bioklyuch put k bezopasnosti



UKOV Vyacheslav Sergeevich, Candidate of Technical Sciences


Due to their high operational and technical characteristics, biometric security tools have been receiving well-deserved attention from specialists for almost 20 years. These tools have found application mainly in government agencies that require the highest levels of protection, in particular, in military organizations, computing and scientific centers, bank vaults, etc. However, the main restraining factor until now has been the high cost of biometric security tools (for example, the cost of fingerprinting systems is $2,000 — 5,000), which limited their mass use. And now, finally, what security experts dreamed of has come true: at present, after the creation of a miniature microelectronic fingerprint scanner, the cost of biometric computer protection has been reduced to $50 — 100 US, which foreshadows the widespread use of biometric security tools in the very near future. The article examines the state and prospects for the development of the Russian market of biometric information security tools. This topic is becoming especially relevant in the context of the upcoming introduction of such personal biometric identifiers as fingerprints and retinal patterns into international passports.

Status and development prospects of the global market for biometric security tools

Recent events, especially the terrorist attack in New York, have certainly had a significant impact on the global biometrics market. For example, only 10% of US citizens supported the idea of ​​biometric passportization before September 11, 2001, and more than 75% after the terrorist attack, when tracking potentially dangerous individuals became a top priority. Biometrics has a significant chance to become one of the fastest growing security industries.

Today, the global biometric systems market is formed by more than 300 companies that are engaged in the development, production, sale and maintenance of security tools and systems. The structure of this market has been studied in great detail by specialists from the IDC company. According to the results of 2002, the structure of the global market for biometric tools and systems looked like this (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Structure of the global market for biometric security tools

Analyzing the distribution of technical tools by biometric features, one cannot help but note the high growth rates and development prospects for identification tools based on finger skin patterns, which currently occupy 34% of the biometric market, and in the near future by 2005 will reach 50%. According to experts, the overall biometric market should grow in five years from $58.4 million in 1999 to $1.8 billion in 2004. According to other estimates, its volume by 2003 was $1 billion, and the forecast for 2005 exceeds $5 billion.

Market analysis clearly shows that the main interest of the buyer is in technologies and means of access control to buildings and computers, and the highest growth rates are expected in the field of scanning and verification technologies fingerprints, voice and signatures.The average annual rate of development of biometrics is 40%, which is a high figure even for a growing economy. If this rate is maintained, in just 15 years the population of the Earth will be provided with biometric identity cards, information about which will be stored in government databases united in a global international identification system. Incidentally, this proposal, made by a US representative after the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001, is currently supported by Russia.

The state of the Russian market of biometric means of information protection

As the analysis of the modern Russian market of technical means of ensuring security shows, a new stage has emerged in the development of the security industry today. Against the general background of a stabilized market, modern systems of personal identification and information protection continue to develop most dynamically. Particular attention is drawn to biometric information security tools (BISS), which is determined by their high reliability of identification and a significant breakthrough in reducing their cost.

At present, the domestic industry and a number of foreign companies offer a fairly wide range of various means of access control to information, as a result of which the choice of their optimal combination for use in each specific case grows into an independent problem. By their origin, both domestic and imported BSZI are currently presented on the Russian market, although there are also jointly developed means. According to design features, one can note systems made in the form of a monoblock, several blocks and in the form of attachments to computers. A possible classification of biometric information protection means presented on the Russian market by biometric features, operating principles and implementation technology is shown in Fig. 2.

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Fig. 2. Classification of modern biometric means of information security

Currently, biometric access control systems to information are gaining increasing popularity in banks, companies involved in ensuring security in telecommunications networks, in information departments of companies, etc. The expansion of the use of systems of this type can be explained by both a decrease in their cost and an increase in the requirements for the level of security. Similar systems have appeared on the Russian market thanks to the companies “Identix”, “SAC Technologies”, “Eyedentify”, “Biometric Identification Inc.”, “Recognition Systems”, “Trans-Ameritech”, “BioLink”, “Sonda”, “Elsys”, “Advance”, “AAM Systems”, “Polmi Group”, “Maskom”, “Biometric Systems”, etc.

Modern biometric information access control systems include systems for verification by voice, hand shape, finger skin pattern, retina or iris, facial photographs, facial thermograms, signature dynamics, genetic code fragments, etc. (Fig. 3).

