CCTV. Questions and Answers.
“I don’t want to say anything bad about people, but the operators at my site are somewhat distant from the technology.
And if, in addition, the power supply in the network is lost and the recorder, accordingly, turns off, what happens then when the power supply is restored. Does recording turn on automatically or not?
Vladimir Molchanov, St. Petersburg.”
Dmitry Streltsov, regional manager of Mitsubishi Electric (Russia and CIS countries), answers the reader's question
The best option is to use CCTV video recorders that have a special function that allows you to instantly restore the device's operation after the power supply suddenly disappears.
Thus, in this case, you only risk a piece of information recorded during the period of power failure.
After power is restored, the recorder will fully recover and return to the set operating mode automatically. To completely eliminate gaps in recording when power is lost, it is worth using an uninterruptible power supply.
Moreover, for some of the most advanced models, it is enough if it is turned on within 10 milliseconds.
The market also offers equipment that has the ability to support, let's say, not very highly qualified operators.
Such recorders themselves inform the operator about alarming events occurring with the DVR.
Such events may include stopping recording, starting alarm recording, signal loss, sensor triggering, fan stopping, internal temperature increase, etc.
The DVR can send event messages in various ways: to a specific IP address, by e-mail, or to an FTP server.
Even if the software is not running, event messages will be received and displayed in pop-up windows in the lower right corner of the screen.
Any message can be accompanied by a sound signal to attract the operator's attention.
When sending an event message via e-mail, an image from the camera can be attached to the alarm message, which allows you to instantly assess the situation at the site.
Manufacturers, as a rule, do not recommend setting up e-mail notifications for events related to changes in recording modes, so as not to quickly fill up the allocated volume of this e-mail.
Modern recorders, as a rule, support the transfer of video information to an FTP server.
This allows you to save valuable video information even if the video recorder is physically destroyed on purpose or, which also happens, accidentally.
Support for such functions helps the employer significantly save on expenses associated with ongoing service maintenance, since the recorder can independently send status reports.
Which, in turn, leads to a reduction in costs associated with staff training.
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