Automated warehouse 23 meters high.

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Automated warehouse.

A project for the installation of a whole complex of high-rise automated warehouse systems KARDEX Shuttle XP has been completed at the Ekra scientific — manufacturing enterprise (Cheboksary).

Ekra has 7 automated elevator systems for storing, loading and transporting cargo with an electronic control system.

Six warehouses reach 11 meters in height, and the seventh is fully integrated into the building, reaching a height of 23 meters.

The project of installation of the whole complex of automated warehouses KARDEX Shuttle XP, implemented at the scientific and production enterprise «Ekra» (Cheboksary) — the only Russian enterprise for development of its own microprocessor devices of protection and automation, deserves special attention.

Created in 1991, it was initially engaged in production of separate types of relay protection devices on a microelectronic element base and microprocessor digital recorder of emergency events.

Today this enterprise successfully competes with the same industry products of the leading world manufacturers.

And due to the need for safe storage of a wide range of various valuable parts and regular expansion of the range of products used in production, the management of the enterprise resorted to the help of modern automated storage systems KARDEX Shuttle XP.

Thus, 7 automated elevator-type systems for storing, loading and transporting cargo with an electronic control system are installed at Ekra.

Six of them reach almost 11 meters in height, in three of them the width of the shelf is 1850 mm, and in the other three the width is already 2450 mm. The useful depth of the shelves is 610.

With these shelf parameters, the load on each shelf is from 425 kg to 450 kg. It was decided to place 60 shelves in each of the six systems.

All automated warehouses have working windows on the first and second floors.

This allows placing new goods in the system from the first floor, and unloading and, accordingly, shipping to production from the second floor.

A special success of the development of KARDEX Shuttle XP in Russia can be called the seventh system installed at NPP Ekra.

The height of the automated warehouse is 23 meters. There are no analogues of this automated warehouse system in Russia. Inside there are 150 shelves in an antistatic design measuring 2450 mm by 610 mm, with a load of 295 kg per each.

This system has three access windows and, accordingly, loading and unloading of goods can be carried out both on the first, second and fourth floors of the building. Each of the seven automated warehouses is computerized and connected to the general warehouse cargo flow management system.

The scope of application of the automated warehouses KARDEX Shuttle XP is wide — this includes the automotive industry, electronics, logistics, medicine, banks and various retail enterprises, and all kinds of services.

In a word, this automated system of the 21st century finds its application wherever it comes to the safe storage of thousands of small and at the same time no less valuable goods.

The equipment allows not only to safely store the goods and save space, but also completely eliminates additional costs for lifting and transport equipment, increases the speed of cargo processing and minimizes the number of employees involved in production.

The convenience of using this elevator system also lies in the fact that it can be placed both in a specially designated warehouse area and directly on the production line, which significantly reduces the time of receipt of the necessary components and components, thereby increasing labor productivity.

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