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#Country house security.

How to protect a country house.

Despite the fairly large market for all kinds of technical means of domestic and foreign production, as well as a large number of companies specializing in this area, the problem of equipping individual housing with technical security means will always exist.

One of the main rules for the security of a private house is that the security system must be constantly updated and maintained.

You can always get any advice or order services to ensure the security of a country (private) house by phone: 8 915 894 13 82

What risks should a private house be protected from?

Before choosing a home security system, you need to determine the real danger to which it may be exposed:

— penetration into the house;

— invasion of the territory;

— other actions that may result in harm to people and property.

Perimeter of the house

From this point of view, first of all, it is necessary to protect the perimeter of the house itself from possible penetration.

Doors, windows, ventilation grilles, fixed on the external walls of the house are weak elements in the structure, through which, according to statistics, the greatest number of penetrations occur.

Perimeter of the territory

The second object that must be protected is the perimeter of the territory.

As a rule, during individual construction, a fence (fence) is installed along the perimeter of the territory.

For practical reasons, a fence in the form of a high fence, impenetrable to the average person, can and should serve as a serious argument to prevent attempts to enter the territory, both psychologically and physically.

In this case, special attention must be paid to the protection of wickets and gates, which are weak points when organizing perimeter protection systems.

The protection of adjacent territories is carried out by technical security means that control approaches to important areas within the territory, including the house itself. With their help, it is possible to determine unauthorized entry of an intruder and to activate means of psychological influence, for example, a bright light in the intruder's sector or a siren.

To increase the level of security and protection of housing, fire alarm systems, access control and restriction systems, and security television systems are used.

The listed systems can work both separately and in a complex. Systems of any complexity are built on the basis of the same technical devices.

Video surveillance of a private house

Video surveillance systems have long become a kind of «classic» of any security complex.

Video surveillance in a country house performs two main tasks: recording what is happening inside and around the house and the ability to video monitor the house at any time. Recording can be done around the clock or according to a set schedule, during the absence of the owners of the house.

For the convenience of finding the desired fragment, it can also be turned on when a motion detector is triggered.

Modern video surveillance systems can be connected to the Internet, which allows the owner to see what is happening at home from anywhere where there is access to the World Wide Web.

Mobile technologies make it possible to do this, even in a car, using a laptop or phone.

Security post or who should respond to alarms.

The most important aspects of organizing the protection of an object: the location of the security post, the method of responding to an alarm situation, and transmitting an alarm signal via existing communication lines.

The quality and appropriateness of the entire range of protective measures depend on whether the owner is ready to provide a response using his own security service or just organize a call to a personal phone number.

Among the most commonly used methods of organizing security, the most common are:

— an internal security post located directly on the site;

— a centralized security post for a group of sites or a cottage village;

— sending a signal to neighbors living outside the city permanently;

— sending a signal to the owner of the property on the phone (used as an addition);

— sending an alarm signal directly on the site in the form of sound and light indication to create a psychological effect.

Individual housing must be equipped in accordance with regulatory documents.

This will not only prevent serious mistakes, but will also allow you to expand and modernize security systems in the future without major alterations.

Work on the installation, maintenance, and repair of security systems for a private home should not be entrusted to «technicians» from Avito and other similar sites.

Security should be handled by professional organizations that are responsible for their work not only with words, but also with the reputation of their legal entity.

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