualified personnel from the sphere of material production and from the scientific sphere.
The number of man-made emergencies is increasing.
The property stratification of society is growing, the standard of living of the majority of the population is declining. The level of crime and corruption is still high. The economic, scientific and demographic potential of the country is shrinking.
The sales markets and raw material base of Russian industry have narrowed.
Despite the unprecedented increase in the share of foreign trade in the gross national product, Russia's integration into the world market often occurs on terms that are not favorable for our country.
Public consensus has not been achieved, the process of forming a unifying national idea that determines not only the ideological basis, but also the long-term development goals of the multinational Russian society, the main ways and means of achieving them has not been completed.
The previous defense system has been disrupted, and the creation of a new one is proceeding slowly.
Large, unguarded sections of the state border of the Russian Federation have appeared.
At the same time, Russia has all the prerequisites to support and strengthen its position as a power capable of ensuring the prosperity of its people and playing an important role in global processes.
Russia has significant economic and scientific-technical potential, which determines the country's ability to develop sustainably.
It occupies a unique strategic position on the Eurasian continent and has significant reserves of raw materials and resources.
The country has formed the main institutions of democratic statehood and a multi-structured economy.
Measures are being taken to stabilize the economy and create preconditions for production growth based on the structural reorganization of industry.
Russia is one of the largest multinational states, has a centuries-old history and culture, its own national interests and traditions.
All these factors, taking into account the Russian Federation's powerful nuclear potential, create the preconditions for ensuring reliable national security of the country in the 21st century.
II. National Interests of Russia
The national interests of Russia are based on the national wealth and national values of the peoples of the Russian Federation, are provided by the capabilities of the economy, the political and military organization of the state, the spiritual, moral and intellectual potential of the multinational Russian society. The system of national interests of Russia is determined by the totality of the main interests of the individual, society and the state.
At the present stage, the interests of the individual consist in the real provision of constitutional rights and freedoms, personal security, in improving the quality and standard of living, in physical, spiritual and intellectual development. The interests of society include strengthening democracy, achieving and maintaining public harmony, increasing the creative activity of the population and the spiritual revival of Russia. The interests of the state consist in protecting the constitutional order, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia, in establishing political, economic and social stability, in the unconditional execution of laws and maintaining law and order, in developing international cooperation based on partnership. The totality of the main interests of the individual, society and the state determines the national interests of Russia in the field of economics, in domestic politics, international, defense and information spheres, in the social sphere, spiritual life and culture.
Russia's national interests in the economic sphere are key. A comprehensive solution to the problems associated with the implementation of Russia's national interests is possible only on the basis of the sustainable functioning of multi-sector high-tech production capable of providing the leading sectors of the economy with high-quality raw materials and equipment, the army with weapons, the population and the social sphere with consumer goods and services, and foreign trade with competitive export goods. An extremely important factor is the ability of the economy to provide all citizens with decent conditions and quality of life, the opportunity for them to realize their creative powers, spiritual needs and material needs. Poverty as a social phenomenon must be excluded from the life of Russian society. It is necessary to ensure a decent life for veterans, the disabled and the elderly, as well as accessibility for the entire population of education, culture, medical care, transport, communications, and utilities.
From the point of view of national interests in the field of economy, the most urgent is to ensure its functioning in the mode of expanded reproduction, protection of the interests of domestic producers, increase of innovation and investment activity, constant control over the strategic resources of the country, maintenance of scientific potential capable of asserting the independence of Russia in strategically important areas of scientific and technological progress. The most important condition for the implementation of national interests in this area is the transition of the economy to a model of sustainable development with a certain level of state regulation of economic processes, guaranteeing the stable functioning and development of a multi-structured economy and ensuring a balanced solution of socio-economic problems, problems of environmental conservation in order to meet the needs of the present and future generations. The unity of the economic space, the presence of a large and diverse domestic market are the most important national asset of Russia. Its preservation and development, taking into account the production specialization of the regions, has a consolidating significance for the Russian economy. In the foreign economic sphere, the national interests of Russia consist in establishing such economic ties for Russian producers that would ensure the implementation of the interests of Russian enterprises, contribute to the increase in the competitiveness of domestic products, production efficiency and economic growth.Russia does not accept forceful methods in foreign economic activity. In the domestic political sphere, Russia's national interests consist of ensuring civil peace, national accord, territorial integrity, the unity of the legal space, the stability of state power and its institutions, law and order, and the completion of the process of establishing a democratic society, as well as neutralizing the causes and conditions that contribute to the emergence of social and interethnic conflicts, national and regional separatism. Coordinating the interests of the peoples inhabiting the country, establishing their comprehensive cooperation, pursuing a responsible and balanced state national policy — these are the most important tasks, the solution of which will ensure domestic political stability and the unity of Russia. A comprehensive solution to these problems should form the basis of domestic state policy and ensure the development of the Russian Federation as a multinational democratic federal state.
The national interests of the Russian Federation in the sphere of combating crime and corruption require consolidation of the efforts of society and the state, sharp limitation of the economic and socio-political basis of these illegal phenomena, development of a comprehensive system of legal, special and other measures for effective suppression of crimes and offenses, for ensuring protection of the individual, society and the state from criminal encroachments, for creation of a system of control over the level of crime. The efforts of society and the state should be aimed at forming a system of measures of effective social prevention and education of law-abiding citizens. The fight against organized crime, corruption, terrorism and banditry should be focused on prevention and suppression of illegal actions, inevitability of responsibility for any crime and protection of the right of every person to personal security regardless of nationality, citizenship, religion, views and beliefs.
