Alexander Shirokov: Don't skimp on saving.

aleksandr shirokov ne ekonomte na ekonomii 2

AZ: The KROK company has long been known as a major system integrator, but the department that you head appeared relatively recently.

Alexander Shirokov:KROK has been implementing projects for the integrated automation of office buildings since 2002. But over the past year and a half, both the number and complexity of projects on «intelligent buildings» have noticeably increased, and a decision was made to create a separate department. Resources from other departments (primarily specialists from the engineering systems automation department) will continue to be involved in integrated projects to equip «intelligent buildings», and employees of my department will be engaged in sales and project management.

AZ: What is holding back the development of the «intelligent buildings» market in Russia? After all, this area is developing much faster abroad.

Alexander Shirokov:An objective restraining factor is probably the fact that in our country the problem of saving electricity is not as urgent as abroad. When the cost of electricity becomes noticeable, then, I think, many companies will understand the importance of comprehensive automation of engineering systems. The market is also slowed down by the fact that most Russian organizations do not have a single department responsible for the creation of a new building as a whole. One department is responsible for construction, another for the cable system and telephony, a third for water supply, sewerage, ventilation, and a fourth for electricity. Of course, in such a situation, it is very difficult to coordinate and promote projects. They should all understand their benefits from automated system management and unite! Disunity is a serious obstacle. Some potential customers are confused by the significant cost of «intelligent building» systems. After all, investments are required at the construction stage, and even earlier, and the return is not felt immediately. Investors and builders try to cut the budget from the very beginning, although later you can save on the operation of the systems. And much more and for much longer. And it is only worth spending wisely at the initial stage. Is it really not clear that you can't save on saving?

AZ: Could you tell us a little more about KROK's projects? Who is the main customer of «smart buildings» today?

Alexander Shirokov:«Intelligent buildings» are in demand by large organizations, regardless of the industry. Currently, our department is working on about 30 projects of various scales, of which 15 can be specifically attributed to «intelligent construction». This is the creation of complexes of 10-20 engineering systems for government agencies, banks, and an oil transportation company. In Moscow and Ryazan, we equip buildings of branches of JSC «SO-CDU UES». We are managing projects for 47 arbitration courts of the Russian Federation throughout the country. All these projects are at different stages: some buildings are only being built, in some, some of the systems are already functioning.

A very promising sector is investors in the construction of office centers who plan to lease out offices. For them, «intelligent building» systems are very profitable, because they will guarantee tenants a stable level of quality of all life-support systems. And they will save significantly on maintenance — both in money and in the work of operating personnel, which will be required less. I have no doubt that in the future we will see large projects with the most rationally thinking developers.

AZ:What are the main advantages of implementing an integrated building automation and dispatching system compared to autonomous engineering and technical systems?

Alexander Shirokov: The main advantage is the convenience and efficiency of operating all systems. Reliability, reduced likelihood of breakdowns, rapid elimination of accident consequences, forecasting possible emergency situations, planning routine maintenance and repairs.

AZ:And how are operating costs reduced with the integrated automation of engineering systems?

Alexander Shirokov:There are estimates in the press according to which the introduction of a dispatching system for managing engineering infrastructure allows saving up to 15-18% of electricity, heat, and water. And very significant savings can be achieved by reducing the number of service personnel.

AZ:Is it possible to talk about the real risks associated with the lack of integrated automation and building control systems in Russia using specific accidents as an example?

Alexander Shirokov: In May 2005, a short circuit occurred at one of Mosenergo's substations. This was followed by a cascading power outage in almost all of Moscow and several other regions.
As a result, the work of many enterprises was disrupted. The damage was over 2.2 billion rubles. You must admit, the amount is impressive!
Last winter, due to prolonged frosts, rolling blackouts of power supply began in a number of Russian regions. Enterprises stopped again. And here the economic damage was quite noticeable. But it is known that in different Russian regions, power system equipment is worn out by 40 to 80%! That is, the potential for repeated accidents and, of course, economic damage is very high.

But integrated automation and dispatching systems could completely eliminate failures in operation.

AZ: What information or assistance from the BIG-RU Association would be useful for the work of KROK?

Alexander Shirokov: Both we and the customers of «intelligent buildings» need information on the use of modern technologies in the design and creation of engineering systems, on methods for calculating the efficiency of automation, on positive experience in the operation of «intelligent buildings».

I see assistance from the BIG-RU Association in accumulating and popularizing such information.

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