biometrika na slujbe bezopasnosti

Biometrics in the service of security.

Biometrics in the service of security

Biometrics in the service of security

Various biometric security systems can be compared with each other using several characteristics listed below.

Biometrics (some calculations for security systems)

Biometrics– is the registration of individual parameters of the human body. Special biometric systems must read and digitize these parameters. In such systems, there is such a concept as «registration error». Biometricsby this we mean the percentage of subjects who are unable to register in the system. If a person cannot be registered in the system at all or cannot be recognized after registration, such a case is attributed to the probability of data collection error. The probability of registration error can be calculated for each subject separately using the following formula: where FTE(n) = number of unsuccessful registration attempts/total number of registration attempts. To obtain the total FTE, all personal indicators are averaged:
Biometricshas another concept of this kind — «false negative rate» — for people registered in the system it determines the percentage of access denials. FRR can also be determined for each individual person. FRR depends not only on the user, but can also change over time: usually this indicator decreases as the user learns to work with the system. Again, the formula is given: where FRR (n) = number of access denials/total number of attempts.
Biometricscalculates also the «false positive rate» — the probability of admitting a person who is not registered in the system. To obtain a statistically reliable calculation of this indicator, many attempts to pass must be made. The probability of false recognition as a person can be calculated using the following formula: where FAR(n) = the number of successful independent attempts to be recognized as person n/the total number of independent (i.e. with different people) attempts.
Biometric access systems (assessment)

When you choose biometric access systems, it is important to take into account the indicators that we discussed above (FAR, FRR, FTA), in addition, we must not forget about other qualities: biometric access systemsmust be easy to use. This parameter includes such characteristics as minimal response time, and therefore high throughput. Ideally, biometric access systemsmust be characterized by non-cooperation — a minimum set of actions performed by a person in order to be identified by the system. Another characteristic is a low probability of system counterfeiting, exceeding the risk of unauthorized entry into the territory or object.

All biometric security systems are classified into two types: static and dynamic. Static biometrics are an image of a face, fingerprint, iris pattern, etc.; dynamic ones are a voice, signature, gait. The assessment of behavioral systems is lower than that of static ones, since behavioral characteristics can be imitated. Biometric security systems, at best, should have all of these characteristics at once. Let's consider the most advanced solutions presented on the modern security systems market. 3D face recognition is recognized as the most promising solution. 3D provides greater separation power, which means a lower FAR value with the same FRR value. Biometric security systems in 3D are characterized by a higher level of resistance to counterfeiting.

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