National interests in the sphere of spiritual life, culture and science largely determine the course of reforms and their results. The spiritual revival of society and its moral values directly influence the level of development of the economy and all spheres of life. It is extremely important to affirm the ideals of high morality and humanism in society and to develop the centuries-old spiritual traditions of the Fatherland. The implementation of this requires a state policy that would exclude the possibility of harm to Russian culture and ensure the preservation and enhancement of its national values and national heritage, as well as the further spiritual and intellectual development of society. The national interests of the Russian Federation in the international sphere require an active foreign policy aimed at strengthening Russia's position as a great power — one of the influential centers of the emerging multipolar world. The main components of this course are: the formation, on a voluntary basis, of an integration association of states — members of the Commonwealth of Independent States; the development of equal partnership with other great powers — centers of economic and military power; development of international cooperation in combating transnational crime and terrorism; strengthening of those mechanisms of collective management of global political and economic processes in which Russia plays an important role, and first of all strengthening of the UN Security Council. Undoubtedly, the priority direction of Russia's foreign policy is and will be the activity to ensure the inviolability of borders and territorial integrity of the state, to protect its constitutional system from possible encroachments of other states.
The implementation of Russia's national interests in the international sphere is largely determined by the nature of relations with the leading powers and integration associations of the world community. The development of equal partnership relations with them corresponds to the status of the Russian Federation and its foreign policy interests, is designed to strengthen global and regional security, create favorable conditions for our country's participation in world trade, scientific, technical and credit and financial cooperation. The development of dialogue and comprehensive cooperation with the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, America, the Middle East, Western Asia, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region corresponds to Russia's national interests. Russia's national interests in the international sphere also include the protection of life, dignity, internationally recognized civil rights and freedoms of Russian citizens and our compatriots abroad. Russia's national interests in the defense sphere consist primarily in ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state from military aggression on the part of other states. Ensuring security in the defense sphere requires the concentration of the efforts of society and the state on systematic military construction. The existing military organization is burdensome for the state. It is necessary to reform it in the course of military construction, which should take into account the change in the balance of power in the world arena and effectively use the economic capabilities of the state to ensure an adequate response to military threats to the national interests of the Russian Federation. The national interests of Russia in the information sphere determine the need to concentrate the efforts of society and the state on solving such problems as observing the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens in the field of obtaining information and exchanging it, protecting national spiritual values, promoting national cultural heritage, moral standards and public ethics, ensuring the right of citizens to receive reliable information, and developing modern telecommunication technologies.
Systematic activity of the state in implementing these tasks will allow the Russian Federation to become one of the centers of world development in the 21st century. At the same time, it is unacceptable to use information to manipulate mass consciousness. It is necessary to protect state information resources from leakage of important political, economic, scientific, technical and military information. The national interests of Russia are long-term in nature and determine the main goals on its historical path, form strategic and current tasks of domestic and foreign policy of the state, and are implemented through the system of public administration. A necessary condition for the implementation of the national interests of Russia is the ability to independently solve domestic political, economic and social problems, regardless of the intentions and positions of foreign states and their communities, to maintain a standard of living for the population that would ensure national harmony and socio-political stability in the country.
III. Threats to the national security of the Russian Federation
The new geopolitical and international situation for Russia, negative processes in the domestic economy, aggravation of interethnic relations and social polarization of Russian society create a direct threat to the national security of the country. The crisis state of the economy is the main reason for the emergence of a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation. It manifests itself through a significant reduction in production, a decrease in investment and innovation activity, the destruction of scientific and technical potential, stagnation of the agricultural sector, the disorder of the payment and monetary system, a decrease in the revenue side of the federal budget, and an increase in the national debt. An undoubted threat is the increase in the share of the fuel and raw materials sector, the formation of an economic model based on the export of fuel and raw materials and the import of equipment, food and consumer goods, which can lead to the conquest of the domestic market of Russia by foreign firms.
These threatening manifestations are characterized by an increase in the export of foreign currency reserves, strategically important types of raw materials outside of Russia with extremely ineffective or criminal use of profits, an increase in the outflow of qualified personnel and intellectual property from Russia, uncontrolled capital flight, the country's growing dependence on foreign manufacturers of high-tech equipment, underdeveloped financial, organizational and information support for Russian exports, and an irrational import structure. The decline in the country's scientific and technical potential leads to Russia losing its leading positions in the world, a decrease in the quality of research in strategically important areas of scientific and technical progress, the degradation of science-intensive industries, a decrease in the technical level of material production, an increase in the likelihood of man-made disasters, Russia's technological dependence on leading Western countries and the undermining of the state's defense potential, making a radical modernization of the national technological base difficult to achieve.
A particular threat is created by the low level of large-scale investments in the Russian economy. Without large capital investments in strategic sectors of the economy, economic revival of Russia is impossible. The threat to Russia's security in the social sphere, as a consequence of the crisis state of the economy, is the increase in the proportion of the population living below the poverty line, the stratification of society into a narrow circle of the rich and the prevailing mass of low-income citizens, and the increase in social tension. The growth of negative manifestations in the social sphere leads to a decrease in the intellectual and productive potential of Russia, a reduction in the population, the depletion of the main sources of spiritual and economic development, and may lead to the loss of democratic gains. To eliminate this threat, it is necessary to develop a national social program. The threat of depletion of natural resources and deterioration of the environmental situation in the country is directly dependent on the level of economic development and the readiness of society to recognize the global nature and importance of these problems. For Russia, this threat is especially great due to the predominant development of fuel and energy industries, the underdevelopment of the legislative basis for environmental protection measures and their high resource intensity, the absence or limited use of environmentally friendly technologies, and low environmental culture.
