#radio security, #alarm
Application of wireless systems for solving radio security problems.
Currently, the market for security and fire alarm services and equipment is growing rapidly.
However, until recently, the main drawback of security and fire alarm systems (SFA) was the use of wired telephone lines.
The main disadvantages of these systems include unstable operation of city telephone lines, low physical security, and the lack of the ability to protect non-telephoned objects (summer houses, cottages, etc.).
Therefore, as a reliable alternative to «wired security systems», a new direction «WIRELESS SECURITY SYSTEMS» or «RADIO CHANNEL SECURITY SYSTEMS» has appeared.
The advantages of radio channel security systems are obvious:
- no dependence on the telephone line and the quality of the network;
- easy installation;
- the ability to protect any object (within the coverage area of the radio channel network).
Today, all wireless systems can be divided into four groups:
- GSM systems;
- radio channel systems of short range;
- radio channel systems of long range;
- satellite systems.
GSM systems
This direction became widespread at the beginning of the 21st century after the rapid development of the mobile communications industry.
At first, mobile phones were used as channel-forming equipment, which were connected to security panels via the RS-232 interface and controlled by AT commands.
This solution was very unreliable, since the phones could freeze or simply turn off, in addition, the operating conditions of mobile phones did not provide for work in damp and unheated rooms, which significantly limited the scope of their application.
Today, manufacturers of mobile communication equipment produce specialized GSM modems (M2M solutions) for building wireless security systems on their basis.
This solution has significantly increased the reliability of the system, and also provided security system developers with additional opportunities for working with GSM services.
SMS messages, modem connection (CSD), tone packet transmission (DTMF mode) and GPRS packet message transmission mode are used as a method of transmitting information in GSM systems. The advent of GPRS mode has made it possible to significantly reduce the operating costs of radio security systems.
Today, wireless security systems based on GSM have become widespread due to their relatively low cost and ease of installation and operation. However, a significant disadvantage of such systems is low noise immunity.
It is no secret that the GSM channel is easy to suppress, «GSM jammers» are now freely available, and the operation of the GSM network is not always very stable and can fail at the most inopportune moment.
These shortcomings limit the use of equipment of this class in building security systems.
These systems are used to a greater extent as backup (additional) communication channels or for building systems for monitoring remote objects to collect telemetry information.
Short-range radio channel systems
This class of equipment includes wireless systems operating in the frequency range (433 MHz and 2.4 GHz) with low output power (10 mW and 100 mW, respectively).
These systems are mainly used to organize local wireless communications on the territory of large facilities.
The range of such systems is usually from several hundred meters to several kilometers, depending on the conditions of radio signal propagation.
In this case, the centralized monitoring station (CMS) is usually located at the same facility, or a special dedicated communication channel is organized to transmit information to a remote CMS.
Currently, these systems have become widespread due to their relatively low cost and ease of installation.
Today, 2.4 GHz transceivers such as ZigBee, NanoNet, etc. are becoming more and more popular.
These transmitters are available in single-chip design with support for a stack of high-level protocols, which certainly simplifies the development of wireless communication systems based on them and gives developers ample opportunities for implementing data exchange algorithms.
The disadvantage of these systems is their low noise immunity and short range.
Long-range radio channel systems
This class includes systems that have a dedicated radio channel and provide a range of 20-100 km in urban areas.
These systems include subscriber equipment, repeaters (base stations) and a centralized monitoring console. Most systems in this class use a frequency range of 146-174 MHz and an output power of 1-10 W.
From the point of view of the organization of the radio interface, the systems can be divided into two groups. Systems using standard VHF radio interfaces. Such systems, as a rule, use frequency manipulation and a channel width of 12.5 or 25 kHz.
The disadvantage of such systems is low bandwidth and low noise immunity, since a signal with a bandwidth of 12.5 kHz is easy to suppress.
Systems using specialized radio interfaces.
These systems use radio interfaces adapted to the solution of radio security tasks and provide information protection and high noise immunity of the communication channel.
An example of such a system is the ARKAN radio channel system, which uses narrow-band signals and the «frequency hopping» algorithm for transmission.
Frequency tuning occurs randomly in a wide band (300–500 kHz). This solution provides high noise immunity and high system capacity.
The disadvantages of long-range radio channel systems include the high cost of network installation, but with a large number of subscribers these costs are recouped.
These systems are widely used in medium and large cities at central monitoring stations with a subscriber base of over 2,000–3,000 subscribers.
