Complexes of technical means for central monitoring stations using GSM.


Complexes of technical means for PCN using GSM.

PCN – centralized monitoring station.

This is a kind of information center, where all events from objects flow.

The center is equipped with specialized technical means, information from which is received and analyzed by the operator.

GOST defines a centralized monitoring console as an independent technical device (a set of technical devices) or an integral part of a notification transmission system, which is installed at a centralized security point to receive notifications from console terminal devices or a repeater about intrusion into protected facilities and (or) about a fire at them, service and control and diagnostic notifications, to process, display, record the received information and present it in a specified form for further processing, and also (if there is a return channel) to transmit remote control commands through the console terminal device to the repeater and facility terminal devices.

That is, the facility devices transmit information about the facility's status and the events occurring there (arming, disarming, alarm, malfunction, power failure, etc.) to the central monitoring station, where the information is processed and the operator is issued the corresponding messages.

Modern central monitoring stations are based on a computer and specialized software.

Also, the work of centralized monitoring stations can be based on a local area network (LAN).

This, as experts note, provides the ability to receive information via various communication channels, transmit it to a large number of users, and also make maximum use of the capabilities of modern information technologies.

A fundamentally important point is the communication channels used to transmit information and data from the facility equipment to the centralized monitoring station.

Until recently, the telephone network was the only medium for transmitting information from an alarm device to a central monitoring station.

This was usually done in one of two ways.

In the first, autodialing, a remote device called the central monitoring station and transmitted alarm codes using special tone packets.

The main disadvantage of this approach is that an intruder can cut the telephone wire and enter the protected facility unnoticed.

The second method constantly monitors the integrity of the line, and if a violation is detected, it is considered that an alarm signal has been received.

However, in order to implement such monitoring, specialized equipment must be installed on each PBX to which security alarm devices can be connected. This is expensive and troublesome, and sometimes impossible given the different types of PBX equipment.

A common drawback of both methods is that telephone lines in the entire post-Soviet space are generally of poor quality, and either the alarm message does not reach the central monitoring station, or false disconnections occur too often. In addition, many objects are simply not connected to telephones. Transmitting alarm signals over the air is a completely different approach. You can't cut the wires here. But there are enough difficulties here too.

There are quite a lot of fixed-frequency radio monitoring systems, but there are several serious problems:
— strong radio interference in urban conditions;
— obstacles in the path of radio wave propagation (buildings, uneven terrain);
— the distance of objects from the base station, which requires the installation of a large number of repeaters.

Monitoring stations using a cellular communication channel have appeared in recent years.

The impetus was the rapid and powerful development and spread of GSM standard cellular telephone communications, which became a serious incentive for the creation of new systems using the wide possibilities of new technologies.

The GSM-900/1800 standard cellular network provides the best quality of communication and has already been deployed in most cities in Russia and the CIS countries.

Systems using GSM communication allow you to protect any objects, including those without telephones. GSM networks also allow you to carry out audio and video monitoring using modern phones (smartphones and PDAs equipped with a GSM module). This allows you to see and hear what is happening at the protected object. Using GSM eliminates the need to deploy your own repeater network — repeaters of GSM operators are used.

As ​​a result, you can take protection of the object anywhere where the GSM operator network works reliably.

If we talk about objects where laying cable infrastructure is difficult or impossible and the only communications are power lines (summer cottages, garages, industrial or remote unattended objects), then there is no alternative to cellular communications in principle.

And, of course, the use of new 3G protocols and networks (third generation of cellular communications with USSD protocol), specially designed for corporate clients, seems very promising — virtual corporate data transmission networks with imitation resistance and information protection.

Methods of data transmission in GSM-complexes

GSM-900/1800 uses 4 channels (methods) of information transmission: voice, SMS (Short Message Service), data transmission channel (DTMF) and GPRS-technology.

The voice channel is well known to owners of GSM-phones, this is the channel that is usually used for regular conversations on a cell phone.

The channel for data transmission and GPRS is designed to connect computers to each other via cell phones, access the Internet.

The SMS channel is designed to transmit short digital messages (up to 160 bytes). SMS requires a message service center, which belongs to the cellular service provider.

The message from the subscriber arrives at the service center, and then is transmitted to the addressee.

Technically, the SMS channel is well suited for transmitting information from a remote security device to the central monitoring station. Its advantages: a fully digital channel with message integrity control, guaranteeing that the delivered message is error-free; the ability to communicate at low signal levels in interference conditions; the ability to store the message in the service center if the recipient is unavailable, and delivery of the message after the recipient enters the communication coverage area.

However, the reality is that in our specific conditions, a message may be delivered with a delay of several minutes or even hours, and cases of messages being lost are not uncommon. This is explained by the fact that the message is queued and served with the usual priority along with other messages from other subscribers and messages from the mobile operator.

Global statistics from mobile operators show that about 6% of messages are lost and do not reach the recipient. Of course, we should also mention the GPRS and DTMF protocols, which have recently become increasingly popular on the market.