There is a growing tendency to use the territory of Russia as a place for the disposal of environmentally hazardous materials and substances, and to place hazardous industries on Russian territory. The weakening of state supervision and the absence of effective legal and economic mechanisms for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations increase the risk of man-made disasters in all spheres of economic activity. Negative processes in the economy aggravate the centrifugal aspirations of the subjects of the Russian Federation and lead to an increasing threat of violation of the territorial integrity and unity of the legal space of the country. Ethnoegoism, ethnocentrism and chauvinism, manifested in the activities of a number of national public formations, contribute to the strengthening of national separatism, create favorable conditions for the emergence of conflicts on this basis. In addition to increasing political instability, this leads to the weakening of the single economic space of Russia and its most important components — production, technological and transport links, financial, banking, credit and tax systems. Factors that increase the threat of growing nationalism and national and regional separatism include mass migration and the uncontrolled nature of the reproduction of the labor force in a number of regions of the country.
The main reasons for this are the consequences of the collapse of the USSR into national-territorial entities, the failures of national and economic policies both in Russia and in the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the spread and escalation of conflict situations on national-ethnic grounds. There is also a deliberate, conscious interference of foreign states and international organizations in the internal life of the peoples of Russia, the weakening of the role of the Russian language as the state language of the Russian Federation. An increasingly dangerous factor eroding the single legal space of the country is the adoption by the subjects of the Russian Federation of normative legal acts and decisions that contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal legislation.
The ongoing destruction of the unified spiritual space of Russia, economic disintegration and social differentiation provoke increased tension in the relations between the regions and the center, posing a clear threat to the federal structure of the Russian Federation. The threat of criminalization of social relations that are developing in the process of reforming the socio-political structure and economic activity is becoming especially acute. Mistakes made at the initial stage of reforms in the economic, military, law enforcement and other spheres of state activity, the weakening of the system of state regulation and control, the imperfection of the legal framework and the absence of a strong social state policy, the decline in the spiritual and moral level of society are objective factors that contribute to the preservation of crime and corruption. The consequences of these miscalculations are manifested in the weakening of legal control over the situation in the country, the merging of the executive and legislative branches with criminal structures, their penetration into the sphere of management of the banking business, large-scale production, trade organizations and distribution networks.The criminal world has essentially challenged the state by entering into open competition with it. Therefore, the fight against crime and corruption is not only legal, but also political in nature. Due to the large-scale, often conflictual redistribution of property, the intensification of the struggle for power based on group, political-ideological and ethno-nationalistic interests, the threat of terrorism is growing. The weakness of preventive measures to prevent criminal manifestations, legal nihilism, the outflow of qualified personnel from law enforcement agencies increase the degree of impact of this threat on society. The threat to the physical health of the nation is alarming. Its origins lie in almost all spheres of life and activity of the state and are most clearly manifested in the crisis state of the health care and social protection systems, the rapid increase in the consumption of alcohol and drugs. The consequences of this deep systemic crisis are a sharp reduction in the birth rate and average life expectancy, deterioration of people's health, deformation of the demographic and social composition of society, undermining of labor resources as the basis for the development of production, weakening of the fundamental unit of society — the family.
Such development of demographic processes causes a decrease in the spiritual, moral and creative potential of society. Threats to the national security of the Russian Federation in the international sphere are manifested through attempts by other states to counteract the strengthening of Russia as one of the influential centers of the emerging multipolar world. This is reflected in actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation, including through the use of interethnic, religious and other internal contradictions, as well as in territorial claims with references in some cases to the lack of a clear contractual and legal formalization of state borders. By their policies, such states seek to reduce the significance of the Russian Federation in solving key problems of the world community and in the activities of international organizations. In general, this may lead to a limitation of Russia's influence, an infringement of its most important national interests and a weakening of its positions in Europe, the Middle East, Transcaucasia and Central Asia. The threat of the emergence or aggravation of conflicts in states members of the Commonwealth of Independent States of political, ethnic, economic crises that can slow down or destroy the integration process, acquires special significance for our country. The Russian Federation is extremely important for these countries to become friendly, independent, stable and democratic. Despite the positive changes in the world, threats to the national security of the Russian Federation in the defense sphere remain.
Given the profound changes in the nature of relations between the Russian Federation and other leading powers, it can be concluded that the threat of large-scale aggression against Russia in the foreseeable future is virtually absent. At the same time, attempts at military rivalry with Russia cannot be ruled out. The most real threat to Russia in the defense sphere is posed by existing and potential hotbeds of local wars and armed conflicts near its state border. A serious threat is posed by the proliferation of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction, technologies for their production and means of delivery, and above all in countries adjacent to Russia or regions close to it. At the same time, the range of threats associated with international terrorism is expanding, including the possible use of nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction. The threat to Russia's national security in the defense sphere remains the preservation or creation by major powers (their coalitions) of powerful armed forces in regions adjacent to its territory.
Even in the absence of aggressive intentions towards Russia, such groups represent a potential military danger. NATO's expansion to the East and its transformation into a dominant military-political force in Europe pose a threat of a new division of the continent, which is extremely dangerous given the preservation of mobile strike groups of troops and nuclear weapons in Europe, as well as the insufficient effectiveness of multilateral peacekeeping mechanisms. The technological gap between a number of leading world powers and the growth of their capabilities for creating weapons and military equipment of new generations may lead to a qualitatively different stage in the development of the arms race. Threats to the national security of the Russian Federation in the defense sphere also lie in the incompleteness of the process of reforming the military organization of the state, the continuing gap between political guidelines and their implementation in military and military-technical policy, insufficient financing of national defense, the lack of development of modern approaches to military construction and the imperfection of its regulatory framework.
