Book on video surveillance.

Мар 24, 2024
bolshaya kniga po videonablyudeniyu

Book on video surveillance.

Big book on video surveillance.

The Russian-speaking community of CCTV professionals has finally found an industry “superbook”.

Security Focus publishing house presented to the domestic reader the fundamental monograph by German Krugl “Professional video surveillance.

Practice and technologies of analogue and digital CCTV”.

There is one global industry problem, which, judging by the mentions in Western specialized periodicals, has remained a “sore spot” for many years.

About It was talked about in times of pre-crisis abundance; it continues to be highlighted in an era of compressed, highly competitive markets.

This problem — general lack of competence of installers and integrators.

Please note, this is in the West, where over the decades of the industry’s existence, technological traditions and an operational culture of technical protection systems have developed!

Why has the industry not yet been able to satisfy its need for competencies?

First of all, it’s a matter of “maturing” IP systems.

Although network technologies have been used in video surveillance for quite some time, they are not as simple as it might seem at first glance to a person generally familiar with computer technology.

Frivolous euphoria that “ Now computer scientists will do everything themselves,” went quickly.

Designing and deploying effective and trouble-free network video surveillance systems requires knowledge in several related areas and special skills that the average system administrator cannot get.

In Russia, unfortunately, this field of incompetence extends much wider.

We cannot boast of the universal competence of integrator engineers, not only in matters of data protection and distribution of computing power, but even in calculating optics — lenses are often selected by eye.

And not to say that our installers do not know the laws of physics…

However, we have to admit that the industry level of professionalism is quite accurately described by Pushkin’s “we all learned little by little, something and somehow.”

Certification in the field of technical safety is not yet widespread in Russia.

You just have to learn on your own, from books. And then the Security Focus publishing house, which publishes the Security News newspaper, prepared a huge, pleasant surprise for us. Huge, because Herman Krugl’s book “Professional Video Surveillance.”

Practice and technology of analogue and digital CCTV» — a treasure trove of unique professional knowledge with a volume of 640 pages, format 28 x 21.5 cm.

The book is written in simple language and is aimed primarily at integrators and installers — both from the “IT” camp and from the “security” camp.

Increasingly, IT departments that have never worked with traditional video surveillance and have very vague knowledge about it have begun to deploy video surveillance systems views.

Well, a lot has been said about the difficulties of the transition of traditional security companies to network technologies.

On the other hand, this is truly an unprecedented book in its depth and completeness, which, with all the accessibility of the presentation, will be able to play the role of a specialized textbook for an intensive special course lasting a couple of semesters.

It sets out in simple and clear language the aspects of optics, semiconductor electronics, telecommunications and network technologies necessary for understanding the operation of video surveillance systems.

This simultaneously comprehensive, deep and popular approach made the publication accessible and interesting to the widest range of readers.

The criterion for the quality of a “university textbook” has become the defining bar in all the policy of the Security Focus publishing house in relation to Krugl’s book.

But taking on the responsibility gave the publisher trouble.

How to solve the problem of the adequacy of terminology (despite the fact that a Russian industry glossary simply does not exist de facto) and eliminate the possibility of technical mistakes in translation?

After all, books are in much greater demand than news items and even magazine articles.

The lifetime of the product is incomparably longer, and therefore the cost of error and even inaccuracy is much higher.

The only possible solution to this problem is The publishing house considered hiring a scientific editor.

It was Nikolai Egorovich Uvarov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, teacher of the Department of Security Systems at MIPT.

It is worth mentioning separately about the translation of the book.

This titanic the work (more than 2 million characters) was carried out alone by Andrey Kolomytsev, editor of the Security News newspaper.

Many rightly consider Kolomytsev one of the best Russian authors in the security industry.

He also took on the duties of literary editor.

In the translation process, he, by his own admission, could not do without compromises: in some places he removed obvious redundancy, added logical and semantic connectives — in general, he strived to bring the result of his work to perfection.

He succeeded: the final text turned out to be very rich, very transparent and, most importantly, very understandable.

Reading the Russian translation of Krugl’s book does not tire you, but, on the contrary, brings pleasure. However, we will give the floor to people who are directly related to the Russian edition of the book.

Anatoly Ermachenko, CEO of the Security Focus publishing house:

– This is the first publication in Russia of a book written by a real professional in the field of video surveillance — expert-consultant, practitioner and inventor.

The author’s simple and understandable language, preserved as much as possible in translation, does not require special training.

The IP revolution, which has almost happened, has divided the security industry into two camps — “IT people” who came to this business from the computer industry, and traditional “security guards” whose careers developed in the physical security industry.

In practice, it is not uncommon for such specialists to barely understand each other.

This book can become an invaluable source of knowledge for both parties and lead to complete mutual understanding for the sake of the progress of the industry.

The end user will also find a lot of useful information on the pages of the publication — in particular, a set and justification of standard system solutions that can be taken as a basis for planning.

Murat Altuev, President of ITV — General partner of the Russian edition of the book:

– The book can safely be called unique.

Until now, such fundamental works on the theory and practice of video surveillance have practically not been published in Russian.

This work combines a reference book, a textbook and a practical guide to creating solutions, covering the subject area as widely as possible – from video cameras and compression algorithms to video analytics and principles for creating monitoring centers.

The book consistently leads the reader from basic concepts to a description of the latest innovations in CCTV, so it will be useful both for people just starting to learn the basics of the profession, and for mature IT specialists mastering this industry.

Separately I would like to note the presence of a section dedicated to network video surveillance technologies, which in light of the latest market trends will be especially in demand.

Nikolai Uvarov, scientific editor of the publication:

– Krugl’s book is academic, detailed, free from fiction and at the same time relatively easy to read.

This is a workbook for a security professional, which will be useful for broadening your horizons, and for searching for technical solution options, and during the defense of the project to the customer, and, of course, as a reference guide.

B In principle, to master the material, theoretical knowledge within the scope of the high school curriculum is quite sufficient — a very positive feature of this publication.

The book contains a lot of practical material on the hardware of CCTV systems, as well as advice on installing, adjusting and operating technical equipment.

In many areas of applied television, the prospects for their development are revealed in detail.

Ekaterina Guryanova, director of the company “Protection Technologies”, owner of the TZ magazine — partner of the Russian edition of the book:

– I have known the team for several years Security Focus and never tire of admiring the quality and depth of materials published in the newspaper and on the portal

As a magazine publisher, I have someone to look up to.

This is always useful and relevant information for the professional community.

It is very important these days not only get information from within your own country, but also notice everything new, interesting, high-tech that the global professional community offers us.

The Security Focus team keeps its finger on the information pulse of this community.</p >

Roman Streltsov, General Director of the Navicom company, a partner of the Russian edition of the book:

— Until now, there has not been a truly large, basic work that could become a textbook on CCTV in Russian.

The need to have at least one “superbook”, technically verified and describing the subject in detail, is aggravated by the explosive development of digital network technologies.

It’s strange, but Despite the apparent abundance of relevant information, the inertia of users leads to a new wave of information hunger.

And here, qualified guides, pilots in the ocean of information are especially needed. The book by Herman Krugl is undoubtedly capable of fulfilling this task.

The book “Professional Video Surveillance” by Herman Krugl led the new series “Encyclopedia of Security”.

Security Focus publishing house has big plans: this and next year 4 more books about different areas of physical security will be published.

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