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Fig. 3. Main modern biometric signs of personal identification

All biometric systems are characterized by a high level of security, primarily because the data used in them cannot be lost by the user, stolen or copied. Due to their operating principle, many biometric systems are still characterized by relatively low speed and low throughput. However, they are the only solution to the problem of access control at especially important facilities with a small number of personnel. For example, a biometric system can control access to information and storage facilities in banks, it can be used at enterprises engaged in the processing of valuable information, to protect computers, communications equipment, etc. According to experts, more than 85% of biometric access control systems installed in the United States were intended to protect computer rooms, storage facilities for valuable information, research centers, military installations and institutions.

Currently, there are a large number of algorithms and methods of biometric identification, differing in accuracy, cost of implementation, ease of use, etc. However, all biometric technologies have common approaches to solving the problem of user identification. A generalized algorithm of biometric identification, typical for all known BSZI, is shown in Fig. 4.

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Fig. 4. Generalized algorithm of biometric identification

As can be seen from the presented algorithm, the biometric recognition system establishes the correspondence of specific behavioral or physiological characteristics of the user to a certain predetermined template. As a rule, the biometric system implementing this generalized algorithm consists of three main blocks and a database (Fig. 5). 

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Fig. 5. Block diagram of a typical biometric information security system

The most widely used systems at present are biometric information security systems that use personal identification by fingerprint. In particular, the “TouchLock” information access control systems(“TouchClock”) by the US company “Identix” is based on the registration of such an individual human characteristic as a fingerprint. This characteristic is used as a control image. The three-dimensional fingerprint recorded as a control image is scanned by an optical system, analyzed, digitized, stored in the terminal memory or in the memory of the control computer and is used to verify everyone who claims to be an authorized user. At the same time, the device’s memory does not contain real fingerprints, which prevents them from being stolen by an intruder. The typical time for entering one control fingerprint into the memory is up to 30 seconds. Each authorized user entered into the terminal’s memory enters a pin code on the “TouchLock” terminal keyboard and goes through the identity verification stage, which takes approximately 0.5 – 2 seconds. One pin code usually stores a sample of one fingerprint, but in some cases authentication by three fingerprints is possible. If the presented and control fingerprints match, the terminal sends a signal to the actuator: electric lock, gateway, etc.

Terminal “TouchSafe”TS-600 is designed to provide access to servers, computers, etc. It consists of a sensor module and a board that is inserted into a slot (ISA 16-bit) of the computer. To organize the network version of work, the terminal «TouchNet» is used, providing an information transfer rate of up to 230.4 Kbaud with a line length of up to 1200 m. To organize network work, the company «Identix» has developed special software (the «Fingerlan III» system).

To protect computer information, the Russian market offers a simpler and cheaper system of biometric access control to computer information “SACcat”. The “SACcat” system, manufactured by SAC Technologies, consists of a reading device, a conversion device, and software.

The reading device is an external compact scanner based on an optical-electronic converter with automatic backlighting, having light indicators of readiness and scanning process. The scanner is connected to the conversion device using two cables (Video and RJ45), which are designed to transmit a video signal and for control, respectively.

The conversion device converts the video signal and inputs it into the computer, as well as controls the reading device. Structurally, the “SACcat” system can be connected either as an internal one — via an ISA card, or as an external one — via a parallel EPP or USB port.

The SACcat system and SACLogon software control access to Windows NT workstations and/or servers, as well as to the corresponding resources protected by the Windows NT password system. At the same time, the system administrator still has the option of using his usual (not biokey) password registered in Windows NT. The system is capable of implementing effective protection against unauthorized access for networks of financial organizations, insurance companies, medical institutions, networks of various commercial structures, individual workstations.

It should be noted that at present, the means of automatic identification of a person by a pattern of the skin of a finger are the most developed and are offered by many foreign companies for use in the BSZI (especially for use in computer systems). Among them, in addition to those discussed above, one can note the SecureTouch identification device by Biometric Access Corp., the BioMouse device by American Biometric Corp., the identification unit Fingerprint Identification Unit by Sony, the Secure Keyboard Scanner device by National Registry Inc. and others. The above-mentioned devices are connected directly to the computer. Their main feature is high reliability at a relatively low cost. Some comparative characteristics of biometric means of protecting computer information based on the pattern of the skin of the finger are given in Table 1.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of biometric means of protecting computer information