At the present stage, this is manifested in the extreme severity of social problems in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, a critically low level of operational and combat training of troops (forces) and headquarters, an unacceptable drop in the level of manning of troops (forces) with modern and promising types of weapons and military equipment, and in general — in a decrease in the state's capabilities to ensure the security of the Russian Federation. There is a tendency towards an increase in the threat of intelligence and operational-technical penetration of Russia by foreign intelligence services. The objects of their activities are government bodies, political parties and other public associations, banks and other credit institutions, industrial enterprises, research organizations, and the media.
The consequences of this activity may be increased opposition to the course chosen by Russia, the undermining of its economy by involving it in unprofitable trade and economic transactions, irrational military-technical cooperation, the deployment of research and development work in unpromising areas, the involvement of Russia in regional conflicts and the destabilization of the domestic political situation in the country. An analysis of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation shows that the main ones at present and in the foreseeable future do not have a military focus, are predominantly internal in nature and are concentrated in the domestic political, economic, social, environmental, informational and spiritual spheres. The development of qualitatively new relations with the leading states of the world and the practical absence of the threat of large-scale aggression against Russia while maintaining its nuclear deterrent potential make it possible to redistribute the resources of the state and society to resolve urgent domestic problems as a matter of priority.
IV. Ensuring the National Security of the Russian Federation
Ensuring national security of the Russian Federation through joint targeted activities of state and public institutions, as well as citizens participating in the identification, prevention of various threats to the security of the individual, society and the state and in countering them, is a mandatory and indispensable condition for the effective protection of the national interests of Russia. The main areas of activity of the state and society to ensure national security of the Russian Federation are: objective and comprehensive analysis and forecasting of threats to national security in all areas of their manifestation; determination of national security criteria and their threshold values, development of a set of measures and mechanisms to ensure national security in the spheres of the economy, foreign and domestic policy, public safety and law and order, defense, in the information and spiritual spheres; organization of the work of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the Russian Federation to implement a set of measures aimed at preventing or mitigating threats to national interests; maintenance of the strategic and mobilization resources of the state at the required level.
The main objective of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation is to create and maintain such an economic, political, international and military-strategic position of the country that would create favorable conditions for the development of the individual, society and the state and exclude the danger of weakening the role and significance of the Russian Federation as a subject of international law, undermining the ability of the state to realize its national interests in the international arena. The most important tasks of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation are: boosting the country's economy, pursuing an independent and socially oriented economic course; improving the legislation of the Russian Federation, strengthening law and order and the socio-political stability of society, Russian statehood, federalism and local self-government; forming harmonious interethnic relations; ensuring the international security of Russia by establishing an equal partnership with the leading states of the world; strengthening state security in the defense and information spheres; ensuring the life of the population in a technologically safe and environmentally friendly world. The main principles of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation are: compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation in the implementation of activities to ensure national security; unity, interconnection and balance of all types of security, changing their priority depending on the situation; priority of political, economic, informational measures to ensure national security; reality (taking into account available resources, forces and means) of the tasks put forward; compliance with the norms of international law and Russian laws in the implementation of coercive measures (including the use of military force); a combination of centralized management of forces and means of ensuring security with the transfer, in accordance with the federal structure of Russia, of part of the powers in this area to the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies.
Ensuring security and protecting Russia's national interests in the economic sphere are the main content of the state policy aimed at raising the economy and pursuing an independent and socially oriented economic course. The main areas of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the domestic economic activity of the state are legal support for reforms and the creation of an effective mechanism for monitoring compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the adoption and implementation of necessary measures to overcome the consequences of the economic crisis, the preservation and development of scientific, technical and production potential, the transition to economic growth while reducing the level of man-made disasters, increasing the competitiveness of industrial products, and raising the well-being of the people.
The transition to a highly efficient and socially oriented market economy should be carried out as a gradual process of forming optimal mechanisms for organizing production and distribution of the social product in order to maximize the welfare of society and each citizen. In this case, the following tasks come to the forefront: eliminating deformations in the structure of the Russian economy and overcoming the progressive reduction in the production of highly processed products, supporting industries that are the basis for expanded reproduction, and ensuring employment of the population. To this end, it is necessary to strengthen state support for investment and innovation activity, take measures to facilitate access of enterprises to long-term loans for financing capital investments, and implement real state support for targeted programs for the structural reorganization of industry. The most important tasks in the field of ensuring economic security are the accelerated development of competitive industries and production, and the steady expansion of the market for high-tech products.
To this end, measures must be taken to stimulate the transfer of new military technologies to civilian production, a mechanism must be introduced to identify and support the development of advanced technologies, the development of which will ensure the competitiveness of Russian enterprises in the world market. This involves concentrating financial and material resources on priority areas of science and technology development, supporting leading scientific schools, stimulating the attraction of private capital through the organization of funds and the use of grants, implementing programs for the development of territories with a high concentration of scientific and technical potential, creating, with state support, an infrastructure that ensures the commercialization of the results of scientific research with the simultaneous protection of intellectual property within the country and abroad, and developing a publicly accessible network of scientific, technical and commercial information.
