avtomobilnie registratori ai d147m i ai d187m kak chast k

Car recorders Ai-D147M and Ai-D187M.

In addition to the fact that Acumen recorders have excellent technical characteristics, they will work successfully and reliably in a single information system for transport control.

To create a unified information system for managing and monitoring remote recorders (private cars, rolling stock of motor transport), the company «Acumen» offers specialized software consisting of two parts: the client part — Hyper Electronics Mappers and the server part — CMS-server.

Let's dwell in more detail on the capabilities of this software.

The client part of the software, Hyper Electronics Mappers, is designed to work with a small number of remote devices (up to 10 recorders) and organize a remote operator workstation with the ability to view live video and events, as well as remote control of recorders within the permissions of the user administration system.

This system is built on static IP addresses assigned to recorders and rigidly assigned to them.

Using a static address, we can control the operation of this recorder on the network, limit or prohibit access to the Internet, etc.

The Hyper Electronics Mappers software allows you to ensure:

  • working with audio/video channels of end devices: live video, working with archive
  • remote video, audio, and signal input control over end devices
  • remote PTZ control (RS-485)
  • remote installation of software (update) of the device (DVR). — remote signal notification

To protect the recorder, two levels are used — the device's security key (DVR), located directly in the recorder, and the user password for gaining access to the device (DVR). Access rights are flexibly differentiated using the recorder user administration system.

Of course, as was said earlier, the Hyper Electronics Mappers software has limitations on the number of recorders that can be connected.

In this case, the server part of the CMS-server software is used. This software locally stores all the capabilities of the client part and can take on the functions of administering remote workstations.

The architecture of building a network in this case looks like this:

1. The Acumen recorder with the necessary sensors, cameras, GPS, and alarm relays connected to it (any flat Acumen recorder model with an Internet channel can be used). It connects to a computer running the Cms-server software via the Internet or a local network.

2. A computer with the Cms-server software installed and user accounts created that are given access to the recorders as a whole. In this case, there is no longer a limit on the number of recorders. The computer binds the addresses of remote recorders to itself and allows you to distribute resources from them to remote workstations

3. The computer (laptop) of the remote workstation operator with the installed Hyper Electronics Mappers network application is connected to the Cms-server software, and the operator gains access to all recorders authorized for operation. After the connection is made, the operator can monitor, administer remotely, and work with the archive within the allocated access rights.

The cms-server software can operate in «active» and «passive» mode. In «passive» mode, each recorder is assigned an IP address.

The option of constructing an “active” network architecture of the system allows you to refuse to use a static IP address on the part of the registrar.

In this case, the IP address of the network resource on which the cms-server application is running is registered in the registrars.

Later, when an actual network connection appears, the recorder itself finds this resource and authorizes itself on it using its own name and security keys. This increases the stability of the network system as a whole and allows it to be stable when the Internet connection between recorders is interrupted.

If a car recorder with GPS is working in the system, the software allows you to use an expanded Google Earth map with a dynamic icon showing the location of the GPS transmitter.

This icon is interactive and can show both the coordinates of the transmitter location and allows you to directly go to the remote recorder to view live video from the camera and monitor the status of the recorder's peripheral devices.

When switching to the recorder, we get full access (if we have the appropriate access rights) to all equipment settings, work with the archive, and alarm relays. To build a more informative remote workstation, the software provides for working with «templates» of settings for visual display of information.

The configuration can dynamically configure a «template» or a group of «templates» for the appearance of the working window.

The end user is offered to independently develop the location of the camera, alarm input and output, dynamic links to «actions» or devices.

As a result, we get an individual workstation taking into account all the requirements for the informativeness of the working window.

This architecture of network construction as a whole allows designing large systems for monitoring remote objects, providing (if necessary) round-the-clock remote monitoring of vehicles.

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