Analysis of existing regulatory, technical and methodological documents in terms of ensuring the reliability of communication facilities.

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Analysis of existing regulatory, technical and methodological documents in terms of ensuring the reliability of communication facilities.

An analysis of existing regulatory, technical and methodological documents in terms of ensuring the reliability of communication facilities is provided.

It is shown that the current and newly developed international, interstate military standards of the SRPPVT, SNT, SNVT, KSOTT, KSKK, ESZKS systems, as well as inter-service regulatory documents of the system of general technical requirements of the Ministry of Defense fully provide, in general methodological terms, both organizational and methodological aspects of ensuring the reliability of communication equipment samples as an independent type of military equipment.

The purpose of this analysis is to determine the adequacy of the regulatory and methodological framework for ensuring the reliability of communication facilities (CF) at all stages of their life cycle (LCL) [1,2].

For a better understanding of the issue under study, we will define the terms “reliability” and “ensuring the reliability of CF”.

By reliability we mean the property of an object to maintain over time, within established limits, the values ​​of all parameters characterizing the ability to perform the required functions in specified modes and conditions of use, maintenance and repair (M&R), storage and transportation.

By ensuring reliability we mean a set of interrelated organizational and technical requirements and measures to be carried out at certain stages of the life cycle of objects (products) and aimed at justifying the nomenclature and setting the necessary levels of quantitative and qualitative requirements for reliability indicators, ensuring their achievement during the development and production of products, as well as maintaining (or increasing) and, if necessary, restoring the achieved level during operation.

From the above definition, it is clear that ensuring the reliability of any technical system, including SS, is a complex characteristic and includes several areas of activity or processes.

Figure 1 provides a graphical representation of the main types of activity to ensure the reliability of SS.

It is clear from Fig. 1 that the determining factor for setting and solving problems on ensuring the reliability of the control system is the presence of reliability requirements. This implies the following rule. It makes sense to plan and carry out any work to ensure the reliability of any type of control system only when the consumer (customer) makes requirements for reliability, that is, to solve this problem, regulatory documents (RD) defining the reliability requirements must initially be defined. It should be noted that the content of the requirements, depending on the type of RD and its place in the hierarchy of RD on the reliability of control systems, can and should vary in a wide range: from the most general qualitative requirements to specific quantitative values ​​of reliability indicators.

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Fig. 1. Graphical representation of the content of ensuring the reliability of the SS

The following have been identified as the main factors that have a decisive influence on issues of ensuring reliability at the stage of research and justification of the development of promising SS models:

  • the degree of development of quantitative and qualitative requirements for the main properties of reliability, taking into account the general technical requirements (GTR) for communication systems and networks, requirements for diagnostic and control systems, maintenance and repair (M&R), spare parts, etc.;
  • the achieved level of reliability indicators (RI) of prototype products, the presence of real capabilities and reserves of industry to increase the reliability of promising models of SS;
  • the quality of the R&D work to justify the requirements for new SS developments;
  • the degree of development of the process and procedures for setting reliability requirements in the technical specifications (TS) for R&D, the presence of procedures for developing failure criteria and limit states of products agreed upon between the customer and the developer;
  • the presence and degree of development of requirements for methods and techniques to ensure reliability, including control and assessment of the compliance of promising SS products with the requirements imposed on all LCCs;
  • the degree of standardization of the above factors in the regulatory and technical documents (RTD) of the customer and industry.

As noted earlier, the process of ensuring the reliability of SS products should be based on a set of organizational and technical measures aimed at increasing the efficiency of using positive factors (contributing to increasing reliability) and reducing the impact (exclusion, protection, neutralization) of factors that negatively affect the level of reliability of products at various LCCs. Moreover, the content and procedures for the implementation of each measure should be regulated by the relevant NTD.

The issues of ensuring the reliability of SS products at all stages of their life cycle (according to GOST B 15.004 [1]) are reflected to one degree or another in a whole range of regulatory, normative-technical and methodological documents related to the following main standardization systems:

a) the system of general technical requirements (GTR) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for types of weapons and military equipment (WME), including the GTR system of the NS Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

b) the system of development and launching into production of military equipment (SRPP VT) — in accordance with GOST RV 15.1.001 [2];

c) the system of state standards for technological preparation of production (STPP) — in accordance with GOST 14.001 [3];

d) the system of interstate standards «Reliability in Technology» (SNT) — in accordance with GOST 27.001 [4];

d) the integrated system of general technical requirements (KSOTT) and the integrated quality control system (KSQC) — in accordance with GOST RV 20.39.301 [5], combined into the complex of state military standards «Moroz-6» (ND levels 1 and 2);

e) the system of state military standards «Reliability of military equipment» (SNVT) — in accordance with GOST 27.1.01 [6];