The state promotes the formation and development of private entrepreneurship in all areas where it contributes to the growth of public welfare, creates equal conditions for economic competition between enterprises of all forms of ownership, ensures the protection of consumer rights, a sufficient level of social guarantees, conditions for the progress of science and education, spiritual and moral development of society, as well as the effective operation of market self-organization mechanisms. It is necessary to introduce certain restrictions on the activities of foreign banking and insurance companies, on the transfer of non-renewable natural resource deposits, telecommunications, transport and distribution networks to foreign enterprises for operation. It is impossible to allow the establishment of control by foreign companies over strategically important sectors of the economy, the defense industry and natural monopolies. It is necessary to develop and implement target programs for the economic recovery of depressed regions, introduce a preferential regime for economic activity, including preferential tariffs for transportation and communication services, ensuring the unity of the country's economic space.
In the context of foreign trade liberalization, it is necessary to protect the interests of domestic producers in the foreign market. The state must resolutely seek to eliminate discriminatory restrictions on the import of Russian products to developed Western countries, and prevent the imposition of political decisions on Russia that cause economic or moral damage to its citizens and enterprises. An important task in the field of foreign trade is to create favorable conditions for the international integration of the Russian economy and expand markets for Russian products. Further progress is needed in forming a single economic space with the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States and dismantling trade barriers that arose during cooperation with the former CMEA countries. Effective measures must be taken in the field of currency regulation in order to create conditions for stopping settlements in foreign currency in the domestic market and preventing uncontrolled capital outflow. To this end, along with ensuring macroeconomic stabilization, it is necessary to form an effective system of currency control and supervision over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on foreign economic activity.
In the international financial sphere, it is necessary to pursue a balanced credit and financial policy aimed at gradually reducing Russia's dependence on external credit borrowings and strengthening its position in international financial and economic organizations. It is fundamentally important to recognize the priority of economic factors in the social sphere as the most important condition for strengthening the state, ensuring the real implementation of social guarantees based on state support, developing mechanisms of collective responsibility and democratic decision-making, and social partnership. The most important task in this regard is to implement a socially fair and economically efficient income distribution policy. The organization of the work of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to implement specific measures aimed at preventing and overcoming threats to Russia's national interests in the economic sphere also requires further improvement of the legislation of the Russian Federation and ensuring strict compliance with it by all economic entities. Strengthening the socio-political stability of society is the most important factor in achieving the effectiveness of measures taken by the state to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation.
The basis for such stability should be, along with economic growth, public consensus on ways to strengthen federalism and strengthen interethnic relations in the country. The idea of national and public consensus, expressed through personal, public, corporate, national and social interests, will create additional conditions for the formation of a socially oriented market economy, will become a powerful tool in the fight against nationalism, national and regional separatism, and will contribute to the consolidation of society in the interests of Russia's development. Strengthening the unity and solidarity of the peoples of multinational Russia is the basis for educating its citizens and should become the most important principle for the development of public relations and modern domestic culture. The implementation of the idea of national and public consensus will allow our country to enter a new era as a power that has achieved economic and spiritual progress, with a high growth potential based on democratic principles of state structure, internal harmony of public relations, responsibility for maintaining global stability and sustainable development of universal civilization. Strengthening Russian statehood, improving and developing federalism and local self-government — the most important tasks, the solution of which will lead to ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation.
The main objective in this area is to develop and implement a comprehensive approach to solving legal, economic, social and ethnopolitical problems while ensuring the interests of the Russian Federation and its subjects. The implementation of the constitutional principle of democracy, in which the multinational people exercise their power both directly and through state authorities and local governments, requires ensuring the coordinated functioning and interaction of all state authorities, a strict vertical of executive power and the unity of the judicial system of Russia. This is ensured by the constitutional principle of separation of powers, the establishment of a clearer functional distribution of powers between state institutions, and the strengthening of the federal structure of Russia by improving its contractual relations with the subjects of the Russian Federation within the framework of their constitutional status. Strengthening Russian statehood involves increasing the role of the state in the main areas of public life, improving the legislation of the Russian Federation as a universal basis for state activity in the context of building a state based on the rule of law, ensuring the priority of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws over other legal acts, forming and developing organizational and legal mechanisms for preventing offenses, making and implementing state decisions in crisis situations.
The construction of a state based on the rule of law largely depends on the correct definition and clarification of the scope of jurisdiction and powers of government bodies, specific types and status of issued regulatory legal acts, the procedure for amending or canceling them, improving the mechanisms and procedures for relations between the state and society, as well as the procedure for taking into account the interests of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The protection of Russian federalism includes targeted activities to prevent encroachments on the state integrity of the country, the system of government bodies, and the unity of the legal space of Russia. The main goal of the protection of Russian federalism is to prevent the transformation of federal relations into confederative ones. The main areas of protection of Russian federalism are: ensuring the priority of federal legislation and improving, on this basis, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; developing organizational and legal mechanisms for the protection of state integrity, the unity of the legal space and the national interests of Russia; developing and implementing regional policies that ensure optimal consideration of federal and regional interests; improving the mechanism for preventing the emergence of political parties and public associations pursuing separatist and unconstitutional goals, and suppressing their activities; implementation of a balanced and considered national policy. The efforts of society and the state in the fight against crime should be aimed at creating an effective system of counteraction to ensure reliable protection of the interests of the individual, society and the state.