Characteristic TouchSAFE Personal
(Digital Persona)
(SONY, I/O Software)
TouchNet III
Type I error,% 2 3 1 1
Type II error,% 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.2 0,001
Registration time, s 20 1 25 30
Identification time, s 1 1 0.3 1 2
Encryption yes is is is yes
Data storage yes no yes no yes
Power supply external 6VDC USB external external external 12VDC
Connection RS-232 USB RS-232 RS-485 RS-232
Price, $ 400 200 650 300 300
Smart-card reader yes no no no no

The company “Eyedentify” (USA) offers biometric control systems for the Russian market, using the retina pattern of the eye as an identification feature. During operation, the eyeball of the person being tested is scanned by an optical system and the angular distribution of blood vessels is measured. About 40 bytes are required to register the control sample. The information obtained in this way is stored in the system memory and used for comparison. The typical authorization time is less than 60 s.

Currently, three implementations of the method under consideration are offered on the Russian market. The device “EyeDentification System 7.5”allows for input control with time zone regulation, printing of messages in real time, keeping access logs, etc. This device has two operating modes: verification and recognition. In the verification mode, after entering the PIN code, the image stored in the controller's memory is compared with the one presented. The verification time is no more than 1.5 s. In the recognition mode, the presented sample is compared with all those in the memory. Search and comparison takes less than 3 s with a total of 250 samples. Upon successful authorization, the relay is automatically activated and a signal is sent to the actuator directly or via the control computer. The sound generator indicates the device status. The device is equipped with an 8-character LCD display and a 12-button keyboard. Non-volatile memory capacity up to 1200 samples.

The second implementation of the method under consideration is the “Ibex 10” system, which, unlike the “EyeDentification System 7.5” device, is characterized by the implementation of the optical unit in the form of a mobile camera. The electronic unit is installed on the wall. All other characteristics are the same.

The third implementation of the method of identification by the retinal pattern is the development of the company “Eyedentify” – the device ICAM 2001. This device uses a camera with an electromechanical sensor that measures the natural reflective and absorbent characteristics of the retina from a short distance (less than 3 cm). The user only looks with one eye at a green circle inside the device. To record the image of the retina, a 7 mW lamp with a wavelength of 890 cm, generating radiation in the spectrum region close to infrared, is used. Retina identification is performed by analyzing the data of the reflected signal. A person can be identified with absolute accuracy from 1,500 others in less than 5 seconds. One ICAM 2001 device, if installed independently, has a memory capacity for 3,000 people and 3,300 completed actions. When used as part of a network, there are no restrictions on operation in the information storage and reporting mode. All three implementations considered can operate both autonomously and as part of network configurations.

Despite the great advantages of this method (high reliability, impossibility of counterfeiting), it has a number of disadvantages that limit its areas of application (relatively long analysis time, high cost, large dimensions, not very pleasant identification procedure).

The “HandKey device, which is quite widely represented on the Russian market, is free of these disadvantages.”(handkey), using parameters of the palm of the hand as an identification feature. This device is a structure (slightly larger than a telephone) with a niche where the person being checked places their hand. In addition, the device has a mini-keyboard and a liquid crystal display that displays identification data. The authenticity of the person is determined by a photograph of the palm (in digital form), and the hand photo is compared with the standard (previous data). When registering for the first time, a personal code is entered, which is entered into the database.

The hand inside the handkey is photographed in ultraviolet radiation in three projections. The resulting electronic image is processed by the built-in processor, the information is compressed to nine bytes, which can be stored in a database and transmitted via communication systems. The total procedure time is from 10 seconds to 1 minute, although the identification itself occurs in 1-2 seconds. During this time, the handkey compares the characteristics of the hand with previously determined data, and also checks for restrictions for this user, if they exist. With each check, the stored information is automatically updated, so that all changes on the hand of the person being checked are constantly recorded.

The handkey can operate in an autonomous mode, in which it is capable of remembering 20,000 different hand images. Its memory can store a calendar plan for the year, in which it is possible to specify with an accuracy of up to a minute when a particular client is allowed access. The designers of the device also provided for the possibility of its operation with a computer, connecting a lock control circuit, setting it up to emulate standard credit card readers, connecting a printer for keeping a work protocol. In network mode, up to 31 devices with a total line length (twisted pair) of up to 1.5 km can be connected to the handkey. It is impossible not to note such a feature of the device as the ability to integrate it into an existing access control system. The main manufacturer of the handkey is Escape. The analysis shows that the hand-held identification device has good prospects on the Russian market, given its ease of use, fairly high reliability characteristics and low price.