Satellite systems
These systems use satellite communications as communication channels (GlobalStar, Inmarsat, Thuraya). Such systems are used to monitor/protect remote objects, in places where there is no mobile or wired communication.
The main disadvantage of these systems is the high cost of both subscriber equipment and operating costs. On the other hand, these systems have no other alternative for solving the problems of protecting remote single objects.
In terms of issues of interfacing the fire alarm system and channel-forming equipment, there are three solutions:
Fire alarm system with built-in radio channel equipment
This solution is simple and inexpensive, in one case you get both a security panel with an uninterruptible power supply and a radio channel.
The disadvantage of this solution is the small number of protected zones, as a rule, there are no more than 4–8.
But for small objects this is a completely acceptable and very economical solution.
OPS with external radio channel equipment connected via a specialized interface
Systems of this type are usually offered by manufacturers that have a wide range of fire alarm systems and various types of channel-forming equipment. Therefore, depending on the specific task, the user can determine for himself the composition of the designed fire alarm system and create a «constructor» from the necessary components.
As a rule, these systems use bus interfaces for communication between nodes (for example, RS-485). The advantage of this approach is the flexibility of fire alarm design.
Depending on the task, you can choose a control panel with the required number of security zones, use a radio channel or wired communication, while all the equipment will be unified, have a single operating logic and single exchange protocols.
The disadvantage of this solution is that you will not be able to use equipment from different manufacturers, and this is not always convenient, for example, if you are going to use the fire alarm systems of one manufacturer and the radio channel of another.
OPS with external radio channel equipment connected via a standard interface
This approach solves the problem described above. Using a standard interface, you can use equipment from different manufacturers.
However, today equipment manufacturers do not strive to develop a single standard, on the contrary, they use their own closed protocols.
The only open standard today is the ContactID interface, developed by ADEMCO and designed to transmit messages over telephone lines in DTMF tone mode.
Most control panels have this interface. Therefore, the only solution for manufacturers of channel-forming equipment for security systems was to implement a ContactID decoder inside their devices.
These solutions are widely used today in both GSM modems and radio channel systems.
The user, in turn, can choose which communication channel to use: wired or wireless, while the OPS equipment does not need to be remounted or reconfigured, just the ContactID output is connected either to the telephone line or to the input of the radio transmitter.
To summarize, we can say that all of the listed technologies, with the exception, perhaps, of satellite security systems, are currently actively developing and are widely used to solve problems of protecting stationary objects.
The choice of a particular wireless system is determined depending on the type of objects, their number, requirements for the reliability of message delivery and the remoteness of the objects.
In some cases, redundancy of communication channels is used to increase reliability.
We can say that the future belongs to wireless technologies and they will soon completely displace wired security systems from the market.
Modular radio channel security system PowerMax Complete
The Visonic PowerMax Complete radio channel panel has a stylish, modern case. An additional design element is the bright blue backlight of the LCD display and control keys.
The PowerMax Complete implements a modular principle for changing the configuration. The system can be equipped with an internal or external GSM modem.
The last device has an independent uninterruptible power supply. The system's service life has been increased to 48 hours in the absence of mains voltage.
Two RS-232 ports allow the panel to work with several devices simultaneously.
New detectors have been developed specifically for PowerMax Complete to prevent emergency situations: the MCT-442 CO detector and the MCT-560 temperature detector.
The new model retains the main successful solutions implemented in PowerMax Plus — voice prompts, full control via a mobile phone, automatic dialing of private phones, etc.
The number of zones also remained unchanged (28 radio zones and 1 wired).
Terminals for connecting another zone, programmable output, external siren, additional microphone and speaker are located on the expander board.
Radio channel notification transmission system «Rif String-202»
RSPI «Rif String-202» is designed for centralized protection of territorially distributed stationary objects with transmission of security and fire notifications via radio channel.
The system operates in the frequency range within the permitted band of 433.92 MHz ±0.2%, while the power of the object transmitters does not exceed 10 mW.
The distinctive features of the RSPI «Rif String-202» are Hopping technology («jumping radio frequencies»), a pseudo-random algorithm for changing the frequency for each transmitter of the system, ultra-narrowband communication channels, increased protection against interference, digital signal processing, noise-resistant coding and other technical solutions.
The combination of these and other features ensures reliable transmission of notifications via radio from protected facilities to the security console at a distance of up to 50 kilometers or more.
No permits are required to deploy and operate the Rif String-202 system.