The following tasks are becoming of primary importance: strengthening the role of the state as the guarantor of national security, creating the necessary legal framework and a mechanism for its application; strengthening the law enforcement system; involving state bodies within their competence in activities to prevent illegal acts. The most important condition for a successful fight against all manifestations of crime is transparency. Society has the right to know about the decisions and measures taken by state authorities in this area. They must be open, specific and understandable to every citizen, be proactive, ensure equality of all before the law and the inevitability of responsibility, and rely on the support of society. In order to prevent and combat crime, it is first and foremost necessary to develop a legal framework as a basis for reliable protection of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, as well as compliance with Russia's international legal obligations in the field of combating crime and protecting human rights. It is important to deprive crime of a breeding ground caused by shortcomings in legislation, the crisis in the economy and the social sphere. It is necessary to more actively use operational investigative methods to eliminate the corrupt ties of organized crime. In order to prevent corruption in the state apparatus and eliminate the conditions for the legalization of capital acquired through criminal means, an effective system of financial control, verification of the property status, sources of income and expenses of officials and other civil servants must be created.
The fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and smuggling is an important component of ensuring both the national security of the Russian Federation and the security of the world community as a whole. The crisis situation in society and the economy, the existence of contradictions in interstate and interfaith relations, the imperfection of the regulatory framework governing controversial international and regional problems — all this contributes to the emergence of such types of criminal activity on the territory of the Russian Federation and dictates the need to develop a special set of countermeasures. The fight against terrorism, drug trafficking and smuggling, which are developing into a global international phenomenon, must be carried out using the capabilities of all branches of government on the basis of broad cooperation between the special services of the Russian Federation and similar services of other countries at the interstate level. The main factor in successfully countering these types of crime is the elimination of the causes that give rise to them. Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation also includes the protection of cultural, spiritual and moral heritage, historical traditions and norms of public life. Russia needs to ensure the preservation of its great cultural heritage, in particular museum and archival collections, major library collections, and historical and cultural sites.
Particular attention should be paid to the propaganda through the media of the experience of creative and pedagogical schools, cultural and national centers, communities, unions and other institutions, including for children, adolescents, youth and students, as well as the propaganda of the national cultures of the peoples of Russia, spiritual, moral, historical traditions and norms of public life. The activities of the Russian Orthodox Church and churches of other faiths play a critical role in preserving traditional spiritual values. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the destructive role of various religious sects that cause significant damage to the spiritual life of Russian society, pose a direct danger to the life and health of Russian citizens and are often used to cover up illegal activities. The spiritual revival of society is impossible without enhancing the role of the Russian language. Its proclamation as the state language and the language of interstate communication between the peoples of Russia and the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States is the most important factor in the unity of the people of multinational Russia. In order to ensure the preservation and development of our cultural and spiritual heritage, it is necessary to create optimal economic conditions for the implementation of the most important types of creative activity. Ensuring national security of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting and strengthening the health of citizens involves increasing the attention of society, legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the Russian Federation to the development of state (federal and municipal) insurance and private medical care, the implementation of state protectionism in the domestic medical and pharmaceutical industry, priority financing of health care and federal programs in the field of sanitation and epidemiology, child health care, emergency and urgent medical care, disaster medicine. Ensuring national security of the Russian Federation in the environmental sphere is becoming a relevant area of activity for the state and society.
The priority areas in the field of environmental safety include: combating environmental pollution by increasing the safety of technologies related to the disposal and recycling of toxic industrial and household waste; combating radioactive pollution; creating environmentally friendly technologies; rational use of natural resources. Since solving environmental safety problems requires significant resource provision, it is necessary to implement stable financing, the sources of which should be included in budgets at all levels. To improve the effectiveness of environmental protection activities, urgent measures are required, including the adoption of legislative acts that provide a legal basis for environmental safety, organizational and administrative measures aimed at improving the management of environmental protection activities in the country, conducting environmental assessments of all programs and projects developed at the federal and regional levels.
Conducting a foreign policy aimed at establishing an equal partnership of the countries of the world community and intensifying their cooperation is the most important component of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation. Russia does not intend to enter into confrontation with any state or union of states, and does not pursue hegemonic or expansionist goals. As an influential European-Asian power, it will maintain partnership relations with all interested countries of the world community. Priority in the foreign policy of the Russian Federation is given to ensuring the most important national interests, developing Russia's relations with the leading states of the world, comprehensive cooperation and integration within the Commonwealth of Independent States, establishing effective bilateral and multilateral cooperation within the Union of Belarus and Russia, as well as with the parties to the Treaty between the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic on Deepening Integration in the Economic and Humanitarian Spheres. Deepening and developing relations with the states of members of the Commonwealth of Independent States is a major factor contributing to the settlement of ethnopolitical and interethnic conflicts, ensuring socio-political stability on the borders of Russia and ultimately preventing centrifugal phenomena in Russia itself. Russia is also interested in full participation in global, European and Asian economic and political structures. Therefore, striving for mutually beneficial cooperation, the Russian Federation will continue to develop a constructive partnership with the United States of America, the European Union, China, Japan, India and other states. This meets the political and economic interests of the Russian Federation and will provide an opportunity for the full-scale inclusion of Russia in all organizations and institutions for the collective management of global political processes. An indispensable condition for the implementation of Russia's foreign policy efforts should be the creation of a model for ensuring global, regional and subregional security aimed at the 21st century, based on the principle of equality and indivisible security for all.