g) unified system of protection of materials and products from corrosion and ageing (ESZKS) — in accordance with GOST 9.101 [7];

z) system of product quality indicators (SPKP);

i) state system of ensuring the uniformity of measurements (GSI);

j) unified system of technological documentation (ESTD);

l) unified system of program documentation (ESPD);

l) unified system of design documentation (ESKD);

n) system of general technical state standards used in ensuring various aspects of reliability of SS;

o) the system of current industry standards (OST, OST V) and guidelines (RD, RDV) on issues of ensuring and monitoring the reliability of SS products at the production stage;

n) the system of standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission (ST IEC), general technical standards and NTD of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on issues of ensuring the reliability of SS at the development and operation stages.

It should be noted that the unification of NTD into systems according to lists m) — n) is artificial in nature and is done in order to ensure the convenience of their analysis.

These systems and groups of regulatory documents include 188 documents that regulate, to varying degrees, the issues of ensuring the reliability of the SS.

In general, the existing regulatory, technical and methodological base can be considered sufficient to ensure the reliability of SS products if each of the previously identified main aspects of this process at each LCC can be matched with regulatory and technical documents that determine:

  • the area of ​​distribution, including the SS, and the volume of tasks solved within this area;
  • the main provisions defining the directions, ways and methods of solving the tasks;
  • the list of necessary organizational and technical measures, as well as the requirements for the process and results of their implementation;
  • methods and standard techniques for monitoring the effectiveness of the measures taken;
  • the mathematical apparatus used and the procedures for its use;
  • requirements for the initial data, sources and methods for obtaining them;
  • methods, criteria and standard procedures for assessing the conformity of SS products of certain types (classes, groups) with the requirements;
  • working procedures for assessing conformity with the requirements for the reliability of products of specific types, taking into account their purpose, design features, operating modes and conditions, etc.

In addition, as experience in setting up and providing scientific and technical support for R&D projects to create samples of promising SS shows, the following conditions also influence the results of the analysis of the sufficiency of the NTD:

  • the presence in the customer and developer organizations of the SS of targeted funding for theoretical and experimental research in terms of ensuring the required level of reliability of new SS developments;
  • the presence in the customer and developer organizations of specialists with a sufficient level of qualification to successfully solve the problem of justifying (forecasting) and setting requirements for reliability and promising SS;
  • availability of the necessary testing units and modern testing facilities, as well as the efficiency of their use in order to ensure the required level of reliability of SS products.

It is obvious that due to the large volume and specificity of the tasks of various aspects of ensuring the reliability of SS products at each LCC, it is advisable to divide the general task of analyzing NTD into two main sub-stages:

a) specification of the list, hierarchy and interrelations of NTD regulating the processes (aspects) of ensuring reliability:
— development and specification of requirements for reliability of SS products;
— ensuring compliance with reliability requirements at the main LCC;
— monitoring the achieved values ​​of the RN and assessing the compliance of SS products with reliability requirements at the LCC;

b) specification of the list, hierarchy and interrelations of NTDs regulating (ensuring) the solution of tasks on the list a) at each specific LCC.

Based on the conducted analysis of NTD (about 190 documents) included in 15 systems and groups of ND, the following conclusions can be made:

1. Only 35 documents have a direct impact on the processes of ensuring the reliability of SS products, including:
— when developing and setting reliability requirements — 17 documents;
— when ensuring compliance with requirements — 10 documents;
— when monitoring the achieved values ​​of PN and assessing the conformity of samples with specified requirements — 23 documents.

2. The current and newly developed international, interstate military standards of the SRPP VT, SNT, SN VT, KSOTT, KSKK, ESZKS systems, as well as the inter-service ND of the OTT MO system fully provide, in general methodological terms, both organizational and methodological aspects of ensuring the reliability of SS samples as an independent type of weapons and military equipment.

  1. GOST RV 15.004-2004 SRPP. VT. Life cycle stages of products and materials.
  2. GOST RV 15.1.000-92 SRPP. VT. System for the development and launching of production of military equipment. Basic provisions.
  3. GOST 14.001-83. System of standards «Technological preparation of production». Basic provisions.
  4. GOST 27.001-95. System of standards «Reliability in equipment». Basic provisions.
  5. GOST RV 20.39.301-98.
  6. GOST 27.1.01-XX. System of state military standards «Reliability of military equipment». Reliability management. Basic provisions (draft).
  7. GOST 9.101-78 ESZKS. Unified system of protection against corrosion and aging. Basic provisions.

Kirichenko Nina Vasilievna
16 Central Research and Testing Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Mytishchi

Afanasyev Viktor Nikolaevich,
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Moscow

Source: magazine «Special Equipment», No. 2, 2010

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