Depending on specific conditions, combined systems are often usedaccess control, such as contactless card readers for entering and exiting a building in combination with a voice access control system in areas where classified information is processed. The best choice of the required system or combination of systems can only be made on the basis of a clear definition of the current and future needs of the company. For example, to improve the operational and technical characteristics of the Rubezh information security system, a combination of identification methods is used based on the dynamics of the signature, the speech spectrum, and the personal code recorded in the Touch Memory type electronic key.

The main means of biometric access control to information provided by the Russian security market are listed in Table 2.

Table 2. Modern technical means of biometric access control to information

Name Manufacturer Supplier on the Russian market Biosignature Note
SACcat SAC Technologies,


Trans-Ameritech, Muscom Finger skin pattern Computer attachment
TouchLock Identix, USA Trans-Ameritech, Muscom Finger skin pattern Object ACS
Touch Safe Identix, USA Trans-Ameritech, Mascom Finger skin pattern Computer access control system
TouchNet Identix, USA Trans-Ameritech, Mascom Finger skin pattern Network access control system
Eye Dentification System 7.5 Eyedentify, USA Divecon,
Retina pattern


Object's SKD


Ibex 10 Eyedentify,USA Divecon,
Retina pattern Object's SKD

(port. camera)

Veriprint 2000 Biometric Identification,USA AAM Systems Finger skin pattern SKD universal
ID3D-R Handkey Recognition Systems,


AAM Systems, Muscom Palm pattern SKD universal
HandKey Escape, USA Divekon Palm pattern SKD universal
ICAM 2001 Eyedentify, USA Eyedentify Retinal pattern SKD universal
Secure Touch Biometric Access Corp. Biometric Access Corp. Finger skin pattern Computer attachment
BioMouse American Biometric Corp. American Biometric Corp. Fingerprint pattern Computer attachment
Fingerprint Identification Unit Sony Informzashchita Fingerprint pattern Computer attachment
Secure Keyboard Scanner National Registry Inc. National Registry Inc. Fingerprint pattern Computer attachment
Rubezh NPF “Kristall”


Maskom Signature dynamics, voice parameters Computer attachment
Dactochip Delsy Elsis, NPP Electron (Russia), Opak (Belarus), P&P (Germany) Elsis Finger skin pattern Computer attachment

(including for work via radio channel)

BioLink U-Match Mouse BioLink Technologies (USA) CompuLink Finger skin pattern Standard mouse with built-in fingerprint scanner



Bogotech (South Korea) Biometric systems Finger skin pattern Memory – 640 prints

Memory – 1920 prints



HFI-2000V (with videophone)

SecuOne (South Korea) Biometric systems Finger skin pattern Memory – 30 prints

Memory – 640 prints





BIOSCRYPT (USA) BIOSCRYPT Finger skin pattern Dactoscanner and contactless smart card reader combination


Panasonic (Japan) JSC Panasonic CIS Iris pattern For collective and individual use
Senesys Light State Unitary Enterprise Scientific and Production Center “ELVIS” (Russia) State Unitary Enterprise Scientific and Production Center “ELVIS” Finger skin pattern Network version (fingerprint reader and computer with software)

As can be seen from the table, biometric access control tools are currently being actively introduced into the Russian security market. In addition to the technical tools listed in the table that have taken a firm position in the analyzed segment of the Russian market, some foreign companies also offer biometric access control tools based on other bio-signatures, the reliability of which has not yet been fully confirmed. Therefore, the optimal choice of a biometric access control tool from the tools available on the market is quite a difficult task, for the solution of which the following main technical characteristics are currently used, as a rule:

— probability of unauthorized access;
— false alarm probability;
— throughput (identification time).

Considering the probabilistic nature of the main characteristics, the sample size (statistics) at which the measurements were made is of great importance. Unfortunately, this characteristic is usually not indicated by the manufacturers in the accompanying and advertising documents, which makes the selection task even more difficult. In Table. 3 shows the average statistical values ​​of the main technical characteristics of the BSZI, differing in their operating principle.

