Biometric fingerprint readers.

biometricheskie schitivateli po otpechatku palca

Biometric fingerprint readers.

There are many biometric identification technologies used in access control and management systems. Let's name a few of the most widely used today and presented on the Russian market:
— iris;
— retina scanning;
— fingerprint;
— vein pattern on the palm;
— hand geometry;
— three-dimensional and two-dimensional face identification.
so-called static identification methods, that is, based on those that do not require the user to perform any actions.
Dynamic identification technologies, for example, voice or handwriting identification, are significantly cheaper than static ones, but today
Functions of biometric readers:
— Registration — saving a digital template of a biometric identifier in the system
— Identification – comparing an identifier with all those in the database.
— Verification – comparing one identifier with a template
Fingerprint recognition technology is the absolute market leader (about 60%), and naturally, there are problems with its use. The fact is that there are many people whose fingerprints are poorly recognized due to their physiological characteristics. It is difficult to recognize dry fingers, as well as cold (from frost).
Today, fingerprint recognition technology is represented by the following types of readers:
— optical;
— capacitive;
— thermal;
— electromagnetic;
— ultrasonic.
It should be noted that the fingerprint is not stored entirely, but only. This is an important point. model, which is stored in the reader's memory, a mathematical image of the finger. It is impossible to restore the full fingerprint from it. And, even more so, to use it for any other purposes. This is one of the main differences between commercial systems.
Most . Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Optical — these are actually video cameras that take a fingerprint. Their main disadvantage is the complexity of implementing algorithms that prevent a «dead finger», that is, protection against counterfeiting. Nevertheless, a fairly large number of manufacturers use optical technology in their readers.
capacitive sensor. The idea is to measure the capacitance between the troughs and ridges of the papillary line. Here, the fight against counterfeiting is much more effective, because a live finger should be naturally moisturized. However, problems may arise in identifying people coming in from the cold (dry skin). Capacitive sensors are also sensitive to electrostatic charge.
One of the most important characteristics of all biometric readers is the parameters of the first (False Acceptance Rate) and second kind (False Reject Rate) errors, this is the probability of false acceptance and the probability of false refusal, these parameters are inversely related to each other.
If we talk about distinctive characteristics, then here, first of all, we should mention the ability to configure the FAR and FRR ranges, the presence of built-in memory for storing digital user templates and system events, the ability to read contactless verification cards.
The difference between biometric readers is that they usually have standard interfaces accepted in . They are quite easy to integrate into the ACS of almost all manufacturers. Any manufacturer or installer can take a reader and There are few systems on the market now — precisely because they are unique and very difficult to integrate with other equipment.

Market View
This is the most interesting thing. It is clear that one can talk endlessly about the features of a particular technology, originality and, at the same time, simplicity of technical solutions, but if this equipment is not in demand on the market, then something is wrong. Colleagues probably remember how one of the world's largest electronics manufacturers tried to bring a biometric system to the Russian market. Considerable funds were invested in advertising, but the equipment never occupied its niche. As for fingerprint readers, one can safely say that, at a minimum, a reasonable balance between supply and demand has been achieved. Moreover, sales volumes have been steadily growing over the past few years.
Of course, it cannot be said that there is a crazy growth in sales, but sales are growing steadily, this equipment is in demand on the market. Fingerprint readers are absolute leaders compared to other biometric technologies, even if compared with technologies, for example, by palm configuration. The main customer of such devices is commercial structures. Moreover, as a rule, biometrics are a reasonable addition to ACS, working on the basis of or cards, and is used to protect certain especially important premises. Government agencies are also regular customers of such systems. The consumer segment is quite wide. It can be said that devices of this type are used in all vertical markets.
If we talk about the features of installing biometric readers, then two main points should be noted. First: this equipment has a specific application, which is determined by expediency. For example, take the same checkpoints of an enterprise or a large office center. In addition to permanent employees, a lot of visitors pass through them, and there is no point in registering their biometric features in the system. Although many models of readers have a mode in which you can either not require a fingerprint at all, or require a finger to be placed on the screen, but do not perform any actions, all the same, practice shows: if a certain number of visitors have to be allowed into a protected facility bypassing the access control and management system.
Second: biometric readers cannot yet completely replace all other identifiers in ACS. The main obstacle to this is limited computing power and memory capacity. Most modern biometric readers from leading global manufacturers are capable of processing up to 500 templates in identification mode, and this figure can increase by an order of magnitude during verification.
It should also be remembered that devices operating in identification mode have much lower reliability parameters, the probability of a false admission or false refusal increases significantly. This is an objective factor. Biometric readers work most effectively in verification mode. That is, in the «one to one» comparison mode. A person brings a card to the reader, the reader selects the desired template (by the number to which the card is linked) and compares the fingerprints. much more than in identification mode, when it compares your fingerprint with hundreds of others stored in the database.
separate points of passage, protecting some local premises, access to which is allowed to a dozen or so people and it is necessary to exclude wearable identifiers from the process, it is possible to use biometric readers in the identification mode. Several biometric readers and hundreds of — or -readers can work in such a system.
Moreover, using a -card allows storing a fingerprint directly in memory. If the mathematical image of a fingerprint is stored on a -card, the number of templates stored in memory can be limited only by the computing capabilities of the central controller.