This involves the creation of a fundamentally new system of European-Atlantic security, in which the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe plays a coordinating role; increased efforts to create multilateral structures that ensure cooperation in the field of international security in the Asia-Pacific region and South Asia; active participation of Russia as a permanent member of the UN Security Council in the settlement and prevention of regional crises and conflicts; further improvement of the international arms control regime and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery; firm protection of the legitimate rights and interests of Russian citizens living abroad, in strict accordance with the norms of international law. An important area of activity of the Russian Federation to ensure its national security in the foreign policy sphere is facilitating the settlement of regional and local conflicts through peacekeeping activities.
In this regard, it is necessary to strive to make maximum use of the collective efforts of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the United Nations, and, in the long term, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. Russia will firmly and consistently fulfill its obligations in the area of reducing and eliminating weapons of mass destruction, conventional weapons, implement measures to strengthen confidence and stability, ensure international control over the supply of military and dual-use technologies, and promote the creation of zones free of weapons of mass destruction. The Russian Federation will also direct its efforts to ensure national security in the foreign policy sphere to solving problems of international and economic cooperation, and above all from the point of view of strengthening its positions in international financial and economic organizations. Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the defense sphere is the most important area of state activity, a subject of constant public attention.
The main objective of the practical activities of the state and society in this area is to improve the military organization of the Russian Federation to ensure the possibility of an adequate response to threats that may arise in the 21st century, with rational expenditures on national defense. The nature of these threats requires clarification of the tasks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies, optimization of their structure and composition, expansion of their professional core, improvement of the legal framework and mechanism for planning military construction, as well as development of modern approaches to its economic and financial support, taking into account the need to form a collective security system within the Commonwealth of Independent States. Russia does not seek to maintain parity in armaments and armed forces with the leading states of the world and is focused on the implementation of the principle of realistic deterrence, which is based on the determination to adequately use the available military power to prevent aggression. To prevent war and armed conflicts, the Russian Federation gives preference to political, economic and other non-military means.
However, until the non-use of force becomes the norm in international relations, the national interests of the Russian Federation require the presence of military power sufficient for its defense. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are the basis of the military organization of the state. They play a major role in ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation by force. The most important task of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is to ensure nuclear deterrence in the interests of preventing both a nuclear and a conventional large-scale or regional war, as well as the implementation of allied commitments. To fulfill this task, the Russian Federation must have the potential of nuclear forces capable of guaranteeing the infliction of specified damage on any aggressor state or coalition of states. The protection of the national interests of the state presupposes a comprehensive response to military threats on a regional and local scale. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime must be capable of providing reliable protection of the country from an air and space attack and solving problems of repelling aggression in a local war, as well as deploying a group of troops (forces) to solve problems in a regional war.
At the same time, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must ensure that the Russian Federation carries out peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations. The interests of ensuring Russia's national security and the evolution of the geopolitical situation in the world predetermine, under appropriate circumstances, the need for Russia's military presence in some strategically important regions of the world. The deployment of limited military contingents (military bases) there on a contractual basis and on the principles of partnership must demonstrate the readiness of the Russian Federation to fulfill its allied obligations, facilitate the formation of a stable military-strategic balance of power in the regions and provide the Russian Federation with the ability to respond to a crisis situation at the initial stage of its emergence. The long-term goals of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation determine the need for Russia's broad participation in peacekeeping operations. The implementation of such operations must become the most important means of preventing or eliminating crisis situations at the stage of their emergence and development. Ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the defense sphere presupposes its participation in the treaty process on the reduction of nuclear and conventional weapons, control over the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery.The most important area of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the defense sphere is the clarification and optimization of the tasks of the national security system. The priority in solving the tasks of preventing and countering internal threats to the national security of the Russian Federation belongs to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters, which must have the appropriate forces, means and bodies capable of performing special tasks. Restructuring the defense-industrial potential with minimal losses for new technologies and scientific and technical capabilities, consolidating companies that are developers and manufacturers of weapons and the most important types of civilian products, and creating world-class corporations and firms on their basis, supporting and developing research and development work, modernizing weapons and military equipment, introducing into practice a system of orders for weapons and military equipment that meets modern requirements should be aimed at improving the defense-industrial complex in the interests of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation. It is also necessary to improve cooperation in the military-technical sphere, which will give Russia the opportunity to represent its interests in new international markets.
In ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the defense sphere, the human factor and the social status of military personnel play a special role. Therefore, such tasks as the implementation of a set of measures for the social protection of military personnel, increasing the prestige of military service, forming public consciousness in the spirit of the need for armed protection of the country's national interests and mobilizing the efforts and capabilities of the state, society and citizens to carry out military reform come to the forefront. The Russian Federation considers the possibility of using military force to ensure its national security based on the following principles: Russia reserves the right to use all forces and means at its disposal, including nuclear weapons, if the unleashing of armed aggression poses a threat to the very existence of the Russian Federation as an independent sovereign state; the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation must be carried out decisively, consistently and systematically, until favorable conditions for concluding peace are created for the Russian Federation; the use of military force must be carried out on a legal basis and only when all non-military measures to resolve the crisis situation have been exhausted or have proven ineffective; the use of military force against civilians or for the achievement of domestic political goals is not permitted. At the same time, in relation to illegal armed formations that pose a threat to the national interests of the Russian Federation, joint actions of individual formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with other troops, military formations and bodies are permitted in strict accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws; the participation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in wars and armed conflicts of varying intensity and scale must be carried out to resolve priority military-political and military-strategic tasks that meet the national interests of Russia, as well as its allied obligations.