Table 3. Main technical characteristics of the BSZI

Model (company) Biosign Probability of unauthorized access, % Probability of false alarm, % Identification
time (throughput), s
Eyedentify ICAM 2001 (Eyedentify) Retinal parameters 0.0001 0.4 1.5…4
Iris parameters 0.00078 0.00066 2
FingerScan (Identix) Fingerprint 0.0001 1.0 0.5
TouchSafe (Identix) Fingerprint 0.001 2.0 1
TouchNet ( Identix) Fingerprint fingers 0.001 1.0 3
Startek Fingerprint 0.0001 1.0 1
ID3D-R HANDKEY (Recognition Systems) Hand geometry 0.1 0.1 1
U.are.U (Digital Persona) Fingerprint 0.01 3.0 1
FIU(Sony, I/O Software) Fingerprint 0.1 1.0 0.3
BioMause (ABC) Fingerprint 0.2 1
Cordon (Russia) Fingerprint 0.0001 1,0 1
DS-100 (Russia) Fingerprint 0.001 1,,,3
BioMet Hand geometry 0.1 0.1 1
Veriprint 2100 (Biometric ID) Fingerprint 0,001 0.01 1

An analysis of the Russian biometric identification market has shown that it currently offers a very wide range of identification devices based on biometric features, differing from each other in terms of reliability, cost, and speed. The fundamental trend in the development of biometric identification tools is a constant reduction in their cost while simultaneously improving their technical and operational characteristics.

Prospects for the Development of the Russian Biometric Identification Market

Analysis of the development of the Russian market in recent years shows that since imported equipment occupies a significant part of the Russian BSZI market, the trends in market development are quite accurately predicted based on the results of the analysis of the world market. According to forecasts of foreign experts, in the next decade, physical access control systems will continue to be the main area of ​​application of biometric means with a simultaneous increase in the sector associated with data protection. Table 4 shows promising foreign biometric means of access control to information, which with a high degree of probability may appear in the near future on the Russian market.

Table 4. Promising biometric means of access control to information

Company Operating principle, technology Reader Price, US dollars


Lucent Technologies

(Siemens and Harris Semiconductors are doing similar work)

Semiconductor technology CMOS matrix 300×300 pixels, 90,000 capacitors with a step of 500-dpi 40 The reading surface is protected by a film of tantalum nitride and silicon
Sony, Compag Semiconductor technology CMOS matrix 99 For protecting information in a computer
Simens Nixdorf Semiconductor technology Crystal 1.7 sq. cm/65 thousand elements 50 To protect a radiotelephone (work is underway to create a membrane sensor for a smart card)
Thomson CSF Semiconductors Specifiques (TCS) Thermal transducer Pyroelectric element 50×50 μm 100 Fingerprint in thermal radiation does not allow the use of copies

(ultrasound systems such as Series 400, 500…700)

Ultrasonic technology (up to 500 pixels) Ultrasonic reader 100 Uses ADC, DSP, SPO. Not afraid of dirt and grease
Thomson SGS,

Why? Vision Systems

Pressure conversion Membrane 100 Can be used for smart cards

(TrueFace system)

Facial recognition CCD-based video camera 100 Processing multiple images based on a neural network (time — 1 sec)
Keyware Technologies (Belgium), CTMicroelectronics (France). The system is being developed Voiceprint technology Microphone 50 The user repeats the password three times, the analysis results are entered into a smart card (11 kb)
Why? Vision Systems The gradient of the electrostatic field is converted into an optical image TactileSense electro-optical polymer 50 Built into the computer keyboard, not afraid of contamination

Analysis of development shows that new technologies for ensuring security based on the use of “fingerprints” have been developing particularly dynamically and effectively in recent years. Table 5 presents the main features of promising scanning devices based on the specified technologies.

Table 5. Features of promising scanning devices based on “fingerprint” technology

Product name Developer —
Features of
Pocket computer iPAQ Pocket PC H5450 (with built-in scanner) Compaq