STRELETS® Professional Radio System for Security and Fire Alarm and Addressable Analogue Fire Alarm
High noise immunity is ensured by the presence of a two-way exchange protocol between all Argus-Dialog® radio devices, 10 radio frequency transmission channels with automatic and manual selection, as well as functions for automatic selection of a backup transmission channel free from interference, transmission of test messages (12 sec), and diversity radio reception.
Cryptographic protection of signals with a dynamic authentication mechanism is provided. Microcellular topology of the system with a range of: 600 m within a microcell, 1000 m between microcells.
The system capacity is 768 radio devices: up to 16 radio expanders, 32 detectors plus 16 control devices for each radio expander.
The system has two operating frequency ranges: 433 MHz or 868 MHz (Russia)
The operating life of radio detectors: from the main battery up to 7.5 years, from the backup battery — 2 months.
The operating temperature range: from -300C to +550C.
It is possible to integrate with the security and fire alarm systems «Akkord-512», «Raduga-2A/4A/3/240», the transmission of notifications SPI «Atlas-20», radio-SPI «Argon», «Andromeda», «Mirage», video surveillance «VideoIntellect», access control and management ACS «Kronverk».
Programmable wireless alarm ABAX from Satel with a high level of data protection
The ABAX system includes wireless controllers, security sensors, alarms and other devices of the fire alarm system of the Satel company, on the basis of which a wireless alarm system of an office, store or apartment is built.
This system allows you to expand any wired fire alarm system with wireless devices.
An important feature of ABAX is the presence of two-way radio communication between the controller and the device with data encryption, which provides a high degree of protection of the fire alarm system from hacking and sabotage.
ABAX instantly responds to alarm events and transmits the alarm to the system control panel.
At the same time, it ensures the operation of the alarm system in energy-saving mode and allows remote configuration of wireless devices using Russified software.
ABAX operates in the frequency band of 868.0 … 868.6 Hz with FSK modulation.
The ACU-100 controller from Satel is used as the basic device for the ABAX alarm system. It can simultaneously service up to 48 security devices and works in conjunction with any control panels (CP).
ABAX organizes two-way communication between wireless devices, so the reception of messages from alarm sensors is always confirmed.
At the same time, the ACU-100 conducts an on-line survey of wireless alarm sensors, determining the presence of each device in the system.
Radio channel complex for ensuring security of real estate ARKAN-ESTATE
The ARKAN-ESTATE complex is part of the «System for monitoring and transmitting notifications for stationary and mobile objects ARKAN».
The ARKAN-ESTATE complex is designed to professionally ensure the security of residential and non-residential real estate, property owners by monitoring the status of security and fire sensors and panic buttons with subsequent transmission of alarm signals via a specialized highly secure radio channel ARKAN.
Number of security loops — 7.
Number of control lines (arming/disarming) — 3.
Number of controlled outputs (open collector) — 3.
Operating frequency band — 146-174 MHz. Average transmitter power — no more than 1 W.
Average current consumption (at 12.6 V) in standby mode — no more than 30 mA, in transmission mode — no more than 250 mA.
Average operating time from a backup battery (7 Ah) — 5 days.
Radio channel solutions based on «Vista — 501»
Radio channel solutions based on «Vista — 501» panels successfully use wireless (radio channel) technical means.
Using them, you can create a reliable and fully functional alarm and notification system at sites where it is impossible or impractical to implement wired solutions.
Communication between the detectors and the receiving module is guaranteed at a distance of up to 60 meters, and the power supply is sufficient for continuous operation for two years.
The list of wireless equipment offered includes receivers of the 58811 series, compatible with Vista, differing in the number of controlled zones, radio channel control panels, security and fire alarms, sound alarms, — that is, the entire list of products necessary for equipping a facility of any complexity.
ERA GSM Security Series Controllers
ERA-GSM series controllers are designed to operate as part of the certified fire alarm and dispatching system «SHS-RICS» («СШС-РИКС»), as well as the SHS-GSM monitoring console system.
The ERA-GSM series controllers can work both with the central monitoring station and transmit messages and receive commands from an ordinary cell phone, for example, the owner of the facility.
A combined mode is also widely used, when the main work is with the central monitoring station, but certain categories of messages are duplicated on the phones of the owners, officials or security personnel.
The device can work with four-wire analog detectors (security, fire, alarm).
The built-in GSM module can transmit messages to ten phone numbers of system users.
The ability to control various equipment at the protected facility is provided by using relay outputs and open collectors that receive control commands from the owner's cell phone.
If you have any questions about organizing a radio security system, you can contact technical support provided in the contact information.
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