Biometric access control systems based on the OnGuard Lenel network platform.

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Biometric ACS based on the OnGuard Lenel network platform.

The distinctive feature of the OnGuard system by Lenel Systems International is that it is a comprehensive solution for ensuring the security of office buildings of companies with a staff of 100 to 100,000 people, when the work of different components of the system is carried out with a single database, with single source program codes and a single graphical interface is used for all applications. The same approach is used when working as part of the Lenel biometric ACS platform, for which the Biometrics — Smart Cards program, biometric readers from various manufacturers and the LNL-500B module for connecting readers to the controller are used.

To ensure a high level of protection, many organizations use biometric access control systems in addition to cards and PIN codes. In this case, reference samples (templates) of personnel biometric data are entered into the ACS database stored on the server: fingerprints, hand geometry, or iris image. To grant access, the templates on the server are compared with the samples presented at the entrance. In addition, reference samples can be recorded on personal smart cards, which are used for access through biometric system readers. These readers compare the presented fingerprint with its template recorded on the card, and based on the comparison results, they make a decision on access.

The Highest Level of Protection
Although magnetic stripe cards and proximity cards are very convenient to use, they have a significant drawback: anyone who gains access to the data recorded on them can reproduce this data and use it to access the protected area. A biometric system with templates recorded on a smart card does not have this drawback, since in this case mutual authentication of the card and the reader is necessary, requiring that they “recognize” each other before exchanging data. At the same time, the limitation on the number of users in the biometric ACS is removed, since all biometric information is stored on smart cards.

Integration of Lenel with equipment of various brands
The biometric access control system from the Lenel OnGard family has the ability to work together with specialized equipment from various manufacturers. Let's consider several groups of such devices.

Bioscript fingerprint readers
In the Lenel biometric system, fingerprint authentication is performed by a system of controllers and readers. In particular, Bioscript devices are used here: V-Flex, V-Smart and V-Station – fingerprint scanners combined with smart card readers. The fingerprints of pass holders are read during registration and either loaded onto the LNL-2000 controller or written directly onto the chip of a standard contactless smart card. Users are then automatically registered in the Bioscrypt VeriSoft logical system. VeriSoft is fully integrated into the OnGuard biometric system and allows the use of biometric identification in addition to passwords for access to the network, software applications and websites.

Hand Geometry Recognition Systems
With the OnGuard Biometrics & Smart Cards biometric system, you can organize access by identifying the shape of your hand via HandKey readers. These devices from Recognition Systems implement a proven technology for reading and verifying the size and shape of your hand. Each hand template requires only 9 bytes of information, which allows for quick registration and minimizes the required memory in the OnGuard biometric system database and on the LNL-2000 controller.

LG Iris Identification Systems
With full integration with LG Electronics' iris identification technology Biometric ACS based on the OnGuard Lenel network platform, the OnGuard biometric ACS enables recording iris templates on HID iCLASS 16K contactless smart cards for local verification. At the same time, OnGuard Biometrics software is used together with the Lenel ID CredentialCenter program to register users and produce passes.

Interface module for servicing up to 8 readers
The LNL-500B module is used to connect the Lenel LNL-2000 system controller and biometric readers from Recognition Systems, Identix and Bioscript. Data exchange between the module and the controller is carried out via the RS-485/RS-232 bus at a speed of 38.4 kbps, and biometric readers are connected to the device via 2 two-wire RS-485 ports. At the same time, up to 8 readers with individual addresses in the access control system can be connected to the LNL-500B at the same time.

More information about Lenel biometric ACS is available on the website

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