#detection of explosive devices
Practical actions of private security company employees upon detection of explosive devices.
KS GUVD «Practical recommendations»
As experience shows, an explosive device (ED) or a suspicious object is detected either by employees or visitors of the facility, who inform the nearest security guard about the find or call the duty officer at the post, or by the security service employees themselves when inspecting the building and territory, conducting control raids, etc.
1. If a security guard discovers explosive devices or suspicious objects, he/she is obliged to immediately:
— report the find to the shift supervisor, the police and/or the private security company duty officer;
— call the task force, the post reinforcement group (or other forces available to the private security company);
— if for some reason this is impossible, call the contact numbers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other operational services indicated in the notification scheme;
— move away from the place where the explosive device was found to an appropriate distance, do not allow unauthorized persons near the explosive device.
In this case, the private security company employee is obliged to report: the time, place, circumstances of the discovery of the explosive object, its external signs, the presence and number of people at the place of its discovery, the nature of the premises, or the proximity of other buildings and structures, and to give a preliminary assessment of the possible consequences in the event of an explosion.
2. Upon receiving information from citizens about the discovery of explosive or suspicious objects, the shift supervisor and (or) the private security company duty officer are obliged to:
— register the exact time of receipt of the message, its content;
— find out information about the person who reported it (full name, residential address, home or work telephone number, place of work), the circumstances under which the explosive object was discovered (time, place, its external features, presence and number of people at the place of discovery, proximity of other premises or objects, possible consequences in the event of an explosion).
— warn the applicant of the impending danger, of the inadmissibility of any actions in relation to the suspicious object, ask him to warn other citizens nearby about the incident and urge them to leave the danger zone.
3. After receiving a signal about the discovery of an explosive device, the shift supervisor and (or) the duty officer of the private security company is obliged to:
— immediately report the incident to the head of the police department or the person replacing him, to the duty unit of the Department of Internal Affairs, the Main Directorate of Internal Affairs, the duty services of the FSB, the Main Directorate of Civil Defense and Emergencies for the city of Moscow and other competent services;
— notify the senior shift managers and the facility administration;
— send the available private security company on duty to the location where the explosive device was discovered (according to the daily plan).
4. At the location where the explosive device was discovered, security personnel (who discovered it or arrived at the duty officer’s command) are required to:
— take measures to fence off the explosive device or suspicious object (using improvised means or warning tape);
— notify tenants, visitors, spectators, using pre-approved texts, while preventing panic, about the need to evacuate from the danger zone;
— ensure the cordoning off of the danger zone;
— evacuate citizens from the danger zone (in the event of a mass evacuation of all those located at the facility — in accordance with the existing evacuation plans);
— ensure that people and vehicles are not allowed into the danger zone.
Sometimes it is advisable to take some additional measures, in particular:
— open windows to disperse a possible blast wave.
— remove particularly valuable equipment or enclose it with sandbags;
— treat the equipment with fire-fighting foam;
— remove materials that could detonate during an explosion;
— de-energize the external power source and turn off the gas supply;
— remove objects from the possible planting site that, during an explosion, could create an additional damaging effect due to flying fragments, etc.
5. In order to ensure the safety of people, citizens are usually evacuated not only from the room where the explosive device was discovered, but also from the entire building.
Recommended evacuation zones upon detection of an explosive device or an object suspected of being an explosive device:
RGD 5 grenade — not less than 50 m.
F-1 grenade — not less than 200 m.
A TNT block weighing at least 200 grams — 45 m.
A TNT block weighing at least 400 grams — 55 m.
A beer can with a capacity of 0.33 liters — 60 m.
A MON-50 mine — 85 m.
A diplomat (case) — 230 m.
A travel suitcase — 350 m.
A Zhiguli-type car — 450 m.
A Volga-type car — 580 m.
A minibus — 920 m.
Truck (van) — 1240 m.
6. Security personnel in the area where an explosive device was discovered are required to observe the following rules:
— not to take any independent actions with respect to the explosive device or suspicious object — this may lead to an explosion, casualties and destruction;
— in all cases, give instructions not to approach, touch, open or move the find;
— when using short-range radio stations, move away from the suspicious object to a safe distance, since the source of the radio signal can provoke the detonation of an explosive device;
— remember that the appearance of an object can hide its real purpose. Ordinary household items can be used as camouflage for explosive devices: bags, packages, packages, boxes, toys, etc.;
— if for some reason an explosive device ends up in the hands of a security guard, it must be placed with extreme caution in a place (within the premises) where it will cause the least amount of damage if it explodes. If circumstances require moving a suspicious object, it is best to do so using a rope with a hook on the end (like a grappling hook for minesweeping) from behind some secure cover.
7. The senior security guard in the area where the explosive device was discovered must maintain constant contact with the police station duty officer and other competent persons and report on the measures taken and the situation at the scene.
8. It is necessary to ensure the presence of the persons who discovered the find before the arrival of the operational investigation group, and to record their identification data. If necessary, it is advisable to evacuate witnesses to a safe place and ensure their protection. Actively collect information and evidence on emergencies.
9. Upon arrival of police officers and other emergency services, report to them on the work done and act in accordance with the instructions of the responsible manager.
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