Computer and HP

A portable biometric fingerprint scanner is built into the computer case, providing guaranteed physical protection of information In case of loss or theft of the computer, the information will not fall into the hands of strangers or competitors
Scanning device Kryptic Pilot Applied Biometrics Products The scanner can work for several months without replacing the battery, recognizes fingerprints and compiles an extensive database from them For the Palm Computing platform, for mobile technologies and e-commerce
Pocket computer with a mini-scanner built into the side panel Citizen Watch Mini-scanner dimensions: 1.4×1.7 mm For normal operation, the mini-scanner is heated to 50 ° C
Sensor for use in mobile PCs and phones EntrePad AES3400 AuthenTek Sensor size: 6.5×6.5 mm, in this state its dimensions do not exceed 14x14x1.4 mm, the software is compatible with all versions of Windows, starting with W-98, W-CE, Palm OS A similar sensor is also produced by the South Korean company Testech (since 2003)
Scanner FIU-900 Sony Own memory — 512 KB, recognition speed — 60 ms, the scanner supports DES and Triple DES, RCA keys up to 2048 bits long For embedding in a Memory Stick card, compatible with VAIO series computers, CLIE
Device with built-in scanner and SIM card reader BioSimKey ADT60 Companies Advanced Card System Ltd. and STMicroelectronics Combines the flexibility of the ACR30 reader and TouchClip technology, uses an integrated smart card reader and fingerprint scanner Main areas of implementation: remote electronic voting, electronic commerce, security
Scanner in the computer keyboard Keyboard G81 Fujitsu Siemens Technologies The keyboard has a built-in fingerprint scanner as an alternative to a password, providing protection against unauthorized access Provides user-friendly login and data storage in the system
Scanner MV5 (pocket fingerprint scanner) Cross Match Technologies MV5 combines a CMOS sensor that takes “fingerprints” with a resolution of 500 dpi and a USB interface. The dimensions of the scanner are 50x203x48 mm, weight – 550 g, power supply – 4 AA, operating temperature – 0 … 55 ° C Application: special services, traffic police, Interpol, migration services, etc.

It should be noted that since 2003, the US Department of Defense has been implementing the open BioAPI standard, and all users receive new smart cards that store fingerprints and signature samples of the owner.

As can be seen from the tables, biometric technologies are currently actively developing, so the problem of optimal choice is becoming a very urgent and complex issue for users. The results of certification tests are used to reliably select the most optimal technical means. In particular, BSZI certification determines the reliability of user identification, operating efficiency, analysis time and other parameters. In Russia, certification tests are carried out by the relevant certification centers. Among specialists, especially great importance is attached to the quality certificates of biometric security tools issued by the International Computer Security Association (ICSA). Research has already been conducted on a number of biometric means of access control to computer information and models that have passed the necessary tests have been approved for further distribution. Only those products that have passed all tests conducted in the laboratory and in real-life conditions received a certificate. These promising tools and their brief characteristics are given in Table. 6.

Table 6. ICSA-certified biometric access control tools

BSZI Brief description Certificate category
TrueFace Use in cash registers instead of bank cards Authentication A1 (“one to one”)
Touchstone Security tool for access to networks, e-commerce systems, email encryption and database management Authentication A1
NRIdentity System for organizing access to a server from a remote Windows 95 or NT client station, organizing access to electronic documents Authentication A1
Biometric Access Control System Centralized information management system based on fingerprint comparison technology Authentication A1
Citadel Gatekeeper Network access rights determination server that recognizes the user's voice Authentication A1
SACcat Means of preventing unauthorized access to a computer system Identification M1 (“one-to-many”)

It should be noted that the technical means of information protection listed in the table were selected as a result of careful analysis from a large number of models. For example, the “Biometric Industry Product Guide” published by ICSA describes 170 systems that allow identification of users by their unique physical parameters. ICSA representatives, as well as other independent users, highly evaluate the tested products.

Currently, both in Russia and abroad, work on creating new biometric access control systems and searching for new biometric technologies is developing intensively. Work is underway to create technical identification tools that use such individual characteristics as DNA code, cardiogram characteristics, smell, gait, etc. However, these tools still have a number of shortcomings (instability of results, insufficient reliability, etc.) and are not yet ready for widespread implementation.

The main areas of practical implementation of the considered biometric access control tools to information are currently:

— identification of a person, passportization;
— electronic commerce;
— insurance;
— protection of communication systems;
— general control of access to information objects (mobile and stationary);
— control of access to computer and network systems;
— control of access to various information storages, databases, etc.

It should be noted that the latest developments in biometric information technologies interact well with new information technologies, in particular, with network communication technologies such as the Internet and cellular communication systems. Analysis shows that the current capabilities of biometric technologies already today provide the necessary requirements for identification reliability, ease of use and low cost of user identification tools. The implementation of biometric attachments to computers at prices of about $100 and below provides good prerequisites for significant activation of new electronic and information technologies.

Thus, the conducted analysis of the Russian biometric information technology market has clearly shown that biometric technologies already today allow implementing the most reliable methods of information protection and are very promising for the coming decades. A striking example of this is the creation of microelectronic fingerprint scanners, which have already begun to be built into such publicly available means as credit cards and mobile phones.

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