Be more careful when purchasing and using pyrotechnic products.

Be careful when buying and using pyrotechnics

Be careful when buying and using pyrotechnics

Before getting acquainted with the rules for the direct use of pyrotechnics, you should clearly understand the information about where to buy pyrotechnics. It is no secret that rules for the sale of pyrotechnicsare violated very often. Currently, the share of low-quality pyrotechnics on the domestic market has decreased compared to previous years, however, the share of contraband and counterfeit, illegally manufactured low-quality pyrotechnic products is still high. It is obvious that use of pyrotechnicslow quality is unsafe. The problem of selling pyrotechnic products in our country is multifaceted, and scientists from relevant fields, development specialists from leading domestic factories — manufacturers of pyrotechnic products, specialists from product certification bodies are involved in solving this problem. Rules for the sale of pyrotechnicsare regulated by regulatory acts, in particular, the draft law «On the circulation of non-military pyrotechnic products» and the Special Technical Regulations «On the safety of pyrotechnic compositions and products containing them, the processes of their production, use, storage, transportation, sale and disposal.»

Rules for the trade in pyrotechnics

Basic rules for the trade in pyrotechnics: the sale of pyrotechnics is permitted only in specialized stores. When storing it, fire safety requirements must be observed. According to a recent regulation, the sale of pyrotechnics in markets, underground passages, kiosks and trading stalls is prohibited. When stored outdoors, a firecracker can work no weaker than a shell. The rules for the sale of pyrotechnics state that such products must be sold in a specialized store.
The seller must have: a quality certificate, a hygienic certificate of product safety and a license to sell pyrotechnics. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the expiration date of the products, since using expired fireworks can cause serious injuries. The packaging contains another very important information — the safety class: everything above the second class is already professional pyrotechnics it is unsafe for an ordinary citizen to use it. Inside the package there must be instructions for using the pyrotechnic product. Household pyrotechnic products released into circulation are subject to mandatory certification. Rules for the sale of pyrotechnicsexclude the sale of products to persons under 15 years of age.

Use and storage of pyrotechnics

Next, we will look at the rules for the use of pyrotechnic products. What should be the safe use of pyrotechnics: It is important to remember that it is prohibited to launch fireworks and salutes in the courtyards of residential buildings and from balconies. If a burning projectile flies into an apartment, the holidays may end in a fire. Experience shows that most accidents occur due to neglect of safety precautions by users of pyrotechnics. As a rule, people simply do not read the instructions. According to the instructions, rockets, «fire wasps», Roman candles are designed for outdoor use, since the height of their spread is at least 10 meters. A spark of fire from such a product is enough to start a fire indoors. After purchase, pyrotechnic products may only be stored in a dry place, in the original packaging. It is prohibited to store pyrotechnic products in high humidity, as well as in a room with high air temperature (over 30 ° C), near flammable objects and substances, including near heating devices. They should not be carried in a pocket or transported in a car. Safe use of pyrotechnicsprohibits its use inside buildings (premises), in open areas when there are crowds of people; closer than 50 meters from tall trees, power lines, in weather conditions that do not allow for safety when using it. When holding mass events indoors in buildings and structures, as well as on roofs, balconies, loggias, protruding parts of building facades using household pyrotechnics and structures, it is mandatory to coordinate with the state fire supervision authorities in cultural, educational and entertainment institutions.

Pyrotechnician's Instructions

Pyrotechnician's Instructionsinforms that all types of work on preparing and producing fireworks must be performed by at least two people. Launch sites must be cleared of spent and unfired pyrotechnic products and their hazardous components, and equipped with primary fire extinguishing equipment. It is necessary to determine in advance the location of the fireworks display and the site on which it will be carried out. The size of the site must correspond to the maximum size of the danger zone indicated on the products that will be used during the fireworks display. There must be no trees, power lines or other air obstacles above the site. It is strictly forbidden to launch pyrotechnic products in constant or gusty wind. When setting fire to pyrotechnics, do not hold the product in your hands or lean over it. The fuse must be lit from an outstretched arm's length. After the product has finished working, do not approach it for at least 10 minutes. Unauthorized persons must not be allowed onto the launch site during and after shooting. Before setting fire, it is necessary to release and straighten the fuse cord in advance. One of the most important rules, as indicated by the pyrotechnician's instructions, is that pyrotechnic products should never be disassembled — neither before nor after use. Finally, it is unacceptable to storage pyrotechnic products after their use.

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