Commercial transport control system in the Russian Federation.
Commercial transport control system in the Russian Federation
It is recognized that the main cause of such accidents is the human factor, associated with violations of traffic rules and the work and rest regime of drivers. As a means capable of solving the problem of control over commercial transport in the country, government services and public organizations call the mandatory use of tachograph devices on commercial vehicles. Such devices of the latest generation are electronic recorders that register the vehicle's driving mode, taking information from its speedometer.
An analysis of statements by various high-ranking government officials, as well as the opinions of public figures, show that there is a high probability of the emergence in the near future of regulatory legal acts making the use of tachograph equipment in commercial transport mandatory. Thus, a state-regulated «tachograph» market of significant volume should be formed in Russia. Based on the fact that the number of trucks and buses actually in use in Russia is at least 5 million units, and considering that the cost of a tachograph kit can be at least 10 thousand rubles, we obtain a volume of such a market of 50 billion rubles during implementation (2-3 years). In the future, with an annual renewal of up to 10% of the vehicle fleet, we have an annual market of 5 billion rubles to maintain the number of equipment. Obviously, such a market size is very interesting from a commercial point of view. On the other hand, at present in Russia there are no large structures that could unconditionally monopolize this topic.
Based on the above facts, it is more than reasonable, from a commercial point of view, to begin work on creating a structure that would participate in the formation and division of the market for technical control of commercial transport. The following interested parties could be included in such a structure:
- JSC Russian Electronics (ROSEL), as the technical executor of the project, which has a stake in various domestic enterprises in the electronics and radio engineering industries. It is important that JSC ROSEL is a subsidiary of the State Corporation Rostekhnologiya.
- Research institutes and independent design groups, as developers of the technical part of the project.
- The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, as a major customer of such equipment, as well as the structure that forms the requirements for the secrecy of tachograph equipment installed on vehicles of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.
- The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, as the structure responsible for road safety.
- The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.
- The Union of Insurers, as a structure interested in reducing accidents.
- MOOA «Freedom of Choice», as a public organization of motorists of Russia.
For successful competition, it is necessary to solve the following organizational and technical tasks of organizing a control system:
- Development of a system project that covers as broadly as possible the spheres of interest of all the parties involved and uses the latest achievements of the domestic industry.
- Design of individual technical units of the control system.
- Advertisement of the proposed system-technical solution (exhibitions, demonstrations, presentations).
- Influence on the development of state technical specifications for tachograph control systems.
- Patenting of the developed control system.
- Participation in possible tenders and competitions for the implementation of state projects.
- Placement of orders for the production of system elements at enterprises included in the project.
It is obvious that at the first stage it is necessary to create a working group that would undertake the development of a systemic Project and the analysis of the market and political situation. As part of this work, the group would be engaged in finding partners and identifying potential competitors. In the future, such a group, reinforced by representatives of the project partners, could become the basis for creating a Project Management Company.
Below is a brief description of the technical system that can become the basis for developing the Project. The competitive advantages of the proposed control system are:
- use of electronic document management;
- the possibility of gradual implementation;
- no need to connect tachograph equipment to the vehicle's on-board electronics (saving money on system installation);
- versatility;
- flexibility and reprogrammability;
- modularity;
- interconnectedness with other government programs (State Enterprise «Electronic Russia», State Enterprise for the Implementation of the GLONASS System).
Technical description of the proposed control system
The control system consists of the following parts (see figure):
- Chip — driver's license cards (DLC).
- Chip — vehicle registration certificate cards (VRC).
- Tachograph unit, including:
3.1. Processor with interfaces for DLC and VRC.
3.2. GLONASS-GPS module.
3.3. GPRS module for emergency notification of special services.
3.4. Backup power source. - Systems for viewing and reprogramming DLC and VRC by state traffic safety inspectorate and vehicle inspection services, including:
4.1. Interfaces for DLC and VRC.
4.2. Computer with network access.
4.3. Central server.
4.4. Digital communication channels. - Application and system software.
All components of the control system are currently known, tested and widely used in various fields, which makes them highly reliable.
(Peace and Security No. 4, 2010)
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