Addressable control and monitoring devices.
Agree that the main criteria for choosing a fire alarm system (FAS) is the maximum convenience of its installation and operation, as well as the ability of this system to quickly and accurately notify of alarm events.
Any competent designer and reasonable customer is guided, first of all, by these criteria, and even at the stage of preparation for the design of a practical and effective FAS for organizing the protection of the facility.
In my opinion, addressable systems are the best solution for this today.
Let's take a closer look at some of the advantages of addressable systems.
The purpose of addressable fire alarm control and alarm systems (FAAS) is to organize the protection of objects with medium and large information capacity with the transmission of information about the operation of detectors in different security zones with an accuracy of up to the detector.
The use of an addressable loop (AL) allows you to reduce the cost of installation work by one and a half times compared to the cost of installing a radial alarm loop.
ALS also allows you to determine the location of a break or short circuit in the loop. This significantly reduces the time for troubleshooting.
The obvious advantage of such control panels is the transmission of high-precision information to security consoles, an informative event protocol.
Most of the security equipment available on the market has a wide range of units and modules included in the complexes, which in many cases allows optimizing the structure of the devices for a specific object and specific security tactics.
The combination of modularity, addressability and high information content provide flexibility in design, ease of maintenance and configuration, and ease of installation.
The equipment of leading manufacturers uses an independent interface (usually based on the RS-485 protocol), which functions as a communication line.
This line is used to connect object blocks and modules.
Some devices may also have an additional communication line to which the most important blocks and modules are connected, providing communication with the outside world.
This solution allows you to maintain the information content of the system even if the main LC is damaged.
An uninterruptible power supply with a digital information output, which can be part of the system, allows for controlled voltage throughout the facility.
Its use increases the reliability of power supply and localizes an emergency situation.
The service personnel receives information about the state of the power grid and the performance of the battery. In the event of an emergency power outage, the addressable power supply switches to backup power.
The flexibility of systems, which is achieved by using addressable control panels, allows them to be used at a wide variety of sites. For example, to organize the protection of industrial, office, retail premises, business centers, educational and cultural and entertainment institutions.
For example, for more than two years now, the fire alarm system based on the addressable PPKOP has been in operation at various non-departmental security facilities in the Leningrad Region: museums in Peterhof, warehouses, stores, private homes, cottages.
According to feedback from installation companies and service personnel, the cost-effectiveness of installing fire alarm systems and the high stability of equipment operation, ease of maintenance and programming can be noted.
The information content of the event log, which allows you to determine the exact location, time and sequence of events at the facility, has also been positively assessed.
This equipment is successfully used in organizing fire safety at facilities with an area of more than 300 sq. m.
Examples of installation include hangar building No. 2 and the Sheremetyevo-1 aircraft service station, and the Nizhny Novgorod Trade Union Sports Palace.
Some addressable fire alarm control panels can also be used in organizing the protection of industrial facilities with explosive zones.
Such equipment allows for the organization of security for premises with high requirements for intrinsic safety in compliance with all regulatory requirements both for the organization of facility protection and in terms of ensuring explosion safety.
Organization of security for explosive zones based on a single set of equipment ensures unification of design solutions and expands the functionality of the security system.
The first installations of such systems were made at Gazprom facilities.
This equipment is also in demand in production facilities, warehouses for bulk and flammable materials, fuel and lubricants — industrial enterprises with the requirement to use spark-proof equipment.
The modular principle of the system allows us to offer new solutions for protecting facilities with increased security requirements.
For example, organizing a security system with remote video surveillance.
In this case, the complex is supplemented with a remote video monitoring module controlled via a communication line, allowing you to monitor the situation at the protected facility and receive timely video information about violations via digital lines, including the GSM channel to a remote security console.
The combination of flexible programming with an advanced event system and a video frame buffer allows you to confidently record the moment of violation, as well as events preceding and following the violation of the zone.
Images from the facility, received at a remote centralized monitoring station located anywhere in the world, will help to promptly detect a violation, make a decision and prevent theft, as well as identify the offender and assist in investigating the incident.
A similar addressable alarm system complex, which includes a working remote video surveillance module, has been used for over a year at a number of stations of the St. Petersburg metro. The system provides control in areas with limited access and outputs alarm audio and video information to the station duty officer.
It should also be noted that such areas of application of modular-designed PPKOP in multi-story residential buildings and housing complexes as ensuring the safety of common property and organizing comprehensive protection of residential property in multi-story buildings and cottage villages should be noted.
For this purpose, there are opportunities to create complete solutions, including the organization of access control to protected premises.
Moreover, in addition to the security function with the organization of additional security zones inside the residential premises, the use of such control panels also allows for the control of the safe operation of gas and water equipment using alarms included in the system.
The high information content of the selected security alarm system allows you to quickly identify the location of the event, the method of penetration, thereby preventing illegal actions or taking measures to eliminate the accident that has occurred.
Technical implementation of residential property security projects varies depending on the selected method of organizing housing security: through your own control panel (autonomous security) or with the transmission of a signal to centralized monitoring centers of private security companies or private security companies with the departure of a squad (centralized security).
Autonomous security of residential properties implies the presence of a security post (or concierge) in a residential building or village, where information about the activation of sensors at the protected property is received.
This project allows not only to protect the premises, but also to monitor water and gas leaks.
Thus, the OPS system ensures comprehensive security of residential property both in the event of failure of household life support systems at home, and in the event of attempts to encroach on private property.
Depending on the signal address, the dispatcher (or concierge) calls the appropriate service: a rapid response team or the appropriate emergency services for gas or water leaks.
Centralized security of apartments in a multi-story building or cottages with the involvement of a remote centralized security post performs exclusively security functions.
A call to a private security company or private security company group is made through an autodialer module via a telephone line or GSM channel.
In this option, as in the previous one, the address differentiation of signals received from objects plays a decisive role in the prompt determination of the violation zone.
Thus, addressable control panels, due to their adaptability to solve a variety of problems and a wide range of applications, are, in fact, multifunctional systems.
Practice has shown that the technical implementation of these solutions has already made it possible to ensure reliable protection of various types of facilities and difficulties.
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