The most important condition for ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the defense sphere should be the targeted allocation of budgetary funds for the programmatic development of forces, means and bodies that protect Russia's national interests by force. Of particular importance for ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation are the timely detection of threats and identification of their sources. This is achieved through continuous monitoring, with the coordinating role of the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, of political, military, economic, information, technological, social and other external threats that affect the national security of the Russian Federation, the state and combat readiness of its Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies. The importance of counterintelligence activities in ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation is also increasing. The geopolitical position of Russia and the scale of its territory are of particular importance in solving problems related to ensuring the national interests and security of the Russian Federation in the sphere of protection and security of its state border. To do this, it is necessary to combine the efforts of all federal executive bodies, with the coordinating role of the Federal Border Service of the Russian Federation. Ensuring the national interests and security of the Russian Federation on its state border and in the border area involves improving the international legal framework for the state border of the Russian Federation, developing interstate border cooperation and implementing collective security measures on the external borders of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
The increase in the number and expansion of the scale of man-made and natural emergencies, entailing significant material and human losses, often comparable to losses in armed conflicts, make the problem of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the natural, man-made and environmental spheres extremely urgent. In this regard, the qualitative improvement of the unified state system for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations, its further integration with similar systems of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States are of particular importance. In the modern conditions of universal informatization and development of information technologies, the importance of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation in the information sphere is sharply increasing. The most important tasks here are: establishing the necessary balance between the need for the free exchange of information and acceptable restrictions on its dissemination; improving the information structure, accelerating the development of new information technologies and their widespread dissemination, unification of means of searching, collecting, storing, processing and analyzing information, taking into account Russia's entry into the global information infrastructure; development of the relevant regulatory framework and coordination, with the leading role of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President of the Russian Federation, of the activities of federal government bodies and other bodies solving the problems of ensuring information security; development of the domestic industry of telecommunications and information equipment, their priority distribution in comparison with foreign analogues on the domestic market; protection of the state information resource, and first of all in federal government bodies and at defense industry enterprises.
The system of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation is created and developed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal programs in this area. The basis of the system of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation is formed by the bodies, forces and means of ensuring national security, implementing measures of a political, legal, organizational, economic, military and other nature aimed at ensuring the security of the individual, society and the state. The powers of the bodies and forces of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation, their composition and structure are determined by the relevant legislative acts of the Russian Federation. The creation of bodies and forces of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation that are not established by federal laws, as well as the use of illegal means of ensuring national security is prohibited. Of particular importance in ensuring national security of the Russian Federation is the organization of a system for preparing and making preemptive decisions to protect the national interests of the country. The following participate in determining and implementing the policy of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation:
The President of the Russian Federation — manages, within the limits of his constitutional powers, the bodies and forces ensuring national security of the Russian Federation; authorizes actions to ensure national security in various spheres; in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, forms, reorganizes and abolishes subordinate bodies and forces ensuring national security; issues messages, appeals and directives on issues of national security;
The Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation — on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and taking into account the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation, form the legislative framework in this area: within the limits of their jurisdiction, make decisions on the use of forces and means of ensuring national security, the use of military force; consider and adopt federal laws on the ratification and denunciation of international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of national security;
The Government of the Russian Federation — ensures the implementation of the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation, the fulfillment of target federal programs, plans and directives in the field of ensuring national security; carries out measures to provide financial and material resources to the forces, means and bodies of national security of the Russian Federation; directs the activities of federal executive bodies subordinate to it and, within the powers delegated to it, coordinates the activities of executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
The Security Council of the Russian Federation — considers strategic issues of the domestic, foreign and military policy of the Russian Federation, issues of ensuring security in the economic, social, defense, border, information, environmental and other spheres, issues of public health protection, forecasting and preventing interethnic and social conflicts, emergency situations and overcoming their consequences, ensuring public harmony, legality and law and order; prepares recommendations and proposals for the development of the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation, for the implementation of the strategy and current policy for ensuring national security; coordinates the activities of the national security system of the Russian Federation in developing a strategy in the field of domestic, foreign and military policy, military-technical cooperation and information security, monitors the implementation of the strategy and current policy in these areas by federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The Security Council of the Russian Federation is responsible to the President of the Russian Federation for the timely identification of threats to the national security of the Russian Federation, for the preparation of operational decisions to prevent emergency situations and the development of the main directions of the strategy for ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation;
federal executive bodies — ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the implementation of decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Security Council of the Russian Federation, federal programs, plans and directives in the field of ensuring national security of the Russian Federation; within the limits of their competence, develop regulatory legal acts on ensuring national security and submit them to the Security Council of the Russian Federation; government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation interact with federal executive bodies in order to ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the implementation of decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation and the Security Council of the Russian Federation, federal programs and plans in the field of ensuring national security; jointly with local governments, carry out activities to involve citizens, public associations and other organizations to assist in ensuring national security in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; submit proposals to federal government bodies on improving the national security of the Russian Federation.
The President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Security Council of the Russian Federation, federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local government bodies act within the limits of their authority and coordinate efforts to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation. In the event of an immediate threat to the national security of the Russian Federation, the Security Council of the Russian Federation shall develop the necessary proposals for decision-making.
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The Russian Federation intends to decisively and firmly strengthen its national security, relying on both historical experience and the positive experience of the country's democratic development. The established legal democratic institutions, the existing structure of government bodies of the Russian Federation, and the broad participation of political parties and public associations in the development of a strategy for ensuring national security make it possible to ensure the national security of the Russian Federation and its progressive development in the 21st century. As Russia steadily develops and a new system of international relations based on equal partnership is formed and strengthened, individual provisions of the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation are supplemented, clarified and specified in the annual messages of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.