Universal fingerprint reader V-Pass FX (BIOSCRYPT)

Works in verification or identification mode. This is a modified product from BIOSCRYPT, combining two previous reader models: V-Pass and V-Flex. Using the free software — VeryAdmin, the reader is configured for use in one of three modes:
Verification using the 1:1 algorithm using an external reader connected via the Wiegand interface. Thanks to the Wiegand input and output interfaces, the user is given the opportunity to add biometric identification to an existing access control system at the facility. To do this, simply install the V-Pass FX reader in the gap between the reader installed at the facility and the ACS controller. Memory capacity — 4000 templates.

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Identification 1:500 (default mode). This reader configuration eliminates the need to carry PROX cards or remember a personal identification code to access a room. The user simply places a finger and the V-Pass FX reader either allows access or prohibits passage. The maximum user database size can reach 500 templates.
Identification 1:200. This configuration improves the reader's recognition accuracy by reducing the memory size to 200 fingerprints. The intuitive algorithm of the reader and the presence of built-in LEDs signaling its operation make the identification process simple and accessible. The fingerprint scanner used in the reader has a special plastic overlay that helps the user correctly position the finger when scanning it.

Fingerprint reader with template storage on Smart-card V-Smart (BIOSCRYPT)

Purpose — fingerprint verification. Among the key features, it is possible to highlight, first of all, that V-Smart is a combination of two devices: a fingerprint scanner and a contactless Smart-card reader. HID iClass or Philips MIFARE cards can be used as Smart-cards (depending on the reader model).

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The number of users in the system depends only on the memory of the ACS controller, since the templates are not stored in the reader's memory. The fingerprint template is stored on a Smart card, which is presented only at the time of passage. This solution allows you to transfer responsibility for storing information to the client (both the template on the card and the identifier itself are with him), which is psychologically more comfortable for most users.
Ensures the stability of identification by erased, damaged, dirty fingers. No need to lay an additional cable for exchanging templates. The reader can be integrated into the ACS with the Wiegand format. It has a modular design, is compact, and easy to install.

Biometric fingerprint readers of the MA 100 series (Sagem)

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The compact fingerprint readers MA 100 – MA 120 from the French company Sagem are designed to restrict access to premises and computer networks with the ability to identify personnel by fingerprints and access cards. The series includes the MA 100, MA 110 and MA 120 readers, the designs of which include an optical fingerprint scanner with a resolution of 500 dpi, a multi-color LED indicator (8 colors), a multi-tone buzzer, and the MA 110 and 120 models also include contactless readers of iClass and Mifare access cards, respectively. Each biometric reader is equipped with Wiegand, Clock&Data, RS-485, TCP/IP and UDP interfaces, and can be used as a stand-alone device or operate through a controller as part of a building access control system.

Fingerprint readers MA 500 Sagem with a database of up to 50,000 entries (Sagem)

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The indoor readers of the MA 500 series from Sagem are designed for access control to premises or networks based on biometric identification or fingerprint verification. They have a built-in database for 3,000 or 50,000 fingerprint pairs and verify and identify a 1,000 fingerprint database in less than 1 second. Each device is equipped with an optical scanner with a resolution of 500 dpi, a multi-color LED indicator, a multi-tone buzzer, and, depending on the model, a contactless Mifare access card reader. All fingerprint readers in this series support Wiegand, Clock&Data, RS-422, TCP/IP and UDP protocols, can operate autonomously or be connected to an ACS controller, and can also be powered via a twisted pair cable.

Budget fingerprint reader F7 with a database of 500 templates and a Russified display (ZKSoftware)

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The F7 biometric reader from ZKSoftware is designed to operate as part of a standalone or networked ACS. It is equipped with a scanner with a resolution of 500 dpi, a keyboard, a database for 500/1500 templates, memory for 30,000/100,000 events, RS-232/485, TCP/IP and Wiegand interfaces, a relay output for controlling the lock, an input for the exit button and a Russified display. The maximum identification time of the reader is no more than 2 s. The F7 delivery set includes Russified software, with the help of which the programming of readers, entering users into the database taking into account access levels, monitoring the system in real time with the output of a photo and the formation of reports are carried out. In addition, the reader can be programmed using the built-in keyboard.

Biometric IP terminal U160 with a database for 2200/2800 fingerprints (ZKSoftware)

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The U160 terminal from ZKSoftware identifies personnel by fingerprints and is designed to operate as part of a biometric time and attendance system. The device is equipped with a fingerprint scanner with a resolution of 500 dpi, a keyboard, a database for 2200/2800 templates and a memory for 80,000 events, RS-232/485, TCP/IP and USB interfaces, and a Russified display.
The terminal can register the arrival/departure time of personnel and transmit data to the time and attendance system via the Ethernet network. The maximum identification time for one user does not exceed 2 sec. U160 is integrated into the Timex time and attendance system and performs all text and voice messages in Russian.

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