Using a voice channel also has its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the most advanced manufacturers use all 4 communication formats in their equipment. And if one channel fails, there is an automatic switch to another channel.

How the central monitoring station works

First of all, it should be emphasized that a necessary condition for reliable operation of the CMS is its location in a zone of stable mobile communication of the GSM-900/1800 standard.

Structurally, the CMS, as a rule, consists of a computer, modules with cellular terminals, chargers, cables for intermodule connections, cables for interfacing with a PC.

The microprocessor module is connected to the cellular terminal using a connector. The charger and the PC interface module are connected to the connector. The PC interface module is connected to the PC COM port.

The functionality of the central monitoring station depends on the software used. We will provide a list of functional capabilities that a modern central monitoring station should provide to the user, which is necessary in the opinion of experts.

First of all, this is the reception of messages from object units (OB). This process can be accompanied by audio and visual accompaniment, decoding and processing.

The next function is maintaining a centralized database. It provides client-server architecture of the software, as well as distributed access to the database from various computers in the network. Such a function as constant monitoring of the state of objects and testing of security object devices is very useful.

It is also necessary to name such functions as storage and display of object layouts, various schemes, object descriptions (in text form), access code numbers, events and their decoding, zone descriptions, maintaining archives of received messages and all events that occurred at the objects. Of course, it should be possible to quickly print out the databases of objects, the event archive both in full and in part.

A very important function for organizing a control panel security is the ability to record the arrival time of the response team to the object in case of an alarm.

It is good if the central monitoring station automatically creates graphs and reports on the operation of the control panel for a certain period of time — this function significantly increases the ease of use.

STAM-2 Monitoring Station (Satel, Poland)

The STAM-2 monitoring station from the Polish company Satel consists of software, a main board for receiving messages from the control panel, and a protective hardware USB key. The main board can be installed in any free PCI slot of a PC, and with an autonomous power source, the station can operate without a computer.

The monitoring program significantly simplifies the work of the fire alarm system operator, automatically selecting events that require his intervention, providing a list of instructions in each specific situation and reminding about uncompleted tasks.

STAM-2 can serve more than 50,000 subscribers, print reports on the actions of fire alarm system operators, reports on system events and automatically track unauthorized changes to system files.

The STAM-2 monitoring station supports the following methods of data exchange with the control panel: receiving signals via a telephone line, via an IP channel, via a GSM network in the form of SMS messages, and via a radio channel if a VISONIC standard radio station is available.

The selection of boards installed on the PC depends on the selected data transfer methods.

Up to 16 interconnected boards can operate within one STAM-2 monitoring station, which allows you to adjust the number of available telephone lines and IP addresses.

Fig. Structural diagram of the system

The system has a modular design. One module «ARM operator PCN» allows you to connect up to 540 objects.

You can organize the work of several «ARM operator PCN». A universal communicator (GSM + GTS) and an IP communicator (IP modem) are used as a communicator.

Information is transmitted via the GSM channel in the digital DATA format.

SMS notification of the facility owner about the delivery of the notification to the CMS and to the owner's mobile phone.

Alternative channel for transmitting notifications by opening the CMS relay contacts.
The CMS is an automated workstation based on a personal computer with concentrators connected to it and the software of the integrated security system «Lavina» installed.

Allows you to solve a range of tasks on system monitoring, preparing and maintaining a database on objects, programming data transfer keys for object devices.

It is possible to perform adaptive configuration and system setup, program object devices, obtain various reference and reporting information.

The software consists of several modules that provide for the reception and decoding of information, display of the status of all objects connected to the system, issuance of alarm notifications, recording of operator actions upon receipt of alarm messages, detailed presentation of each object; display of the event log, monitoring of the operability of the communication modules with the concentrator.

The corresponding software modules solve the problems of preparing and maintaining a database for objects, programming data transfer keys for object devices, and provide the formation of reports on objects and the system as a whole.

System III (SUR-GARD, Canada)

The latest generation System III monitoring station automatically detects the request signal for incoming signals, which significantly speeds up the reception of messages. The system determines where the call is coming from and where it is coming to, and the first free line card accepts the incoming call. This eliminates the need to assign line cards to objects and optimizes the use of line cards.

System III identifies the number before answering the call. Less time and money is spent on communication. The presence of dynamically switching functions allows you to service more objects with one receiver.

The System III monitoring station provides support for almost all data transmission formats, including GSM.

It has non-volatile memory, COM outputs, a printer and for connecting to an Ethernet network.

Provides digital signal processing, programming from a computer, permanent hot standby, supports two-way audio communication with the object.

The System III monitoring station is a powerful compact solution with an average cost.

Mirage 4.x Monitoring Station Software (STEALTH, Russia)

The new version of the Mirage 4.x central monitoring station software consists of three software modules: «server», «administrator» and «monitor».

A full-fledged DBMS based on the PostgreSQL SQL server is used as the main data storage method, which increases the reliability of storage and the speed of access to data.

The new server architecture allows you to connect up to 5,000 objects to the server and increase the speed of receiving, processing and saving events.

The ability to forward central monitoring station events to mobile phones of service personnel and clients has been implemented.

For any subscriber, you can define a list of events for delivery and the SMS message format.

The Mirage 4.x central monitoring station software has adopted the convenient and clear interface and all the important functions from previous versions, which allows you to painlessly switch from one central monitoring station version to another.

Added capabilities for remote administration and archiving of the server database at the DBMS level.

Archiving of both the entire database and individually selected objects and devices is available.

Event settings in the «monitor» program have been expanded. Now, for each type of non-alarming event, you can configure its automatic processing for all objects. Additionally, a new function for resetting the states of all non-alarming objects is provided.

The user interface is designed to ensure convenient operation of the dispatcher and provide all the necessary information.

Efficient visual control is ensured by the ability to arbitrarily group objects by various characteristics and display the current state of objects according to a specified color palette.

The Mirage central monitoring station software is integrated into a single software package with the Siberia navigation monitoring system.

Transfer of information about alarm events from the Mirage system server to the Siberia system dispatcher's workstation allows monitoring the situation on the ground and optimally coordinating the work of mobile groups.

Centralized monitoring console based on «SPI Andromeda®» («Si-Nord», Russia)

The central monitoring station based on the Andromeda® SPI has five information transmission channels: radio, telephone lines, GSM (GPRS, SMS, Voice), LAN/WAN, the ability to connect up to 8,000 objects, display objects and rapid response teams on the city map in real time. Many useful functions simplify and automate the work of operators.

For work via the GSM channel, a set of object devices of the Andromeda® Hunter-Pro 96 system is used. This object device has an expansion of up to 96 zones and the ability to transmit a signal via all communication channels.

The Hunter-Pro 96 panel can be connected to up to 96 wired and wireless zones. Remote programming is possible without visiting the site and duplicating messages via any communication channels.

The GSM-200 cellular communication module ensures the transmission of messages from the control panel to the central station in the voice channel and the GPRS channel of the GSM standard.

Terminal control device UOP-AV-GSM («Argus-Spectrum», Russia)

In automatic mode, it receives via the GSM channel and transmits to the PC notifications from the site terminal devices:
— UOO-GSM-C1 (transmits detailed information from the intra-facility radio channel system «STRELETS®»);
— «TANDEM-2» (4 loops, Touch Memory, 2 relays, power supply — 220 V, backup from the built-in battery — 2.2 A/h.);
— «SPECTRE-8» control panel with a built-in communicator module MK.

The device can receive notifications in the GSM CSD digital data format, the Argus-ST format, as well as incoming calls with caller ID control.

Buffer memory — 1024 notifications, supply voltage — 9-27 V, current consumption in switching mode — no more than 1.6 A.
UOP-AV-GSM operates as part of the hardware and software complex SPI «Atlas-20», which allows organizing centralized security of facilities with the output of information to the workstations of the central monitoring station operators.

Notifications are transmitted via busy subscriber lines, dial-up telephone lines, dedicated radio channels, GSM networks, IP networks.
The complex operates under Windows NT (2000, 2003, XP, Vista).

«Orlan GSM 900/1800» («Protection and Security», Ukraine)

«Orlan» is a set of hardware and software for creating a central monitoring station for monitoring the status of GSM fire and security alarm devices using the GSM-900/1800 cellular network in voice and GPRS mode.

Designed to receive coded messages transmitted by Lun series radio communicators and transmit them to a PC for registration and processing using the Phoenix 2 software.

The software supports connection to a PC of PACT2 and DSC-SurGard digital receivers for receiving coded messages via a telephone line from most fire and security panels (Napco, Ademco, DSC, etc.).

The Orlan central control station ensures the reception of messages from external devices with audio and visual accompaniment, decoding and processing, tracking and instantaneous change of the object's state on the central control station upon receipt of the next message.

Up to five functions of remote control of object devices by console operators are provided, as well as storage and display of information in text and graphic form.

The central monitoring station maintains archives of received messages, searches in the archive by various criteria, prints and exports the database, and the event archive.

It is possible to divide an object into groups and track information separately for each group, and set a work schedule for each group. Backup and archiving of the database occurs automatically.


All events from the facility are duplicated to the owner's mobile phone as an SMS (up to 3 phones), to the remote control «Phoenix-mini» as an SMS (up to 3 control panels), and via the GPRS channel. It is possible to transfer an object, group or separate loop to the permanent or temporary stand mode.

Analysis and construction of graphs and reports on the operation of the control panel for a month are carried out. Information content (types of notifications) — 256.

The size of the memory buffer of received events is 32.

The time it takes for the central monitoring station to be ready for operation is no more than 40 seconds. The duration of one communication session in voice mode is no more than 4 seconds.

The duration of one communication session in GPRS mode is no more than 1 second.

Centralized database in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 format with client-server software architecture, distributed access to the database from various PCs in the network. Logging the arrival time of the response team to the facility.

Individual testing interval for each security device (from 15 min.).

Registration of CMS operators.

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